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    Terahertz metamaterials on flexible polypropylene substrate

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11468-014-9724-1In this work, we present a metamaterial working at terahertz frequencies made over a flexible polypropylene sub-strate. The experimental measurements, in accordance with the numerical calculations, show the metamaterial reliance on the impinging electric field polarization. The structure s symmetry yields purely electrical resonant responses eliminating bianisotropy effects. The widely used bendable polypropylene polymer may promote the insertion of metamaterial-based structures with special electromagnetic response in a number of objects of our daily lives such as textiles, automotive components, and sensingThis work was supported by the Spanish MICINN under contracts CONSOLIDER EMET CSD2008-00066 and TEC2011-28664-C02-02 and by the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia under the program INNOVA 2011.Ortuño Molinero, R.; García Meca, C.; Martínez Abietar, AJ. (2014). Terahertz metamaterials on flexible polypropylene substrate. Plasmonics. 9(5):1143-1147. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11468-014-9724-1S1143114795Smith DR, Padilla WJ, Vier DC, Nemat-Nasser SC, Schultz S (2000) Composite medium with simultaneously negative permeability and permittivity. Phys Rev Lett 84:4184–4187Pendry JB (2000) Negative refraction makes a perfect lens. Phys Rev Lett 85:3966–3969Zhang X, Liu Z (2008) Superlenses to overcome the diffraction limit. Nat Mater 7:435–441Pendry JB, Schurig D, Smith DR (2006) Controlling electromagnetic fields. Science 312:1780–1782Schurig D, Mock JJ, Justice BJ, Cummer SA, Pendry JB, Starr AF, Smith DR (2006) Metamaterial electromagnetic cloak at microwave frequencies. Science 314:977–980Rodríguez-Cantó PJ, Martínez-Marco M, Rodríguez-Fortuño FJ, Tomás-Navarro B, Ortuño R, Peransí-Llopis S, Martínez A (2011) Demonstration of near infrared gas sensing using gold nanodisks on functionalized silicon. 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    A review on thin-film sensing with terahertz waves

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    In the past two decades, the development and steady improvement of terahertz technology has motivated a wide range of scientific studies designed to discover and develop terahertz applications. Terahertz sensing is one such application, and its continued maturation is virtually guaranteed by the unique properties that materials exhibit in the terahertz frequency range. Thinfilm sensing is one branch of this effort that has enjoyed diverse development in the last decade. Deeply subwavelength sample thicknesses impose great difficulties to conventional terahertz spectroscopy, yet sensing those samples is essential for a large number of applications. In this article we review terahertz thin-film sensing, summarizing the motivation, challenges, and state-of-the-art approaches based predominately on terahertz time-domain spectroscopy