8 research outputs found

    Oral transmucosal abuse of transdermal fentanyl

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    Transdermal fentanyl is an opioid analgesic that is effective on chronic pain, and which appears to be advantageous due to several factors such as ease of administration, the relatively stable serum concentration and long dose intervals. Nevertheless, the danger of abuse and dependence exists among patients who are prescribed fentanyl patches. We present a case of transdermal fentanyl abuse, where the administration route of the drug was changed. Our patient, who had no history of substance abuse and who suffered from chronic nonmalignant pain, used the fentanyl transdermal patches as oral transmucosal medication, raising the dose by ten-fold. This abuse of the drug was only for analgesic purposes without seeking anxiolysis and/or euphoria. After treatment and progressive reduction of fentanyl, the patient remains in good condition, and is currently taking the initial dose of the drug transdermally, without having experienced any withdrawal symptoms

    Cytokine production in bipolar affective disorder patients under lithium treatment

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    Background: Our knowledge concerning immune functioning in bipolar affective disorder (BAD) is limited, while lithium's immunomodulatory effects seem multiple and conflicting. Our aim was to evaluate cytokine production and lithium's effect on it in BAD patients, using ELISPOT technique as a sensitive tool. Methods: Cytokine (IL-2, IL-6, IL-10 and IFN-γ) production from isolated peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) was evaluated (ELISPOT technique) in 40 euthymic BAD patients under chronic lithium treatment, in 20 healthy volunteers, and in 10 never medicated BAD patients before and after the introduction of lithium therapy. In all cases, cytokine plasma levels were also measured using ELISA. Results: BAD patients under chronic lithium treatment had significantly lower numbers of IL-2, IL-6, IL-10 and IFN-γ secreting cells compared to healthy volunteers. The number of cytokine secreting cells decreased in never medicated patients after 3 months of lithium treatment. In vitro stimulation of PBLs with lithium did not affect the number of cytokine secreting cells either in the patients or in the healthy volunteers. Conclusions: The significantly lower number of PBLs producing cytokines (IL-2, IL-6, IL-10 and IFN-γ) in euthymic BAD patients under chronic lithium treatment result from the long-term (over 3 months) lithium administration. In vitro stimulation of PBLs with lithium did not change the number of cytokine producing cells. Our findings may be useful in elucidating possible downregulatory effects of lithium in humans. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Quality of life in mentally ill, physically ill and healthy individuals: The validation of the Greek version of the World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL-100) questionnaire

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    Objective: The World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL-100) questionnaire is a generic quality of life (QoL) measurement tool used in various cultural and social settings and across different patient and healthy populations. The present study examines the psychometric properties of the Greek version, with an emphasis on the ability of the instrument to capture QoL differences between mentally ill, physically ill and healthy individuals. Methods: A total of 425 Caucasian participants were tested, as to form 3 groups: (a) 124 psychiatric patients (schizophrenia n = 87, alcohol abuse/dependence n = 37), (b) 234 patients with physical illness (hypertension n = 139, cancer n = 95), and (c) 67 healthy control individuals. Results: Confirmatory factor analysis was performed indicating that a four-factor model can provide an adequate instrument structure for the participating groups (GFI 0.92). Additionally, internal consistency of the instrument was shown to be acceptable, with Cronbach's α values ranging from 0.78 to 0.90 regarding the four -domain model, and from 0.40 to 0.90 regarding the six-domain one. Evidence based on Pearson's r and Independent samples t-test indicated satisfactory test/retest reliability, as well as good convergent validity tested with the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28) and the Life Satisfaction Inventory (LSI). Furthermore, using Independent samples t-test and one-way ANOVA, the instrument demonstrated good discriminatory ability between healthy, mentally ill and physically ill participants, as well as within the distinct patient groups of schizophrenic, alcohol dependent, hypertensive and cancer patients. Healthy individuals reported significantly higher QoL, particularly in the physical health domain and in the overall QoL/health facet. Mentally ill participants were distinctively differentiated from physically ill in several domains, with the greatest difference and reduction observed in the social relationships domain and in the overall QoL/health facet. Within the four distinct patient groups, alcohol abuse/dependence patients were found to report the most seriously compromised QoL in most domains, while hypertensive and cancer patients did not report extensive and significant differences at the domain level. However, significant differences between patient groups were observed at the facet level. For example, regarding the physical domain, physically ill participants reported more compromised scores in the pain/discomfort facet, while mentally ill participants in the facets of energy/fatigue, daily living activities and dependence on medication. Conclusion: The findings of the study indicate that the Greek version of WHOQOL-100 provided satisfactory psychometric properties supporting its use within general and pathological populations and in the context of national and crosscultural QoL measurement. © 2009 Ginieri-Coccossis et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    Three cases of zolpidem dependence treated with fluoxetine: The serotonin hypothesis

