20 research outputs found

    Новое в минералогии колчеданных месторождений Урала

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    The study of mode of occurrence of Au, Ag, Bi, Se and Te covers a row of giant VMS deposits of the Urals (Uralian or Cu-Zn-pyritic type): nondeformed Safyanovsk, altered by late hydrothermal processes Uzelginsk, intensively deformed Gay and Uchaly and a few small polymetallic and Cu-Co deposits.Изучены формы нахождения Au, Ag, Bi, Se и Te в крупных колчеданных месторождениях - слабо метаморфизованных Сафьяновском и Узельгинском, деформированных Гайском и Учалинском, а также небольших полиметаллических и Cu-Co месторождениях

    Минералогические особенности руд медноколчеданного месторождения Юбилейное (Ю. Урал)

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    Mineralogical composition features of large copper-pyritic Yubileinoye deposit (slightly metamorphized and now exploited by open pit) are studied. Major ore structures include impregnated, spotted, banded, stringer structures. Two generations of chalcopyrite, sphalerite and quartz, and 3 generation of pyrite were found. Proper gold minerals occur as tiny isolations of native gold (fineness 631-662) in veinlets accompanied by tennantite-tetrahedrite and galena; the connection of native gold with these minerals is supported by close correlation Au with Pb, As and Sb in ore composition.Изучены особенности минерального состава руд крупного медноколчеданного месторождения Юбилейное - относительно слабо метаморфизованного и в настоящее время вскрываемого карьером. Основными текстурами руд являются вкрапленные, пятнистые, полосчатые, прожилковые. Выделено по две генерации халькопирита, сфалерита, кварца и три генерации пирита. Собственные минералы Au представлены мельчайшими выделениями самородного золота (пробность 631-662) в прожилках в ассоциации с блеклой рудой и галенитом; тесная связь самородного золота с указанными минералами подтверждается высокой положительной корреляцией Au с Pb, As и Sb в составе руд

    Уникальное месторождение рения в угленосных песках карбона Русской плиты. Сообщение 1. Геологическое строение

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    The Briketno-Zheltukhinskoe U–Mo–Re deposit in the southern sector of the Moscow Lignite Basin (central part of the East European platform) localized in paleo-channel and deltaic coal-bearing sandy sediments of the Bobrikovsky horizon of Visean age, lying on the Famennian limestone, and covered by younger Neogene–Quaternary sand and clay. In tectonic terms, the position of the deposit corresponds to the South shoulder of the Pachelma Aulacogen, cross-sected by SN-trending fault zone. The presence of a thick gray-colored unit of mixed-grained moderately and poorly sorted sands containing carbonaceous plant detritus constitutes one of the major lithologic-facies factors of localization of U–Mo–Re mineralization. The sand-dominated Bobrikovsky series was accumulated in fluvial, swamps inland, onshore delta-plain and shallow-sea lagoonal environments accompanied by a warm humid climate. A combined syn-epigenetic formation model of the U–Mo–Re paleovalley type deposit is proposed. Subeconomic stratabound U (±Mo, Re) mineralization associated with carbonaceous and clayey horizons was accumulated during sedimentation and at the stage of diagenesis. During epigenesis, U–Mo–Re ores were deposited by oxidized groundwater as a result of their lateral filtration through highly permeable sand horizons and metal concentrations at the reduction and sorption barriers. General subhorizontal stratiform structure of the ore deposit is complicated by the presence of sub-vertical morphological (swell of sand horizon plus strong pyritization) and concentration (Re + Mo column-like maximums) ore shoots. They occur in domed structures that disturb the horizontal structure of the host sedimentary unit. It is possible that these domes and ore shoots are the result of hydrothermal-hydraulic processes caused by the activity of deep crustal fluids and, taking into account the renium-abundance, probably of mantle fluids as well.Брикетно-Желтухинское U–Mo–Re месторождение в южной части Подмосковного буроугольного бассейна (центральная часть Восточно-Европейской платформы) локализовано в палеорусловых и дельтовых угленосных песчаных отложениях бобриковского горизонта визейского возраста, залегающих на известняках фаменского яруса и перекрытых более молодыми неоген-четвертичными песками и глинами. В тектоническом плане позиция месторождения отвечает южному плечу Пачелмского авлакогена, рассеченному меридиональной разломной зоной. Присутствие мощной сероцветной толщи разнозернистых умеренно- и плохосортированных песков, содержащих углефицированный растительный детрит, является одним из главных литолого-фациальных факторов локализации U–Mo–Re оруденения. Существенно песчаная бобриковсккая свита накопилась в речной, заболоченной, дельтовой и мелководно-лагунной остановках на фоне теплого влажного климата. Предложена комбинированная син-эпигенетическая модель образования U–Mo–Re месторождения палеодолинного типа. Субпромышленные послойные скопления U (±Mo, Re), связанные с углистыми и глинистыми горизонтами, накопились при осадконакоплении и на стадии диагенеза. При эпигенезе, U–Mo–Re руды осаждались окисленными подземными водами в результате их латеральной фильтрации через высокопроницаемые горизонты песков и концентрации металлов на восстановительных и сорбционных барьерах. Общее субгоризонтальное стратиформное строение рудной залежи осложнено наличием субвертикальных морфологических (раздувы мощности горизонта песков и их сильная пиритизация) и концентрационных (Re + Mo максимумы) рудными столбами. Они находятся в куполовидных структурах и нарушают горизонтальное залегание вмещающей осадочной толщи. Не исключено, что эти рудные столбы являются результатом гидротермально-гидравлических процессов, обусловленных деятельностью глубинных коровых (а с учетом рениеносности – и мантийных?) флюидов

