21 research outputs found

    Kondo Lattice Model with Finite Temperature Lanczos Method

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    We investigate the Kondo Lattice Model on 2D clusters using the Finite Temperature Lanczos Method. The temperature dependence of thermodynamic and correlations functions are systematically studied for various Kondo couplings JK. The ground state value of the total local moment is presented as well. Finally, the phase diagrams of the finite clusters are constructed for periodic and open boundary conditions. For the two boundary conditions, two different regimes are found for small JK/t, depending on the distribution of non-interacting conduction electron states. If there are states within JK around the Fermi level, two energy scales, linear and quadratic in JK, exist. The former is associated with the onsite screening and the latter with the RKKY interaction. If there are no states within JK around the Fermi level, the only energy scale is that of the RKKY interaction. Our results imply that the form of the electron density of states (DOS) plays an important role in the competition between the Kondo screening and the RKKY interaction. The former is stronger if the DOS is larger around the Fermi level, while the latter is less sensitive to the form of the DOS.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures; corrected typo

    Antiferromagnetic and spin gap phases of the anisotropic Kondo necklace model

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    We have studied the effect of anisotropies on the quantum phase transition of the Kondo necklace model in dimensions D=1, 2 and 3. Both the anisotropy δ\delta of the inter-site interaction term and anisotropy Δ\Delta of the on-site Kondo interaction have been included. We use a bond operator method with constraints implemented in mean field approximation. Starting from the paramagnetic phase we determine the critical ratio (t/J)c(t/J)_c of the quantum critical point and associated scaling exponents of the Kondo-singlet gap. We show that in the case of easy-axis type anisotropy δ>1\delta >1 a qualitatively new behavior in comparison to the conventional Kondo necklace model with (δ\delta,Δ\Delta)=(0,1) appears. We have also obtained the antiferromagnetic order parameter in the long range ordered phase for t>tct > t_c.Comment: 12 pages and 9 figures, to appear in PR

    Field induced quantum phase transition in the anisotropic Kondo necklace model

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    The anisotropic Kondo necklace model in 2D and 3D is treated as a genuine model for magnetic to Kondo singlet quantum phase transitions in the heavy fermion (HF) compounds. The variation of the quantum critical point (QCP) with anisotropy parameters has been investigated previously in the zero field case [1]. Here we extend the treatment to finite fields using a generalised bond operator representation including all triplet states. The variation of critical tc with external field H and the associated phase diagram is derived. The influence of anisotropies and the different g-factors for localised and itinerant spins on tc(H) is also investigated. It is found that three different types of behaviour may appear: (i) Destruction of antiferromangetism and appearance of a singlet state above a critical field. (ii) The inverese behaviour, namely field induced antiferromagnetism out of the Kondo singlet phase. (iii) Reentrance behaviour of the Kondo singlet phase as function of field strength.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Four-well tunneling states and elastic response of clathrates

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    We present resonant ultrasound elastic constant measurements of the clathrate compounds Eu8Ga16Ge30 and Sr8Ga16Ge30. The elastic response of the Eu clathrate provides clear evidence for the existence of a new type of four-well tunneling states, described by two nearly degenerate four level systems (FLS). The FLS's are closely linked with the fourfold split positions of Eu known from neutron diffraction density profiles. Using a realistic potential we estimate the tunneling frequencies and show that the energy gap between the two FLS's is of the same order as the Einstein oscillator frequency. This explains why the observed harmonic oscillator type specific heat is not modified by tunneling states. In addition the quadrupolar interaction of FLS's with elastic strains explains the pronounced depression observed in elastic constant measurements. In the case of the Sr clathrate, we show that the shallow dip in the elastic constant c44 is explained using the same type of quadrupolar interaction with a soft Einstein mode instead of a FLS.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Electronic structure and tunneling states in clathrates

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    Tunneling states in Eu<sub>8</sub>Ga<sub>16</sub>Ge<sub>30</sub>

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    Kondo lattice model in magnetic field

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    Emergence of Elastic Softening in Sr 8

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