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    Zolpidem is an Imidazopyridine hypnotic that is believed to act selectively at al subunit-containing gamma-aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) receptors and thus to have minimal abuse and dependence potential. We present three cases of Zolpidem abuse and dependence in which the drug was used not for sedation but for stimulation and anxiolysis. All of the patients were treated with fluoxetine (a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) and managed to discontinue the abuse and remain abstinent from the drug. The efficacy of this kind of medication on the abuse of a GABAergic agonist, in this case dependence on zolpidem, leads to a serotonergic and GABAergic system interaction hypothesis. © 2003 Informa UK Ltd All rights reserved

    Polymorphisms of the CD14 Genes are Associated with Susceptibility to Alcoholic Liver Disease in Greek Patients

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    Background: The incidence and severity of alcoholic liver disease (ALD) in chronic drinkers has been found to correlate with some environmental factors and especially with the dose of alcohol consumption, but it is obvious that other parameters clearly contribute to individual alcohol susceptibility. Chronic ethanol exposure leads to continuous endotoxin-mediated Toll-like receptor-4 (TLR-4) and CD14 activation and subsequent cytokine release resulting in chronic inflammation with continued hepatocellular damage. Therefore, genetic studies of polymorphism in TLR-4 and CD14 genes seem to be appropriate in determining genetic susceptibility to ALD. Our aim is to evaluate in a series of Greek drinkers, the possible association of polymorphisms in the TLR-4 and CD14 genes with ALD. Methods: In 96 patients with ALD polymorphism of TLR-4 and CD14 genes were studied compared with 104 patients with cirrhosis of other etiology, 100 healthy subjects, and 50 patients with a history of alcohol abuse but without liver disease. Results: No association between ALD and the presence of the Asp299Gly and Thr399Ile polymorphisms in the TLR-4 gene could be documented in our patients. Regarding the CD14 -159 (C/T) genotypes, TT genotype and T allele were found to be overrepresented in alcoholic patients compared with patients with nonalcohol-induced liver disease and healthy controls. On the other side, when compared patients with ALD and patients with alcohol abuse and no liver disease, TT genotype was found to be significantly less frequent. There is no statistically significant association with the presence of the T allele and the severity of ALD, suggesting that CD14 polymorphism does not influence disease severity in advanced stages of the disease. Conclusions: In our series in Greek patients with alcohol abuse and alcoholic cirrhosis, a significant negative association with the CD14 endotoxin receptor gene polymorphism (TT genotype) but not with the TLR-4 gene polymorphism was documented. © 2012 by the Research Society on Alcoholism

    Long-term abstinence syndrome in heroin addicts: Indices of P300 alterations associated with a short memory task

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    Attentional deficits have been implicated in the pathophysiology of opioid addicts. The P300 component of event-related potentials (ERPs) is considered as a manifestation of attentional operations. The authors' goal was the comparison of P300 elicited during a short memory test between subjects with prolonged heroin abstinence and current heroin users as well as healthy controls. The P300 component was evaluated during the anticipatory period of a short memory task in 20 patients characterized by a past history of opioid dependence (6 months abstinence), in 18 current heroin users and in 20 healthy comparison subjects, matched for age, sex and educational level. Abstinent heroin addicts exhibited significant reduction of P300 amplitude at central frontal region, relative to the other two groups. The findings are discussed in connection to the aim of identifying psychophysiological indices, addressing issues in opioid use disorders, and suggest that knowledge about cognitive operations, such as those reflected by P300 component, could provide further insight into psychophysiological mechanisms underlying the long-term abstinence state of heroin addicts. © 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Vitamin B12 and hepatic enzyme serum levels correlate with interleukin-6 in alcohol-dependent individuals without liver disease

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    Alcohol abuse is a major cause of liver cirrhosis as well as chronic liver disease. The aim of the present study was to investigate the possible correlation, between liver dysfunction biological markers and vitamin B12, with interleukin-6, in the serum of alcohol-dependent individuals without liver disease (AWLD). In a sample of 43 alcohol abusing/dependent subjects (33 males and 10 females) treated on an inpatient basis according to a standard detoxification protocol, the serum activities of the hepatic enzymes (ASAT, ALAT, γ-GT), as well as the concentration of B12 and IL-6, were determined on admission. A strong positive correlation has been observed between IL-6 and B12, ASAT, ALAT, and γ-GT at the beginning of the detoxification period. The results confirmed that in alcohol-dependent individuals, the median serum concentration of IL-6, before the beginning of the treatment, had a significant positive correlation with the liver dysfunction biological markers and B12. In conclusion, IL-6 might be used as an additional diagnostic marker for the degree of liver dysfunction in alcohol dependent individuals. © 2007 The Canadian Society of Clinical Chemists