12 research outputs found

    Crossover phenomenon in self-organized critical sandpile models

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    We consider a stochastic sandpile where the sand-grains of unstable sites are randomly distributed to the nearest neighbors. Increasing the value of the threshold condition the stochastic character of the distribution is lost and a crossover to the scaling behavior of a different sandpile model takes place where the sand-grains are equally transferred to the nearest neighbors. The crossover behavior is numerically analyzed in detail, especially we consider the exponents which determine the scaling behavior.Comment: 6 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Strong Phase Separation in a Model of Sedimenting Lattices

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    We study the steady state resulting from instabilities in crystals driven through a dissipative medium, for instance, a colloidal crystal which is steadily sedimenting through a viscous fluid. The problem involves two coupled fields, the density and the tilt; the latter describes the orientation of the mass tensor with respect to the driving field. We map the problem to a 1-d lattice model with two coupled species of spins evolving through conserved dynamics. In the steady state of this model each of the two species shows macroscopic phase separation. This phase separation is robust and survives at all temperatures or noise levels--- hence the term Strong Phase Separation. This sort of phase separation can be understood in terms of barriers to remixing which grow with system size and result in a logarithmically slow approach to the steady state. In a particular symmetric limit, it is shown that the condition of detailed balance holds with a Hamiltonian which has infinite-ranged interactions, even though the initial model has only local dynamics. The long-ranged character of the interactions is responsible for phase separation, and for the fact that it persists at all temperatures. Possible experimental tests of the phenomenon are discussed.Comment: To appear in Phys Rev E (1 January 2000), 16 pages, RevTex, uses epsf, three ps figure

    Scaling in a Nonconservative Earthquake Model of Self-Organised Criticality

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    We numerically investigate the Olami-Feder-Christensen model for earthquakes in order to characterise its scaling behaviour. We show that ordinary finite size scaling in the model is violated due to global, system wide events. Nevertheless we find that subsystems of linear dimension small compared to the overall system size obey finite (subsystem) size scaling, with universal critical coefficients, for the earthquake events localised within the subsystem. We provide evidence, moreover, that large earthquakes responsible for breaking finite size scaling are initiated predominantly near the boundary.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev. E; references sorted correctl