284 research outputs found

    The role of C2 in nanocrystalline diamond growth

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    This paper presents findings from a study of nanocrystalline diamond (NCD) growth in a microwave plasma chemical vapour deposition (CVD) reactor. NCD films were grown using Ar/H2/CH4 and He/H2/CH4 gas compositions. The resulting films were characterised using Raman spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy. Analysis revealed an estimated grain size of the order of 50 nm, growth rates in the range 0.01 to 0.3 um/h and sp3 and sp2 bonded carbon content consistent with that expected for NCD. The C2 Swan band was probed using cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) to measure the absolute C2 (a) number density in the plasma during diamond film growth. The number density in the Ar/H2/CH4 plasmas was in the range 2 to 4 x 10^12 cm-3, but found to be present in quantities too low to measure in the He/H2/CH4 plasmas. Optical emission spectrometry (OES) was employed to determine the relative densities of the C2 excited state (d) in the plasma. The fact that similar NCD material was grown whether using Ar or He as the carrier gas suggests that C2 does not play a major role in the growth of nanocrystalline diamond.Comment: 39 pages, 11 figure

    Eclipsing Binaries in Open Clusters

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    Detached eclipsing binaries are very useful objects for calibrating theoretical stellar models and checking their predictions. Detached eclipsing binaries in open clusters are particularly important because of the additional constraints on their age and chemical composition from their membership of the cluster. I compile a list containing absolute parameters of well-studied eclipsing binaries in open clusters, and present new observational data on the B-type systems V1481 Cyg and V2263 Cyg which are members of the young open cluster NGC 7128.Comment: 4 pages, 2 colour figures. Poster presentation for IAUS 240 (Binary Stars as Critical Tools and Tests in Contemporary Astrophysics), Prague, August 2006. The poster itself can be dowloaded in ppt and pdf versions from http://www.astro.keele.ac.uk/~jkt/pubs.htm

    A wider Europe? The view from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine

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    On the evidence of national surveys conducted between 2000 and 2006, there is a declining sense of European self-identity in the three Slavic post-Soviet republics of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. Attitudes towards the European Union and the possibility of membership are broadly supportive, but with a substantial proportion who find it difficult to express a view, and substantial proportions are poorly informed in comparison with the general public in EU member or prospective member countries. Those who are better informed are more likely to favour EU membership and vice versa. Generally, socioeconomic characteristics (except for age and region) are relatively poor predictors of support for EU membership as compared with attitudinal variables. But ‘Europeanness’ should not be seen as a given, and much will depend on whether EU member countries emphasize what is common to east and west or establish ‘new dividing lines’ in place of those of the cold war

    Limits on the monopole magnetic field from measurements of the electric dipole moments of atoms, molecules and the neutron

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    A radial magnetic field can induce a time invariance violating electric dipole moment (EDM) in quantum systems. The EDMs of the Tl, Cs, Xe and Hg atoms and the neutron that are produced by such a field are estimated. The contributions of such a field to the constants, χ\chi of the T,P-odd interactions χeN⋅s/s\chi_e {\bf N} \cdot {\bf s}/s and χNN⋅I/I\chi_N {\bf N} \cdot {\bf I}/I are also estimated for the TlF, HgF and YbF molecules (where s{\bf s} (I{\bf I}) is the electron (nuclear) spin and N{\bf N} is the molecular axis). The best limit on the contact monopole field can be obtained from the measured value of the Tl EDM. The possibility of such a field being produced from polarization of the vacuum of electrically charged magnetic monopoles (dyons) by a Coulomb field is discussed, as well as the limit on these dyons. An alternative mechanism involves chromomagnetic and chromoelectric fields in QCD.Comment: Uses RevTex, 16 pages, 4 postscript figures. An explanation of why there is no orbital contribution to the EDM has been added, and the presentation has been improved in genera

    SS Ari: a shallow-contact close binary system

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    Two CCD epochs of light minimum and a complete R light curve of SS Ari are presented. The light curve obtained in 2007 was analyzed with the 2003 version of the W-D code. It is shown that SS Ari is a shallow contact binary system with a mass ratio q=3.25q=3.25 and a degree of contact factor f=9.4(\pm0.8%). A period investigation based on all available data shows that there may exist two distinct solutions about the assumed third body. One, assuming eccentric orbit of the third body and constant orbital period of the eclipsing pair results in a massive third body with M3=1.73M⊙M_3=1.73M_{\odot} and P_3=87.0yr.Onthecontrary,assumingcontinuousperiodchangesoftheeclipsingpairtheorbitalperiodoftertiaryis37.75yranditsmassisaboutyr. On the contrary, assuming continuous period changes of the eclipsing pair the orbital period of tertiary is 37.75yr and its mass is about 0.278M_{\odot}$. Both of the cases suggest the presence of an unseen third component in the system.Comment: 28 pages, 9 figures and 5 table

    In search of the QCD-Gravity correspondence

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    Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) is the fundamental theory of strong interactions. It describes the behavior of quarks and gluons which are the smallest known constituents of nuclear matter. The difficulties in solving the theory at low energies in the strongly interacting, non-perturbative regime have left unanswered many important questions in QCD, such as the nature of confinement or the mechanism of hadronization. In these lectures oriented towards the students we introduce two classes of dualities that attempt to reproduce many of the features of QCD, while making the treatment at strong coupling more tractable: (1) the AdS/CFT correspondence between a specific class of string theories and a conformal field theory and (2) an effective low-energy theory of QCD dual to classical QCD on a curved conformal gravitational background. The hope is that by applying these dualities to the evaluation of various properties of the strongly-interacting matter produced in heavy ion collisions one can understand how QCD behaves at strong coupling. We give an outline of the applications, with emphasis on two transport coefficients of QCD matter -- shear and bulk viscosities.Comment: 31 pages, 7 figures; Lectures delivered by D. Kharzeev at the International QGP Winter School, Jaipur, India, February 1-3, 200

    Double strand breaks in DNA resulting from double-electron-emission events

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    A mechanism of double strand breaking (DSB) in DNA due to the action of two electrons is considered. These are the electrons produced in the vicinity of DNA molecules due to ionization of water molecules with a consecutive emission of two electrons, making such a mechanism possible. This effect qualitatively solves a puzzle of large yields of DSBs following irradiation of DNA molecules. The transport of secondary electrons, including the additional electrons, is studied in relation to the assessment of radiation damage due to incident ions. This work is a stage in the inclusion of Auger mechanism and like effects into the multiscale approach to ion-beam cancer therapy.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Exploring leadership in multi-sectoral partnerships

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    This article explores some critical aspects of leadership in the context of multi-sectoral partnerships. It focuses on leadership in practice and asks the question, `How do managers experience and perceive leadership in such partnerships?' The study contributes to the debate on whether leadership in a multi-sectoral partnership context differs from that within a single organization. It is based on the accounts of practising managers working in complex partnerships. The article highlights a number of leadership challenges faced by those working in multi-sectoral partnerships. Partnership practitioners were clear that leadership in partnerships was more complex than in single organizations. However, it was more difficult for them to agree a consensus on the essential nature of leadership in partnership. We suggest that a first-, second- and third-person approach might be a way of better interpreting leadership in the context of partnerships
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