    Subvolcanic gabbro–porphyrite and intrusive diorite, and sulfide mineralization of the Dzhusa volcanogenic massive sulfide deposit (Southern Urals)

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    Two sequentially formed groups of dikes in the gabbro–porphyrite complex have been distinguished, the ages of which are early Eifelian (early dikes) and early Givetian (late dikes). We have estimated the temperature impact of ore contact metamorphism, which is related to dikes of the Lower Carboniferous Magnitogorsk intrusive complex. A hidden zonality of microimpurities in the ore-forming minerals has been established for the first time by the LA-ICP-MS method. The ore formation age has been determined as early Eifelian–early Givetian. © 2017, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Unique Rhenium Deposit in the Carboniferous Coal-bearing Sands of the Russian Plate: Communication 1. Geological Structure

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    Abstract: The Briketno-Zheltukhinskoe U–Mo–Re deposit is located in the southern sector of the Moscow lignite basin (central East European Platform). It is restricted to the paleochannel and deltaic coal-bearing sandy sediments of the Visean Bobrikov horizon lying on the Famennian limestone. They are overlain by the younger Neogene–Quaternary sands and clays. Tectonically, the deposit is ascribed to the southern shoulder of the Pachelma aulacogen crosscut by the SN-trending fault zone. The presence of a thick gray-colored unit of inequigranular moderately and poorly sorted sands containing the coalified plant detritus served as the main lithological-facies factor for the localization of U–Mo–Re mineralization. The Bobrikov sandy formation was accumulated in the fluvial, swampy, onshore deltaic, and shallow-sea lagoonal environments with warm humid climate. A combined syn-epigenetic model is proposed to explain the formation of the U–Mo–Re paleovalley-type deposit. Subeconomic stratabound U (±Mo, Re) mineralization associated with the carbonaceous and clayey horizons was accumulated during sedimentation and diagenesis. During epigenesis, the U–Mo–Re ores were deposited by oxidized groundwater owing to its lateral filtration through highly permeable sand horizons and metal accumulation at the reducing and sorption barriers. The general subhorizontal stratiform structure of the ore deposit is complicated by the subvertical morphological (swell of sand horizon plus strong pyritization) and concentration (Re + Mo column-like maximums) ore shoots. They occur in dome-like structures that disturb the horizontal structure of the host sedimentary unit. It is possible that these domes and ore shoots are the result of hydrothermal-hydraulic processes caused by the activity of deep crustal (likely, mantle as well with allowance for the Re mineralization) fluids. © 2020, Pleiades Publishing, Inc

