77 research outputs found
Integration and conjugacy in knot theory
This thesis consists of three self-contained chapters. The first two concern
quantum invariants of links and three manifolds and the third contains results
on the word problem for link groups.
In chapter 1 we relate the tree part of the Aarhus integral to the
mu-invariants of string-links in homology balls thus generalizing results of
Habegger and Masbaum.
There is a folklore result in physics saying that the Feynman integration of
an exponential is itself an exponential. In chapter 2 we state and prove an
exact formulation of this statement in the language which is used in the theory
of finite type invariants.
The final chapter is concerned with properties of link groups. In particular
we study the relationship between known solutions from small cancellation
theory and normal surface theory for the word and conjugacy problems of the
groups of (prime) alternating links. We show that two of the algorithms in the
literature for solving the word problem, each using one of the two approaches,
are the same. Then, by considering small cancellation methods, we give a normal
surface solution to the conjugacy problem of these link groups and characterize
the conjugacy classes. Finally as an application of the small cancellation
properties of link groups we give a new proof that alternating links are
non-trivial.Comment: University of Warwick Ph.D. thesi
A characterization of partially dual graphs
In this paper, we extend the recently introduced concept of partially dual
ribbon graphs to graphs. We then go on to characterize partial duality of
graphs in terms of bijections between edge sets of corresponding graphs. This
result generalizes a well known result of J. Edmonds in which natural duality
of graphs is characterized in terms of edge correspondence, and gives a
combinatorial characterization of partial duality.Comment: V2: the statement of the main result has been changed. To appear in
A permanent formula for the Jones polynomial
The permanent of a square matrix is defined in a way similar to the
determinant, but without using signs. The exact computation of the permanent is
hard, but there are Monte-Carlo algorithms that can estimate general
permanents. Given a planar diagram of a link L with crossings, we define a
7n by 7n matrix whose permanent equals to the Jones polynomial of L. This
result accompanied with recent work of Freedman, Kitaev, Larson and Wang
provides a Monte-Carlo algorithm to any decision problem belonging to the class
BQP, i.e. such that it can be computed with bounded error in polynomial time
using quantum resources.Comment: To appear in Advances in Applied Mathematic
Separability and the genus of a partial dual
Partial duality generalizes the fundamental concept of the geometric dual of
an embedded graph. A partial dual is obtained by forming the geometric dual
with respect to only a subset of edges. While geometric duality preserves the
genus of an embedded graph, partial duality does not. Here we are interested in
the problem of determining which edge sets of an embedded graph give rise to a
partial dual of a given genus. This problem turns out to be intimately
connected to the separability of the embedded graph. We determine how
separability is related to the genus of a partial dual. We use this to
characterize partial duals of graphs embedded in the plane, and in the real
projective plane, in terms of a particular type of separation of an embedded
graph. These characterizations are then used to determine a local move relating
all partially dual graphs in the plane and in the real projective plane
Constructing a Tutte polynomial for graphs embedded in surfaces
There are several different extensions of the Tutte polynomial to graphs embedded in surfaces. To help frame the different options, here we consider the problem of extending the Tutte polynomial to embedded graphs starting from first principles. We offer three different routes to defining such a polynomial and show that they all lead to the same polynomial. This resulting polynomial is known in the literature under a few different names including the ribbon graph polynomial, and 2-variable Bollobas-Riordan polynomial.Our overall aim here is to use this discussion as a mechanism for providing a gentle introduction to the topic of Tutte polynomials for graphs embedded in surfaces
Partial duals of plane graphs, separability and the graphs of knots
There is a well-known way to describe a link diagram as a (signed) plane
graph, called its Tait graph. This concept was recently extended, providing a
way to associate a set of embedded graphs (or ribbon graphs) to a link diagram.
While every plane graph arises as a Tait graph of a unique link diagram, not
every embedded graph represents a link diagram. Furthermore, although a Tait
graph describes a unique link diagram, the same embedded graph can represent
many different link diagrams. One is then led to ask which embedded graphs
represent link diagrams, and how link diagrams presented by the same embedded
graphs are related to one another. Here we answer these questions by
characterizing the class of embedded graphs that represent link diagrams, and
then using this characterization to find a move that relates all of the link
diagrams that are presented by the same set of embedded graphs.Comment: v2: major change
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