8 research outputs found

    Partitioning core and satellite taxa from within cystic fibrosis lung bacterial communities

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    Cystic fibrosis (CF) patients suffer from chronic bacterial lung infections that lead to death in the majority of cases. The need to maintain lung function in these patients means that characterising these infections is vital. Increasingly, culture-independent analyses are expanding the number of bacterial species associated with CF respiratory samples; however, the potential significance of these species is not known. Here, we applied ecological statistical tools to such culture-independent data, in a novel manner, to partition taxa within the metacommunity into core and satellite species. Sputa and clinical data were obtained from 14 clinically stable adult CF patients. Fourteen rRNA gene libraries were constructed with 35 genera and 82 taxa, identified in 2139 bacterial clones. Shannon–Wiener and taxa-richness analyses confirmed no undersampling of bacterial diversity. By decomposing the distribution using the ratio of variance to the mean taxon abundance, we partitioned objectively the species abundance distribution into core and satellite species. The satellite group comprised 67 bacterial taxa from 33 genera and the core group, 15 taxa from 7 genera (including Pseudomonas (1 taxon), Streptococcus (2), Neisseria (2), Catonella (1), Porphyromonas (1), Prevotella (5) and Veillonella (3)], the last four being anaerobes). The core group was dominated by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Other recognised CF pathogens were rare. Mantel and partial Mantel tests assessed which clinical factors influenced the composition observed. CF transmembrane conductance regulator genotype and antibiotic treatment correlated with all core taxa. Lung function correlated with richness. The clinical significance of these core and satellite species findings in the CF lung is discussed

    Microbiome in cystic fibrosis: shaping polymicrobial interactions for advances in antibiotic therapy

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    Recent molecular methodologies have demonstrated a complex microbial ecosystem in cystic fibrosis (CF) airways, with a wide array of uncommon microorganisms co-existing with the traditional pathogens. Although there are lines of evidence supporting the contribution of some of those emergent species for lung disease chronicity, clinical significance remains uncertain for most cases. A possible contribution for disease is likely to be related with the dynamic interactions established between microorganisms within the microbial community and with the host. If this is the case, management of CF will only be successful upon suitable and exhaustive modulation of such mixed ecological processes, which will also be useful to predict the effects of new therapeutic interventions.The authors report no declarations of interest. The authors acknowledge the financial support provided by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (grant: SFRH/BD/47613/2008 - Susana Lopes, ANTIPEP project PTDC/SAU-SAP/113196/2009 and DNA mimics project PIC/IC/82815/2007). The authors would also like to acknowledge the support of the COST-Action TD1004: Theragnostics for imaging and therapy

    Clinical and in vitro

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    Treatment of infections caused by Burkholderia cepacia complex (Bcc) in cystic fibrosis (CF) patients poses a complex problem. Bcc is multidrug-resistant due to innate and acquired mechanisms of resistance. As CF patients receive multiple courses of antibiotics, susceptibility patterns of strains from CF patients may differ from those noted in strains from non-CF patients. Thus, there was a need for assessing in vitro and clinical data to guide antimicrobial therapy in these patients. A systematic search of literature, followed by extraction and analysis of available information from human and in vitro studies was done. The results of the analysis are used to address various aspects like use of antimicrobials for pulmonary and non-pulmonary infections, use of combination versus monotherapy, early eradication, duration of therapy, route of administration, management of biofilms, development of resistance during therapy, pharmacokinetics–pharmacodynamics correlations, therapy in post-transplant patients and newer drugs in Bcc-infected CF patients

    Infrastructure and Organization of Adult Intensive Care Units in Resource-Limited Settings

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    In this chapter, we provide guidance on some basic structural requirements, focusing on organization, staffing, and infrastructure. We suggest a closed-format intensive care unit (ICU) with dedicated physicians and nurses, specifically trained in intensive care medicine whenever feasible. Regarding infrastructural components, a reliable electricity supply is essential, with adequate backup systems. Facilities for oxygen therapy are crucial, and the choice between oxygen concentrators, cylinders, and a centralized system depends on the setting. For use in mechanical ventilators, a centralized piped system is preferred. Facilities for proper hand hygiene are essential. Alcohol-based solutions are preferred, except in the context of Ebola virus disease (chloride-based solutions) and Clostridium difficile infection (soap and water). Availability of disposable gloves is important for self-protection; for invasive procedures masks, caps, sterile gowns, sterile drapes, and sterile gloves are recommended. Caring for patients with highly contagious infectious diseases requires access to personal protective equipment. Basic ICU equipment should include vital signs monitors and mechanical ventilators, which should also deliver noninvasive ventilator modes. We suggest that ICUs providing invasive ventilatory support have the ability to measure end-tidal carbon dioxide and if possible can perform blood gas analysis. We recommend availability of glucometers and capabilities for measuring blood lactate. We suggest implementation of bedside ultrasound as diagnostic tool. Finally, we recommend proper administration of patient data; suggest development of locally applicable bundles, protocols, and checklists for the management of sepsis; and implement systematic collection of quality and performance indicators to guide improvements in ICU performance