169 research outputs found
Accuracy assessment of primary production models with and without photoinhibition using Ocean Colour Climate Change Initiative data in the North East Atlantic Ocean.
The accuracy of three satellite models of primary production (PP) of varying complexity was assessed against 95 in situ 14C uptake measurements from the North East Atlantic Ocean (NEA). The models were run using the European Space Agency (ESA), Ocean Colour Climate Change Initiative (OC-CCI) version 3.0 data. The objectives of the study were to determine which is the most accurate PP model for the region in different provinces and seasons, what is the accuracy of the models using both high (daily) and low (eight day) temporal resolution OC-CCI data, and whether the performance of the models is improved by implementing a photoinhibition function? The Platt-Sathyendranath primary production model (PPPSM) was the most accurate over all NEA provinces and, specifically, in the Atlantic Arctic province (ARCT) and North Atlantic Drift (NADR) provinces. The implementation of a photoinhibition function in the PPPSM reduced its accuracy, especially at lower range PP. The Vertical Generalized Production Model-VGPM (PPVGPM) tended to over-estimate PP, especially in summer and in the NADR. The accuracy of PPVGPM improved with the implementation of a photoinhibition function in summer. The absorption model of primary production (PPAph), with and without photoinhibition, was the least accurate model for the NEA. Mapped images of each model showed that the PPVGPM was 150% higher in the NADR compared to PPPSM. In the North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre (NAST) province, PPAph was 355% higher than PPPSM, whereas PPVGPM was 215% higher. A sensitivity analysis indicated that chlorophyll-a (Chl a), or the absorption of phytoplankton, at 443 nm (aph (443)) caused the largest error in the estimation of PP, followed by the photosynthetic rate terms and then the irradiance functions used for each model
Application experience Stimuloton (sertralin) at therapy of depressions at patients with major depressive disorder
Application experience Stimuloton (sertralin) at therapy of depressions at patients with MOD. The goal of the work-studying stimuloton efficiansy in treatment of major depressive disorder. Except the clinical analysis, case records of previous hospitalizations, out-patient cards were studied. The clinical estimation was supplemented with HAM-D scale. The estimation of results were made prior to the beginning of treatment for 10, 20,42 days of therapy. During the research we had received the following results: in all groups authentic decrease in depressive semiology at all stages especially expressed in the first 10 days of therapy and between 20 and 42 days: between 10 and 20 days delay of action of a preparation was registered. The best result Is revealed in cases of moderate depression (Responders rate - 87.5 %) in comparison with heavy depression (without psychotics symptoms) (Responders rate - 61.1 %). Polymorphic depressions, complicating a clinical picture of illness, predestine lower result of therapy (Responders rate - 50.0 %). Patients with more simple structure of depression better reacted to treatment (Responders rate 80.64 %). At severe depression and depressions with facultative symptoms more significant improvement was revealed in first 10 days and 20 - 42 days of therapy. At moderate depression, patients without hereditary burden on mental diseases and more simple on structure depressions symptoms improvement was more gradual. Dynamics of improvement of depressive spptom s was not uniform. The adverse events which were not demanding cancellation of treatment are ascertained at 14 surveyed (33.3 %), in 3 cases the medication was cancelled.Опыт применения стимулотона (сертралина) при терапии депрессий у пациентов с рекуррентным депрессивным расстройством. Цель работы - изучение влияния стимулотона на депрессию в структуре рекуррентного депрессивного расстройства. Кроме клинического анализа, изучались истории болезни предшествующих госпитализаций, амбулаторные карты. Клиническая оценка дополнялась оценкой по шкале HAMD. Оценка результатов производилась до начала лечения, на 10,20,42 дни терапии. В результате исследования было получено: во всей группе в целом достоверное снижение депрессивной симптоматики на всех этапах, особенно выраженное в первые 10 дней терапии и между20 и 42 днями; между 10 и 20 днями регистрировалось замедление действия препарата. Выявлен лучший результат в случаях с наличием умеренной депрессии (количество респондеров 87,5%) по сравнению с тяжелой (без психотических симптомов) (количество респондеров - 61,1%). Полиморфные депрессии, усложняя клиническую картину болезни, предопределяли более низкий результат терапии (количество респондеров 50%). Лучше реагировали на лечение стимулотоном пациенты с более простой по структуре депрессией (количество респондеров 80,64%). При тяжелой депрессии и депрессиях, в структуре которых есть факультативные симптомы, более значимое ослабление депрессии выявлено в первые 10 дней и 20 - 42 дни терапии. При умеренных по тяжести и более простых по структуре депрессиях, депрессиях у пациентов без наследственной отягощенности по психическим заболеваниям, ослабление депрессивных симптомов было более постепенным. Динамика редукции депрессивных симптомов по шкале Гамильтона не была равномерной. Побочные эффекты, не требовавшие отмены, констатированы у 14 обследованных (33,3%), в 3 случаях препарат был отменен
In experiments on rats, it was found that hyperthyrosis is accompanied by activation of the detoxication processes and a rise in body temperature. Inhibition of the NO-synthase activity by methyl ester NG-nitro-L-arginine diminishes the typical changes in detoxication processes and body temperature induced by the action of exogenous triiodothyronine.В опытах на крысах установлено, что гипертиреоидизм сопровождается активацией процессов детоксикации и повышением температуры тела. Депрессия активности NO-синтазы метиловым эфиром NG-нитро-L-аргинина препятствует развитию характерных изменений в процессах детоксикации и температуры тела на действие экзогенного трийодтиронина
Significance of the liver arginase activity in the detoxication processes in rats under alcoholic intoxication of different severity
The aim of the study – to find out the significance of liver arginase activity in detoxication processes in rats with chronic alcohol intoxication of varying severity.Цель исследования – выяснить значимость активности аргиназы печени в процессах детоксикации у крыс при хронической алкогольной интоксикации различной тяжести
Functional gastrointestinal diseases: mechanisms of development and principles of multitarget therapy
Currently, functional dyspepsia (FD) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) are among the most common nosological units in the structure of functional gastrointestinal diseases in adults. An important problem of treatment of these diseases at the current stage of medicine is low efficiency of monotarget drugs, which is determined by multicomponent pathogenesis. Indeed, the currently available methods of drug treatment of FD and IBS have suboptimal efficacy, as illustrated by recent meta-analyses demonstrating high rates of NNT (the average number of patients who need to be treated to achieve a certain favorable outcome). In addition, the frequent “overlap” of these diseases forces clinicians to prescribe several drugs with different pharmacological actions to the patient, which inevitably leads to a decrease in compliance. The optimal strategy for managing patients with FD and IBS is the tactics of multitarget drugs that act on several links in the pathogenesis of these pathologies and have a significant evidence base in the effectiveness and safety of use. STW 5 (Iberogast®), included in the clinical guidelines of the Russian Gastroenterological Association on the diagnosis and treatment of patients with FD, published in 2017, has the above-mentioned characteristics, as well as the clinical guidelines of the Russian Gastroenterological Association in collaboration with the Russian Association of Coloproctologists on the diagnosis and treatment of IBS, published in 2021. The clinical effectiveness of Iberogast in the treatment of FD and IBS has been demonstrated in a number of randomized trials, the results of which showed high efficacy of the drug and its good tolerability
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