    Geological Position and Structural Control of Ore Mineralization in the Toupugol–Khanmeishor District (the Polar Urals) Based on the Remote Sensing Results

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    Abstract: Large ring, arc, and radial structures have been identified by complex processing of the multispectral satellite imagery of the Landsat. These structures control the gold mineralization position in the Toupugol–Khanmeishor ore district (Novogodnenskoe ore cluster, Polar Urals). This area has been compared with the Tur’insk–Auerbakh ore district (Auerbakh ore cluster, Northern Urals). Similar geological features, regularity in the structures, and the location of gold mineralization in the system of morphostructures have been revealed. The formation depth of the magmatic chambers has been determined for the Novogodnenskoe and Auerbakh paleovolcanic structures for the first time. These chambers are located at depths of ~4 and ~20 km, respectively, in the upper and middle parts of the earth’s crust. The Novogodnenskoe structure is a monogenic structure. It was formed under the influence of one leading geological process. The Auerbakh structure is a larger and more complex structure; it is characterized by a long and multistage development. According to the paleovolcanic reconstruction results, the root (focal) part of the Auerbakh structure plunged from the southeast to the northwest during the evolution of the magmatic process. Gold mineralization within the studied areas of the Northern Urals is confined to the intersections of radial faults near the centers of large concentric morphostructures. © 2019, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Subvolcanic gabbro–porphyrite and intrusive diorite, and sulfide mineralization of the Dzhusa volcanogenic massive sulfide deposit (Southern Urals)

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    Two sequentially formed groups of dikes in the gabbro–porphyrite complex have been distinguished, the ages of which are early Eifelian (early dikes) and early Givetian (late dikes). We have estimated the temperature impact of ore contact metamorphism, which is related to dikes of the Lower Carboniferous Magnitogorsk intrusive complex. A hidden zonality of microimpurities in the ore-forming minerals has been established for the first time by the LA-ICP-MS method. The ore formation age has been determined as early Eifelian–early Givetian. © 2017, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Геологическая позиция и структурный контроль оруденения Тоупугол-Ханмейшорского района (Полярный Урал) по результатам дистанционного зондирования

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    Large ring, arc and radial structures were identified based on complex processing of the multispectral satellite imagery of the Landsat apparatus. These structures control the position of gold mineralization of the Toupugol-Khanmeyshorsky ore district (Novogodnenskoe ore cluster, the Polar Urals). The comparative characteristic of this territory with the Turinsk-Auerbakh ore district (Auerbach ore cluster, the Northern Urals) was held. Similar geological features, regularity of the structures and location of gold mineralization in the system of morphostructures were revealed. For the first time, the depths of the formation of magmatic chambers were determined for the Novogodnensky and Auerbach paleovolcanic structures. These chambers were located at depths of ~4 km and ~20 km, respectively in the upper and middle parts of the earth's crust. These are sitting. The Novogodnensky structure is a monogenic structure. It formed under the influence of one leading geological process. The Auerbach structure is larger and more complex structure; it is characterized by a long and multi-stage development. The paleovolcanic reconstruction showed that the root (focal) part of the Auerbach structure plunges from the southeast to the northwest during of the magmatic process evolution. Gold mineralization within the studied areas of the Northern Urals is confined to the intersections of radial faults near the centers of large concentric morphostructures.По материалам многозональной космической съемки аппарата Landsat выявлены крупные кольцевые, дуговые и радиальные структуры, определяющие позицию золоторудного оруденения Тоупугол-Ханмейшорского рудного района (Новогодненское рудное поле, Полярный Урал). Выполнена сравнительная характеристика этой территории с Турьинско-Ауэрбаховским рудным районом (Ауэр- баховское рудное поле, Северный Урал) и выявлено наличие схожих закономерностей геологического строения и размещения месторождений и рудопроявлений в системе морфоструктур. Впервые для Новогодненской и Ауэрбаховской структур были оценены глубины образования магматических очагов, составляющие ~4 км и ~20 км и расположенные, соответственно, в верхней и средней частях земной коры. Установлено, что Новогодненская структура представляет собой моногенную структуру, образованную под влиянием одного ведущего геологического процесса, тогда как Ауэрбаховская кольцевая структура - более крупная, имеет сложное строение и характеризуется длительным и многоэтапным развитием. Тектоновулканическая реконструкция обнаружила, что корневая (очаговая) часть Ауэрбаховской структуры погружалась с юго-востока на северо-запад в ходе развития магматического процесса. Золоторудная минерализация в пределах изученных районов севера Урала приурочена к узлам пересечения радиальных разломов вблизи центров крупных концентрических морфоструктур

