9 research outputs found

    Ocean currents south of Africa from drifters

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    Transport and transformation of surface water masses across the Mascarene Plateau during the Northeast Monsoon season

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    The Mascarene Plateau lies in the south-west Indian Ocean between the islands of Mauritius and the Seychelles Bank, and is characterised by a series of shallow banks separated by deep (>1 000 m), narrow channels. The plateau acts as an obstruction to the general ocean circulation in this region, separating the westward-flowing South Equatorial Current (SEC) into two branches downstream of the plateau. In this article, we present the results of a survey conducted along the entire Mascarene Plateau during the Northeast Monsoon, in October–November 2008. In addition, data from Argo floats were used to determine the origin of water masses entering this region. The plateau contains three gaps through which branches of the SEC are channelled. The northern, central and southern gaps receive 14.93 Sv, 14.41 Sv and 6.19 Sv, respectively. Although there are differences in water-mass properties to the west and east of the Mascarene Plateau due to mixing, the SEC acts as a sharp boundary between water masses of southern and northern Indian Ocean origin. Mixing occurs in the central gap between intermediate water masses (Red Sea Water [RSW] and Antarctic Intermediate Water [AAIW]) as well as in the upper waters (Subtropical Surface Water [STSW] and Indonesian Throughflow Water [ITW]). Through the northern gap, mixing occurs between Arabian Sea High-Salinity Water (ASHSW), ITW and Tropical Surface Water (TSW), while through the southern gap, mixing occurs between STSW and ITW. North Indian Deep Water (NIDW) is present in the region but the plateau appears to have no effect on it.Keywords: cruise survey, geostrophic velocities, satellite altimetry, Seychelles Bank, South Equatorial Current, sub-mesoscale circulation, water masses, western Indian Ocea

    Phytoplankton distribution and nitrogen dynamics in the southwest Indian subtropical gyre and Southern Ocean waters

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    During the 1999 Marion Island Oceanographic Survey (MIOS 4) in late austral summer, a northbound and reciprocal southbound transect were taken along the Southwest Indian and Madagascar Ridge, between the Prince Edward Islands and 31° S. The sections crossed a number of major fronts and smaller mesoscale features and covered a wide productivity spectrum from subtropical to subantarctic waters. Associated with the physical survey were measurements of size fractionated chlorophyll, nutrients and nitrogen (NO<sub>3</sub>, NH<sub>4</sub> and urea) uptake rates. Subtropical waters were characterised by low chlorophyll concentrations (max = 0.27.3 mg m<sup>−3</sup> dominated by pico-phytoplankton cells (> 81%) and very low f-ratios (< 0.1), indicative of productivity based almost entirely on recycled ammonium and urea. Micro-phytoplankton growth was limited by the availability of NO<sub>3</sub> (< 0.5 mmol m<sup>−3</sup> and Si(OH)<sub>4</sub> (< 1.5 mmol m<sup>−3</sup> through strong vertical stratification preventing the upward flux of nutrients into the euphotic zone. Biomass accumulation of small cells was likely controlled by micro-zooplankton grazing. In subantarctic waters, total chlorophyll concentrations increased (max = 0.74 mg m<sup>−3</sup> relative to the subtropical waters and larger cells became more prevalent, however smaller phytoplankton cells and low f-ratios (< 0.14) still dominated, despite sufficient NO<sub>3</sub> availability. The results from this study favour Si(OH)<sub>4</sub> limitation, light-limited deep mixing and likely Fe deficiency as the dominant mechanisms controlling significant new production by micro-phytoplankton. The percentage of micro-phytoplankton cells and rates of new production did however increase at oceanic frontal regions (58.6% and 11.22%, respectively), and in the region of the Prince Edward archipelago (61.4% and 14.16%, respectively). Here, water column stabilization and local Fe-enrichment are thought to stimulate phytoplankton growth rates. Open ocean regions such as these provide important areas for local but significant particulate organic carbon export and biological CO<sub>2</sub> draw-down in an overall high nutrient low chlorophyll Southern Ocean

