3 research outputs found

    Methodological approaches to the organization of internal control of the quality and safety of medical activity in a medical organization

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    The modern stage of functioning of domestic health care is characterized by the formation of regulatory and legal requirements for the system of internal control of quality and safety of medical activity.One of the tasks of internal control of quality and safety of medical activity is to ensure and assess the compliance of medical care provided by medical workers to the criteria for assessing the quality of medical care, as well as to consider the reasons for non-compliance of medical care provided to these criteria. Requirements to quality criteria, procedures for assessing the quality of medical care, compliance with the established procedure of medical records maintenance and development of measures to eliminate and prevent violations are established by various regulatory documents. At the same time, of great importance for a medical organization is not only the fulfillment of requirements in the field of quality control and safety of medical activity, but also the introduction of an effective system of internal control of quality and safety of medical activity, based on regulatory and legal requirements and giving real results.It determines the necessity of creating in a medical organization the system of collection and analysis of quality data and development of internal documents, establishing the processes of quality control and assessment of medical care, the methodology of selecting medical documentation for control and assessment of the quality of medical care, as well as the requirements to the results of analysis and documenting of decisions made.The article presents the experience of Novosibirsk Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics named after Ya.L. Tsivian on the creation of a system for collecting and analyzing data on the quality of medical care and making management decisions to eliminate and prevent nonconformities, which operates within the framework of the quality management system of medical care of the institute

    Модель устойчивого развития научно-исследовательского учреждения здравоохранения, оказывающего высокотехнологичную медицинскую помощь

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    The issue of sustainability is relevant for all types of businesses and organizations. Long-term development has always been and remains one of the most difficult tasks faced by organizations. The implementation the provisions of international standards ISO series 9000 has proven to be effective. The ISO standards are concentrated on the global experience for sustainable success of organizations. The standards incorporated all the rational that has been accumulated in this field of knowledge and practice. These standards not only eliminate technical barriers in collaboration and have established standardized approaches, but also serve as a valuable source of international experience and ready management solutions. They became a practical guide for the creation of management systems for sustainable development in organizations of different spheres of activity.Problem and purpose. The article presents the author’s approach to the problem of sustainable development health of the organization. The purpose of this article is to examine the approaches to management for sustainable success of organizations and to describe a model of sustainable development applied in research healthcare institutions providing high-tech medical care.Methodology. The study used general scientific methods of empirical and theoretical knowledge, general logical methods and techniques and methods of system analysis, comparison, analogy, generalization, the materials research for the development of medical organizations.The main results of our work are to first develop the technique of complex estimation of activity of the scientific-research institutions of health and deploy key elements of the management system that allows the level of maturity of the management system of the institution to be set in order to identify its strengths and weaknesses, and to identify areas for improvements and innovation, and to set priorities for determining the sequence of action when implementing process improvement. Factors required for use in the management of the organization are critical to sustainable success.Conclusion. The authors observed that the implementation of the quality management system, continuous its maintenance for 15 years, and its transformation in the management system of sustainable development has improved all key performance indicators of the Novosibirsk NRITO. Positive results are confirmed by the results of self-evaluation management system for key elements, i.e. the determination of the level of maturity and tangible improvement at this level during the period of implementation of the system of sustainable development from the second to level 4 (advanced control system). Проблема устойчивого развития актуальна абсолютно для всех видов предприятий и организаций. Достижение долгосрочного развития всегда было и остается одной из самых сложных задач, с которыми приходится сталкиваться организациям. Эффективным средством успешного решения этой задачи является реализация положений международных стандартов ИСО серии 9000.1 В стандартах ИСО сконцентрирован мировой опыт по обеспечению устойчивого успеха организаций. Разработанные стандарты включают в себя все наиболее эффективное из того, что накоплено в этой области знаний и практической деятельности. Эти стандарты не только устранили технические барьеры в сотрудничестве, установили унифицированные подходы, но послужили ценным источником мирового опыта, готовых управленческих решений. Они стали практическим руководством для создания систем менеджмента устойчивого развития в организациях различных сфер деятельности.Проблема и цель. В статье представлен авторский подход к проблеме устойчивого развития медицинской организации. Цель статьи – исследовать подходы к менеджменту устойчивого успеха организаций и описать модель устойчивого развития, применяемую в научно-исследовательском учреждении здравоохранения, оказывающего высокотехнологичную медицинскую помощь.Методология. В исследовании применялись общенаучные методы эмпирического и теоретического познания, общелогические методы и приемы, а также методы системного анализа, сравнения, аналогии, обобщения, материалы собственного исследования развития медицинской организации.Результаты. Впервые разработана методика комплексной оценки деятельности научно- исследовательского учреждения здравоохранения по ключевым и развернутым элементам системы управления, позволяющая установить уровень зрелости системы менеджмента учреждения, выявить ее сильные и слабые стороны, определить области для улучшений и инноваций, а также установить приоритеты для определения последовательности действий при внедрении процессов совершенствования. Выявлены факторы, необходимые для использования в управлении организацией и являющиеся критичными для устойчивого успеха.Заключение. Внедрение системы менеджмента качества и трансформация ее в систему менеджмента устойчивого развития позволили улучшить все основные показатели деятельности Новосибирского научно-исследовательского института травматологии и ортопедии им. Я.Л. Цивьяна. Положительные итоги подтверждаются результатами самооценки системы менеджмента по ключевым элементам, что определяет уровень зрелости системы, а также ощутимое повышение данного уровня в период внедрения системы устойчивого развития со второго до четвертого уровня (расширенная система управления).

    A model of sustainable development of scientific research health institutions, providing high-tech medical care

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    The issue of sustainability is relevant for all types of businesses and organizations. Long-term development has always been and remains one of the most difficult tasks faced by organizations. The implementation the provisions of international standards ISO series 9000 has proven to be effective. The ISO standards are concentrated on the global experience for sustainable success of organizations. The standards incorporated all the rational that has been accumulated in this field of knowledge and practice. These standards not only eliminate technical barriers in collaboration and have established standardized approaches, but also serve as a valuable source of international experience and ready management solutions. They became a practical guide for the creation of management systems for sustainable development in organizations of different spheres of activity.Problem and purpose. The article presents the author’s approach to the problem of sustainable development health of the organization. The purpose of this article is to examine the approaches to management for sustainable success of organizations and to describe a model of sustainable development applied in research healthcare institutions providing high-tech medical care.Methodology. The study used general scientific methods of empirical and theoretical knowledge, general logical methods and techniques and methods of system analysis, comparison, analogy, generalization, the materials research for the development of medical organizations.The main results of our work are to first develop the technique of complex estimation of activity of the scientific-research institutions of health and deploy key elements of the management system that allows the level of maturity of the management system of the institution to be set in order to identify its strengths and weaknesses, and to identify areas for improvements and innovation, and to set priorities for determining the sequence of action when implementing process improvement. Factors required for use in the management of the organization are critical to sustainable success.Conclusion. The authors observed that the implementation of the quality management system, continuous its maintenance for 15 years, and its transformation in the management system of sustainable development has improved all key performance indicators of the Novosibirsk NRITO. Positive results are confirmed by the results of self-evaluation management system for key elements, i.e. the determination of the level of maturity and tangible improvement at this level during the period of implementation of the system of sustainable development from the second to level 4 (advanced control system)