    Geological position and structural control of ore mineralization of the Toupugol-Khanmeyshorsky district (the Polar Urals) as a result of remote sensing [ГЕОЛОГИЧЕСКАЯ ПОЗИЦИЯ И СТРУКТУРНЫЙ КОНТРОЛЬ ОРУДЕНЕНИЯ ТОУПУГОЛ-ХАНМЕЙШОРСКОГО РАЙОНА (ПОЛЯРНЫЙ УРАЛ) ПО РЕЗУЛЬТАТАМ ДИСТАНЦИОННОГО ЗОНДИРОВАНИЯ]

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    Large ring, arc and radial structures were identified based on complex processing of the multispectral satellite imagery of the Landsat apparatus. These structures control the position of gold mineralization of the Toupugol-Khanmeyshorsky ore district (Novogodnenskoe ore cluster, the Polar Urals). The comparative characteristic of this territory with the Turinsk-Auerbakh ore district (Auerbach ore cluster, the Northern Urals) was held. Similar geological features, regularity of the structures and location of gold mineralization in the system of morphostructures were revealed. For the first time, the depths of the formation of magmatic chambers were determined for the Novogodnensky and Auerbach paleovolcanic structures. These chambers were located at depths of ~4 km and ~20 km, respectively in the upper and middle parts of the earth's crust. These are sitting. The Novogodnensky structure is a monogenic structure. It formed under the influence of one leading geological process. The Auerbach structure is larger and more complex structure; it is characterized by a long and multi-stage development. The paleovolcanic reconstruction showed that the root (focal) part of the Auerbach structure plunges from the southeast to the northwest during of the magmatic process evolution. Gold mineralization within the studied areas of the Northern Urals is confined to the intersections of radial faults near the centers of large concentric morphostructures. 2019 © Irkutsk State University. All Rights Reserved

    Structural Control of Gold Mineralization of the Central Part of the Malouralsky Volcano–Plutonic Belt (the Polar Urals), Based on an Analysis of Multispectral Images from the Landsat 8 Spacecraft

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    Abstract: The central part of the Malouralsky volcanic–plutonic belt, which includes the Manyukuyu–Vorchatinsky ore cluster, is analyzed using multispectral imagery from the Landsat-8 Earth remote sounding satellite with the aim of identifying gold deposits and compared with the Toupugol–Khanmeishor ore region. Similar features in the geological structure and location of deposits and ore deposits in the system of morphological structures are found that should help to develop predictive and prospecting indicators (geological and morphological) of gold mineralization. Three structures are distinguished via analysis of satellite images: the monogenic Novogodnenskaya structure (the Toupugol–Khanmeishorsky ore region) formed under the influence of one main geological process and morphostructures Nos. 1 and 2 (the central part of the Malouralsky volcanic–plutonic belt). These two structures are larger and more complex, with long multistage development. Magmatic chambers are located at depths of ~12 and ~16 km, respectively, for morphostructures Nos. 1 and 2; their root (focal) parts extended southward and then southwestward, respectively, during magmatic development. Prospecting for hydrothermal gold mineralization at the north of the eastern slope of the Polar Urals should be done at the periphery of the centers of large complex morphostructures with long and multistage development with signs of telescoping. Mineralization should be localized in areas of concentration of northwestern and/or northwestern lineaments and in regional fault zones that can be hundreds of kilometers long. © 2020, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd