7 research outputs found


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    To evaluate the immunity indexes in the children who were born with bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) of varying severity at very early delivery terms (22-27 weeks), dynamic examinations were performed in 35 infants: 17 children were with severe BPD; 18, with mild-severity and moderately severe BPD. The comparison group consisted of seven children born at 22-27 weeks of gestational age without signs of BPD. Relative numbers of lymphocyte subpopulations (CD3+, CD4+, CD8+, CD19+, CD16+CD56+, CD4+CD25+), and monocytes (CD14+CD64+, CD14+HLA-DR+) were determined by flow cytometry. The level of cytokines (IL-6, IL-8, IL-4) was measured by enzyme immunoassay technique. The features of immune status in children with BPD of severe, mild and moderate severity were discerned. It was found that the predictors of severe BPD development in the children born at very early terms, are: increased content of IL-8 at birth and at the age of 1 month, reduced level of expression on monocytes (CD64, HLA-DR) on the 1 month of life, and CD14+CD64+ cells at 38-40 weeks post conception. The revealed features of immune status in newborns with BPD can be used to assess the effectiveness of the therapy, which requires further research in this direction


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    Objective: to estimate the clinical and prognostic value of the blood levels of lipopolysaharidebinding protein (LPSBP) and lactate in critically ill polytrauma patients.Subjects and methods. An analysis was made of the results of an examination in critical ly ill polytrauma victims who were retrospectively classified in accordance with the 1992 ACCP/SCCM criteria: systemic inflammatory response syndrome (n=18), local infection (n=36), sepsis (n=27), severe sepsis (n=12), and septic shock (n=6). A case was regarded as infection when the source of the latter was established and it was microbiologically verified. The investigators determined serum LPSBP levels by an immunochemiluminescence analyzer (IMMULITE ONE, USA) and venous whole blood lactate concentrations by a Roche Omni S analyzer (Germany).Results. The development of infectious complications was notedin 81% of the polytrauma patients by days 5—7; by days 8—10, 45% were diagnosed as having sepsis whose severe course was characterized by the addition of polyresistant gramnegative microorganisms. An early increase in the concentration and frequency of diagnostic levels of serum LPSBP was ascertained in the polytrauma patients before infection was microbiologically verified. There was a strong direct correlation between lactate and LPSBP levels.Conclusion. The findings suggest that LPS BP and lactate are of diagnostic and prognostic value and may be used as early markers of pyoseptic complications.Цель исследования — оценить клиническую и прогностическую значимость уровней липополисахаридсвязывающего протеина (ЛПССП) и лактата в крови пациентов с политравмой в критическом состоянии.Материал и методы. Проведен анализ результатов обследования пострадавших с политравмой в критическом состоянии, которые ретроспективно были классифицированы в соответствии с критериями ACCP/SCCM (1992 г.): SIRS (n=18), локальная инфекция (n=36), сепсис (n=27), тяжелый сепсис (n=12) и септический шок (n=6). Случай считали инфекцией при установлении источника инфекции и его микробиологическом подтверждении. Содержание ЛПССП в сыворотке крови определяли на иммунохемилюминесцентном анализаторе «IMMULITE ONE» (США), лактата в цельной венозной крови — на анализаторе «Roche Omni S» (Германия).Результаты. У 81% пациентов с политравмой к 5—7 суткам отмечается развитие инфекционных осложнений; у 45% к 8—10 суткам диагностируется сепсис, тяжелое течение которого характеризуется присоединением полирезистентной грамотрицательной микрофлоры. Установлено раннее увеличение концентрации и частоты встречаемости диагностических уровней липополисахаридсвязывающего протеина (ЛПССП) в сыворотке крови у пациентов с политравмой до микробиологического подтверждения инфицирования. Показана сильная прямая корреляционная связь между уровнями лактата и ЛПССП.Заключение. Полученные данные свидетельствуют о диагностической и прогностической значимости ЛПССП и лактата и о возможности использования этих показателей в качестве ранних маркеров гнойносептических осложнений

