47 research outputs found

    On the Stability of a Solution of a Guarantee Optimization Problem under a Functional Constraint on the Disturbance

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    The paper deals with a control problem for a dynamical system under disturbances. In addition to geometric constraints on the disturbance, it is supposed that all disturbance realizations belong to some unknown L1-compact set. The control is aimed at minimization of a given quality index. Within the game-theoretical approach, the problem of optimizing the guaranteed result is studied. For solving this problem, we use a control procedure with a guide. The paper is focused on the questions of stability of this control procedure with respect to informational and computational errors. The results are illustrated by numerical simulation. © 201

    Dynamic monitoring of HbA1c in Russian regions: data comparison of mobile medical center (Diamodul) and national diabetes register of Russian Federation

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    BACKGROUND: Glikogemoglobin (HbA1c) is a key clinical marker for evaluating the effectiveness of glucose-lowering therapy for patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) and the quality of diabetic care. AIMS: to conduct dynamic monitoring of the quality of glycemic control in DM patients based on a comprehensive examination in mobile medical center (Diamodul) during repeated visits to the regions in 2019 compared with visits of Based Federal program “Diabetes Mellitus” (2005–2010) and data of the National diabetes register (NDR). MATERIALS AND METHODS: The object of the study: patients with T1DM and T2DM examined in Diamodul in 2019 in Voronezh region (Vr), Krasnodar region (Kr) (n = 600), there were “dynamic” group of re-examined (Vr n = 224; Kr n = 113), “random” group of new patients (Vr n = 72; Kr n = 191); group of adult patients from NDR with indicated HbA1c in 2019 (n = 2410067). RESULTS: According to Diamodul, the HbA1c levels are significantly worse than they were reported to NDR: the proportion of patients achieved HbA1c <7% for T1DM is 13.3% and 11.7%; T2DM – 25.1% and 28.6%, in Kr and Vr, respectively; in NDR: T1DM – 37.4%, T2DM – 52.2%. The average HbA1c values in the Diamodul are higher than in NDR by 0.95% for T1DM, 1.41% for T2DM patients. The proportion of patients with HbA1c≥9% decrease in dynamic of examinations through years in T1: in Vr from 53.1% in 2005 and 55.8% in 2010 to 42.9% in 2019, in Kr from 53.2% in 2006 to 43.8% in 2019; also there were decreases in the average HbA1c values in Vr from 9.3% in 2005 and 9.4% in 2010 to 8.8% in 2019; in Kr from 9.1% in 2006 to 8.7% in 2019. In T2DM patients with the best parameters of DM control in a whole, the positive trends were less pronounced and are assessed as non-deterioration: the proportion of HbA1c≥9 % in Vr: 34.7%–34.7%–36.4%, in Kr 40.1%–28.4%; average values of HbA1c: 8.2%–8.4%–8.5% and 8.6%–8.4%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The data of the research clearly indicates the need for 100% inclusion of HbA1c in the examination standards in all DM patients at the primary level at least 1 time per year, in order to monitor the real clinical situation, the effectiveness of glucose-lowering therapy and its timely intensification to prevent development of complications

    Reasons for unfavorable results of surgical treatment of diaphyzary fractures of bones of the forearm.

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    The article provides a retrospective analysis of the causes of complications of surgical treatment of diaphyseal fractures of the forearm bones.В статье проводится ретроспективный анализ причин осложнений оперативного лечения диафизарных переломов костей предплечья

    The prospects of working with patients on smoking cessation

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    The research features the study of the influence of smoking on organs and organ systems. This article also has a defined profile of smokers, among whom psychological help in smoking cessation shows the highest effect.Исследование посвящено изучению влияния курения на системы и органы. Так же в статье сформирован портрет курильщика, которому помощь в отказе от курения будет более эффективной

    The prospects of working with patients on smoking cessation

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    The research features the study of the influence of smoking on organs and organ systems. This article also has a defined profile of smokers, among whom psychological help in smoking cessation shows the highest effect.Исследование посвящено изучению влияния курения на системы и органы. Так же в статье сформирован портрет курильщика, которому помощь в отказе от курения будет более эффективной

    Trends in the epidemiology of diabetic foot and lower limb amputations in Russian Federation according to the Federal Diabetes Register (2013–2016)

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    BACKGROUND: The epidemiological study of diabetic foot (DF) is very important because of high risk lower limbs amputations in patients with diabetes mellitus (DM). AIMS: The aim of the study was to evaluate the DF prevalence in adult patients with type 1 (T1) and 2 (T2) diabetes in Russian Federation for period 201316years. METHODS: We have used the database of the Russian Federal Diabetes register, 81st regions included in the online register. Indicators were estimated per 10,000 adult DM patients (18years). RESULTS: In 2016, the prevalence of DF in RF was T1 4,7%, T2 1,9%, with marked interregional differences: 0,1519,9%, 0,0710,3%, respectively. The DF prevalence in RF decreased: T1 506,3473,6, T2 214,60194,8. The incidence of new DF cases/per year was stable in adults with T1: 20,820,4/; increased in T2 13.214.2. The mean age of DF diagnosis increased by 2years for both DM types. The average DM duration of DF determine increased T1 15.419.0years, T2 7.410.1years. Proportion of DF forms: neuropathic with trophic ulcer 41.6%, neuropathic form (Charcot's foot) 17.9%, the neuroischemic 28.3%, ischemic 12.2%, in T2: 41.6%, 7,4%, 32,4%, 18,5%, respectively. The amount of new cases of amputations/per year in dynamics: T1 10,512,4, T2 9,610,9, with marked interregional differences 0.132.9% in T1, 0.04-6.0% in T2. The mean DM duration before amputation increased in T1 18.421.3years, in T2 9.19.9. The average amputation age: T1 51.7years, T2 66.2years. There was marked decrease in proportion of major amputations: T1 43,637,0%, T2 52.245.5 by redistribution in one toe amputations T14,010.0%, in T22,89.1%. CONCLUSIONS: The dynamic of new DF cases in adult patients in Russian Federation is stable at T1, in T2 tends to increase. The interregional differences in frequency of DF and amputations may be due to differences in the quality of specialized care, the lack or shortage of diabetic foot cabinets, treatment of patients with DF in general surgical practice in a number of regions, which is recognized as a less effective strategy. A positive fact that proportion of high amputations declines, DF develops in later age and longer diabetes duration, that may reflect the increasing effectiveness of preventive lower limbs in diabetes


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    One of the problems of modeling physical processes is verification. In this paper, we tested and described an experimental stand for studying non-stationary flow in an axial fan stage and compared the results of numerical simulation with experimental data.Одной из проблем моделирования физических процессов является верификация. В данной работе проведено испытание и описан экспериментальный стенд для изучения нестационарных явлений в ступени осевого вентилятора, а также сопоставление результатов численного моделирования с опытными данными


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    Purpose of the study is developing of steam screen with maximum fluid dynamic efficiency and high manufacturability. These effects are achieved through the introduction of the most effective integral form of the screen wall, as well as changes in the shape of the holes.Целью исследования является разработка конструкции парового сита, обладающего максимальной газодинамической эффективностью и высокой технологичностью в изготовлении. Данные эффекты достигаются за счет внедрения наиболее эффективной интегральной формы стенки сита, а также изменения формы проходных отверстий