3 research outputs found

    Structural analysis of the diagnostic rack locking in ITER lower port #8

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    ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) is a nuclear fusion research and engineering project. Itis supposed to be the first fusion device to test the integrated technologies, materials and operational regimesnecessary for the commercial production of fusion-based electricity. Front (explored in this paper) and Backdiagnostic racks are used as supporting structures of the so-called ITER Divertor Thomson Scattering (DTS)Diagnostic System that is created to measure plasma characteristics. They will be attached to the lower port walls(ITER ports are used to locate diagnostic equipment and its supporting structures) through the so-called DivertorRails. The developed design of the Front (Diagnostic) Rack locking (e.g. Rack attachment to the rails mechanism)was analyzed in this research to be consistent with thermal stresses, electromagnetic and seismic loads takinginto account some specific assembly and maintenance loads including preloading under installation. The analysisof the rack locking design’s resistance to the mentioned loads should prove correspondence of the suggestedcommon rack design with the structure integrity criterions. Construction strength under the most severe loadingscenario was estimated in this research and appropriate conclusions were made. It was found out that the stresscriterion was not fully satisfied, so a new rack locking design concept was proposed. Its main details are alsodescribed at the end of this article

    Structural analysis of large-scale SS collecting mirrors for ITER diagnostics

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    ITER is a nuclear fusion research and engineering project. It is supposed to be the first fusion device designed for testing the integrated technologies, materials, and physical aspects necessary for development of the commercially available fusion-power plant. One of the important components of the project is optical diagnostic systems with collecting mirrors. These mirrors have to provide stability of optical systems under severe loads of different types that could possibly arise in the tokamak. The collecting mirrors of several ITER diagnostics have a large scale and should be installed into diagnostic ports. Thermal stress analysis of the mirror updated design is aimed to obtain deformation and rotation values of the mirrors’ reflecting surfaces in order to conduct ray tracing analysis and to edit mirrors alignment to provide correct functioning of the optical systems. The maximum temperature values of the Divertor Thomson Scattering collecting mirrors were estimated for the normal operation mode. The FE model of the second mirror takes into account all the force boundary conditions, basic kinematic boundary conditions and constraints. Boundary conditions taken for the simulation were applied on surfaces contacting with the diagnostic rack. Thermally stressed state was calculated and corresponding displacement and rotation distributions were obtained