63 research outputs found

    Feed Production and Livestock Feeding: Trends and Tendencies

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    This paper is one of a series reviewing various forms of traditional agricultural production and related aspects. Preliminary work on this review was carried out within the scope of activities of the Food and Agriculture Program's Task 2 ("Technological Transformations in Agriculture: Resource Limitations and Environmental Consequences"). One of the goals of this task's activities is the review of various alternative technologies available in the world for the production of major crops and animal products. This paper can be seen as a first step towards this final objective providing information backed by concrete data. Research work on the topics presented has been carried out partly at IIASA and partly at the All-Union Research Institute of Information and Technical-Economic Research in Agriculture

    An approach for generating and detecting the signals with the given orbital angular momentum for wireless communication systems

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    The paper is devoted to the development of methods for increasing the efficiency of wireless communication channels via usage of multiplexing by the orbital angular momentum (OAM), which allows to form an additional basis of orthogonal functions for the simultaneous independent transmission of several signals. In particular, the generation process involves the formation of a beam using an antenna array radiating in the 77-78.5 GHz range, the design of which allows to form various orders of the OAM signals without restructuring. The important points in the design process were ensuring the minimum divergence of the beam during the propagation and obtaining the maximum gain. Regarding receiving, a solution was proposed for detecting an OAM signal in case of misalignment between transmitting and receiving antennas. An antenna array consisting of two perpendicular dipoles has been proposed as a receiving device, which allows receiving the OAM signal from any direction. An important point of detection is the preservation of information about the phase of the received signal. The results of calculations and simulation of the transmission and reception in the range of 77-78.5 GHz are shown.This work was supported by the grant of Russian Science Foundation (RSF) (project No. 18-19-00123)

    The presence of anti-allergic antihistamines for consumers in older age groups

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    The work investigated the availability of the antihistamines for consumers aged 45 years and older. The main factors reducing accessibility: self-healing, low frequency of references to the doctor if you have allergic reactions, failure to comply with medical appointments, low level of awareness about the use and side effects.В работе исследована доступность антигистаминных препаратов для потребителей 45 лет и старше. Выявлены основные факторы доступности: самолечение, низкая частота обращений к врачу при возникновении аллергических реакций, несоблюдение врачебных назначений, низкий уровень информированности о применении и побочных эффектах

    Physical Parameters and Comfort of the School Environment in Assessments of Schoolchildren and Teachers

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    The problem of interrelation of physical parameters of school space with the state of comfort of students and teachers in conditions of different types of educational environment is considered: "enriched", "standard" and "depleted". The hypothesis was that the assessment of comfort is interrelated with the physical parameters of the environment (temperature, air quality, illumination, acoustics, furniture) and has significant differences in the assessments of schoolchildren and teachers of schools with different types of educational environment. 416 schoolchildren and 73 teachers of three Moscow educational complexes took part in the study. Specially developed questionnaires were used. In the group of schoolchildren, significant differences in assessments of the comfort of the school space and its individual physical parameters were revealed depending on the type of educational environment and significant relationships were established between these indicators. The state of comfort of schoolchildren is determined by the type of educational environment and its physical parameters. For teachers, comfort, which is higher in comparison with the assessments of children, is determined by a favorable psychological climate and benevolent relationships

    Research in possibility of rational use of antihistamines among elderly people from the perspective of safety and economic accessibility

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    The article is devoted to the research in possibility of rational use of antihistamines among elderly people taking into account Beers criteria and STOPP/START criteria which can prevent irrational use of medicines by senior consumers. Antihistamines that are not recommended for elderly people treatment were identified. Economic accessibility of antihistamines allowed for use among people aged 65 and over was evaluated.В работе исследована возможность рационального применения антигистаминных лекарственных препаратов у пожилых потребителей с учетом критериев Бирса и STOPP/START-критериев, использование которых способно предотвратить назначение фармакотерапии пожилым пациентам ненадлежащим образом. Выявлены антигистаминные препараты, использование которых нежелательно при лечении потребителей старших возрастных групп. Исследована экономическая доступность рекомендованных антигистаминных препаратов для лиц 65 лет и старше

    The presence of anti-allergic antihistamines for consumers in older age groups

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    The work investigated the availability of the antihistamines for consumers aged 45 years and older. The main factors reducing accessibility: self-healing, low frequency of references to the doctor if you have allergic reactions, failure to comply with medical appointments, low level of awareness about the use and side effects.В работе исследована доступность антигистаминных препаратов для потребителей 45 лет и старше. Выявлены основные факторы доступности: самолечение, низкая частота обращений к врачу при возникновении аллергических реакций, несоблюдение врачебных назначений, низкий уровень информированности о применении и побочных эффектах


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    Background: Somatostatin analogues therapy is an important part of the acromegalic patients’ treatment. Aim: Assessment of treatment efficiency for patients with acromegaly using different doses of somatostatin analogues. Materials and methods: The data of 128 acromegaly patients registered in Moscow Region were analyzed, 79 (61.7%) of them were treated with somatostatin analogues. The treatment was started with a dose of 20 mg. If the target levels of growth hormone (GH) and type 1 insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) were not achieved within 6-12 months, the dose was increased to 30 mg, and then to 40 mg. If GH and IGF-1 levels fell under the target values, the dose was decreased to 10 mg. The rate of achievement of optimal GH and IGF-1 levels was analyzed depending on the somatostatin analogue doses used. Results: The percentage of the acromegalic patients who were under the first and the second lines of drug therapy, was almost similar:  55.7 and 44.3%, respectively. Sandostatin LAR in dose of 10 mg was given to 4 (5.1%) of 79 patients, 20 mg – to 33 (41.8%), 30 mg – to 11 (13.9%), and 40 mg – to 31 (39.2%) patients. The target levels of GH and IGF-1 were achieved in 57.6, 54.5, and 32.2% of patients, who received preparation in doses 20, 30, and 40 mg, respectively. Achievement of, at least, one planned criterium (GH or IGF-1) was additionally noted in 10 of 33 (30.3%), 4 of 11 (36.2%), and 9 of 31 (29%) patients within these study groups. The rate of side effects didn’t increase with the raising of оctreotide dose. Conclusion: Application of long-acting release octreotide (Sandostatin-LAR) in doses of 30 and 40 mg is safe and allows to increase percentage of acromegalic patients who achieve a biochemical control over acromegaly.Актуальность. Медикаментозное лечение аналогами соматостатина является важной составной частью лечения больных с акромегалией. Цель – оценка эффективности лечения аналогами соматостатина в различных дозах у пациентов с акромегалией. Материал и методы. Были проанализированы данные о 128 пациентах, состоявших в регистре больных акромегалией в Московской области. На лечении аналогами соматостатина находились 79 (61,7%) человек. Пациенты начинали лечение с дозы 20 мг. Если в течение 6-12 месяцев не отмечалось достижение целевых уровней гормона роста (ГР) и инсулиноподобного ростового фактора-1 (ИРФ-1), доза повышалась до 30 мг,  а затем и до 40 мг. При уровнях ГР и ИРФ-1 ниже целевых значений доза снижалась до 10 мг. Была проанализирована частота достижения целевых показателей ГР и ИРФ-1 в зависимости от дозы применяемых аналогов соматостатина. Результаты. Доли пациентов с акромегалией, получавших медикаментозное лечение в качестве первой или второй линии терапии, были примерно равны: 55,7 и 44,3% соответственно. Из 79 больных акромегалией октреотид продленного действия (Сандостатин ЛАР) в дозе 10 мг получали 4 (5,1%) больных, 20 мг – 33 (41,8%), 30 мг – 11 (13,9%), 40 мг – 31 (39,2%). Целевые показатели ГР и ИРФ-1 были достигнуты у 57,6, 54,5 и 32,2% пациентов, получавших препарат в дозах 20, 30 и 40 мг соответственно. Достижение хотя бы одного целевого показателя (ГР или ИРФ-1) наблюдалось еще у 10 из 33 (30,3%), 4 из 11 (36,2%) и 9 из 31 (29%) пациента. Частота побочных эффектов при увеличении дозы препарата не возрастала. Заключение. Применение октреотида продленного действия в дозах 30 и 40 мг является безопасным и позволяет увеличить долю пациентов с акромегалией, достигших биохимического контроля акромегалии


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    The earliest and most frequent complication after radiation therapy of squamous cell cancer of the oropharyngeal region is oral mucositis. This study aims to assess dental status in patients with squamous cell cancer of the oropharyngeal region before and after radiation therapy. The study was conducted in the examination of 69 patients with verified squamous cell cancer of the oropharyngeal region. Before and after radiation therapy, we evaluated the oral cavity with indices: prevalence and intensity of caries, individual hygiene index (Green V.), gums inflammation intensity index (PMA), periodontal disease prevalence index (CPITN). After the end of radiation therapy, oral mucositis was recorded in all patients. In the course of the study, we found a significant deterioration of the oral cavity for all indicators, especially the PMA index, gingivitis increased by 16.1% (p < 0.05). The development of oral mucositis in both the early and late postray period leads to physical suffering, and a decline in the patient 's quality of life. An important point in the prevention of oral mucositis is the early sanitization of the oral cavity and the training of the patient in the correct hygienic skills.Наиболее ранним и частым осложнением после лучевой терапии плоскоклеточного рака орофарингеальной области является оральный мукозит. Данное исследование направлено на оценку стоматологического статуса у пациентов с плоскоклеточным раком орофарингеальной области до и после лучевой терапии. Исследование проводилось при обследовании 69 пациентов с верифицированным плоскоклеточным раком орофарингеальной области. Всем пациентам до начала лучевой терапии и после ее завершения мы оценивали ротовую полость с помощью индексов: распространенности и интенсивности кариеса, индекс индивидуальной гигиены (Green V.), индекс интенсивности воспаления десны (PMA), индекс распространенности болезней пародонта (CPITN). После окончания лучевой терапии у всех пациентов был зафиксирован оральный мукозит. В ходе исследования мы выявили существенное ухудшение состояния ротовой полости по всем показателям, особенно по индексу РМА, гингивит усилился на 16,1% (p<0,05). Развитие орального мукозита как в раннем, так и в позднем постлучевом периоде приводит к физическим страданиям, и снижению качества жизни пациента. Важным моментом профилактики орального мукозита является заблаговременная санация ротовой полости и обучение пациента правильным гигиеническим навыкам