5 research outputs found

    Multi Variate Analysis Of Risk Factors For Caesarean Section In The University College Hospital Ibadan

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    To determine the effect of maternal age, parity and booking status and fetal weight and presentation on caesarean section rate at a teaching hospital Method: Retrospective analysis of the mode of delivery within a 5 year period as contained in patients' medical records using frequency distribution and cross tabulations of risk factors. Logistic regression analysis was used to determine the predictors of Caesarean section. Result: Caesarean section rate was 22%. The highest rates were found among women aged 40 years and above, nulliparous and unbooked. Fetal macrosomia and abnormal presentation were also associated with high caesarean section rate. Predictors of Caesarean section were maternal age , parity, booking status and fetal presentation while fetal sex and birth weights were not. Conclusion: Caesarean section rate has remained constant over the last 3 decades and the risk factors still play the same role despite an increase in health personnel, facilities and general public educational level. There is a need to focus on the predictors of caesarean section, improve public health education, provide adequate prenatal and intrapartum care, encourage external cephalic version for breech presentation and increase contraceptive usage in order to reduce the caesarean section rate. KEY WORDS: Caesarean section, Risk factors. Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice Vol.6(2) 2003: 87-9