    Elephant seal foraging dives do indeed track prey distribution, but temperature influences the distribution of prey: Reply to Boersch-Supan et al. (2012)

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    McIntyre et al. (2011a; Mar Ecol Prog Ser 441:257-272) illustrated a number of relationships between environmental variables and the dive behaviour of satellite-tracked southern elephant seals Mirounga leonina. One of these associations was that seals tended to increase their dive depths and spend less time at targeted dive depths when swimming in warmer waters. Boersch-Supan et al.’s (2012; Mar Ecol Prog Ser 461:293-298) comment on this study suggests that the link described between dive depths and in situ temperature is actually a link between dive depths and prey distribution. We do not dispute this assertion, having discussed this likelihood in McIntyre et al. (2011a). Boersch-Supan et al. (2012) further provide a number of criticisms, based partly on their observations of potential prey distributions within a comparatively small geographic area. We argue that their results are not directly comparable to those presented in McIntyre et al. (2011a) given the limited spatial overlap of the study areas and sparse, small-scale dataset presented. We further provide replies to technical comments by Boersch-Supan et al. (2012) pertaining to our data analyses

    Evolution of green lacewings (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae): an anchored phylogenomics approach

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    Table S1. Taxa used in this study, including SRA accession numbers.Table S2. Divergence time estimates (mean ages and ranges) and branch support values for nodes in Figs 2 and S1. PP, posterior probability.Figure S1. Chronogram node numbers and fossils.Figure S2. Maximum likelihood phylogeny of Chrysopidae using AHE data. Bootstrap support values are indicated on nodes and grouped by colour according to value.Figure S3. Nucleotide Astral tree.Figure S4. BAMM plot showing the two most common shift configurations in the credible set. The ‘f’ number corresponds to the proportion of the posterior samples in which this configuration is present.Figure S5. Macroevolutionary cohort matrix for diversifica-tion. Each cell in the matrix is coded by a colour denoting the pairwise probability that two species share a common macroevolutionary rate regime. The maximum clade credi-bility tree is shown for reference in the left and upper margins of each cohort matrix.Figure S6. BAMM rate shift tree showing the overall best fit configuration. Red circles signify placement of shifts.File S1. Chrysopidae Anchored hybrid enrichment alignment. (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/action/downloadSupplement?doi=10.1111%2Fsyen.12347&file=syen12347-sup-0001-FileS1.txt)File S2. Chrysopidae anchored hybrid enrichment, partition datasets. (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/action/downloadSupplement?doi=10.1111%2Fsyen.12347&file=syen12347-sup-0002-FileS2.txt)A phylogeny of green lacewings (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) using anchored hybrid enrichment data is presented. Using this phylogenomic approach, we analysed 137 kb of sequence data (with < 10% missing) for 82 species in 50 genera of Chrysopidae under Bayesian and maximum likelihood criteria. We recovered a strongly supported tree topologically congruent with recently published phylogenies, especially relationships amongst higher‐level groups. The subfamily Nothochrysinae was recovered as paraphyletic, with one clade sister to the rest of Chrysopidae, and the second clade containing the nominal genus (Nothochrysa Navás) as sister to the subfamily Apochrysinae. Chrysopinae was recovered as a monophyletic with the monobasic Nothancylini tribe n. sister to the rest of the subfamily. Leucochrysini was recovered sister to Belonopterygini, and Chrysopini was rendered paraphyletic with respect to Ankylopterygini. Divergence times and diversification estimates indicate a major shift in rate in ancestral Chrysopini at the end of the Cretaceous, and the extensive radiation of Chrysopinae, the numerically dominant clade of green lacewings, began in the Mid‐Paleogene (c. 45 Ma).Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (209447/2013–3, to JPG), the US National Science Foundation (DEB-1144119, to SLW; DEB-1144162, to MSE; and DEB-0933588, to JDO) and the Beijing Natural Science Foundation (5162016) (to XL).https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/136531132020-07-01hj2019Zoology and Entomolog