    Метаболические и реологические нарушения в остром периоде ишемического инсульта

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    Objective: to study the specific features of metabolism and blood rheological properties in the acute period of ischemic stroke (IS) in patients aged less than 50 years.Subjects and methods. Thirty patients (mean age 45.1±1.1 years) having acute IS were examined. According to its severity, the patients were divided into 3 groups: 1) 8 patients with mild IS; 2) 11 patients with moderate IS; 3) 11 with severe IS. All Group 3 patients were treated at an intensive care unit. A control group comprised 20 healthy individuals (mean age 44.7±1.0 years). In all the patients, fasting blood homocysteine concentrations were measured on an IMMULITE One immunochemiluminescent analyzer (USA). The rheological properties of blood were examined, by measuring its viscosity on a rotary viscometer (Russia) at a shear rate of 10 to 200 sec-1. Fibrinogen concentrations were determined on an ACL-100 coagulograph.Results. The patients who had experienced ischemic stroke at the age of under 50 years were found to have atherogenic dyslipidemia, elevated homocysteine and fibrinogen levels and considerably increased blood viscosity, which correlated with the severity of their condition and the outcome of stroke. The highest values were noted in patients with severe ischemic stroke and a poor outcome.Conclusion. Studies of homocysteine and fibrinogen concentrations and blood viscosity may be used as additional criteria for evaluating the severity of ischemic stroke and predicting its outcome in patients aged less than 50 years. Цель исследования — изучить особенности метаболизма и реологические свойства крови в остром периоде ишемиче-ского инсульта (ИИ) у пациентов в возрасте до 50 лет.Материалы и методы. Обследовано 30 пациентов в остром периоде ИИ (средний возраст 45,1±1,1 лет). По степени тяжести пациентов распределили на три группы: 1-я группа — пациенты с ИИ легкой степени тяжести (n=8), 2-я — пациенты с ИИ средней степени тяжести (n=11), 3-я — пациенты с ИИ тяжелой степени тяжести (n=11). Все пациенты третьей группы находились на лечении в отделении реанимации. Контрольную группу составили 20 здоровых лиц (средний возраст 44,7±1,0 лет). У всех пациентов натощак определяли в крови концентрацию гомоцистеина на иммунохемилюминесцентном анализаторе «IMMULITE One» (США). Показатели липидного обмена (общий холестерин, холестерин липопротеидов различной плотности, тригли-цериды) определяли автоматизированными методами на анализаторе «HITACHI-912». Реологические свойства крови изучали, измеряя ее вязкость на ротационном вискозиметре (Россия) при скоростях сдвига в диапазоне от 10 до 200с-1. Концентрацию фибриногена определяли на коагулографе ACL-100.Результаты. У пациентов, перенесших ишемический инсульт в возрасте до 50 лет, обнаружено наличие атерогенной дислипидемии, а также коррелирующие со степенью тяжестью состояния и исходом инсульта повышенный уровень гомоцистеина, фибриногена и значительное увеличение вязкости крови. Наиболее высокие значения отмечены у больных с ишемическим инсультом тяжелой степени тяжести, с неблагоприятным исходом.Заключение. Исследования концентрации гомоцистеина, фибриногена и вязкости крови могут использоваться в качестве дополнительных критериев при оценке степени тяжести и прогнозирования исхода ишемического инсульта у пациентов в возрасте до 50 лет.

    Some Aspects of Formation of a Systemic Inflammatory Response in Critically Ill Patients

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    Objective: to study the general regularities and pathogenetic significance of changes in primary and secondary inflammatory mediator ratios in the formation of a systemic inflammatory response in critically ill patients. Subjects and methods. Three hundred and eighty-seven critically ill inpatients from intensive care units were examined. Results. The systemic inflammatory response syndrome develops in critical conditions, which is characterized by the increased serum levels of primary (proinflammatory cytokines) and secondary (C-reactive protein, fibrinogen) inflammatory mediators, which was more substantial in infected patients. When the hyperproduction of proinflammatory cytokines was evident, there was no adequate proinflammatory response, as suggested by the negative IL-10 level changes. Correlations were established between the serum content of inflammatory mediators and the indices of external respiration function, respiration rate, and heart rate. Conclusion. The nature of changes in the quantitative (mediator concentrations) and qualitative (mediator ratio) indices enables one to estimate the intensity of a systemic inflammatory response and to predict its further progression. Key words: critical condition, systemic inflammatory response, inflammatory mediators

    J-domain proteins:From molecular mechanisms to diseases

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    J-domain proteins (JDPs) are the largest family of chaperones in most organisms, but much of how they function within the network of other chaperones and protein quality control machineries is still an enigma. Here, we report on the latest findings related to JDP functions presented at a dedicated JDP workshop in Gdansk, Poland. The report does not include all (details) of what was shared and discussed at the meeting, because some of these original data have not yet been accepted for publication elsewhere or represented still preliminary observations at the time.</p

    A Concise Review on Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Cardiomyocytes for Personalized Regenerative Medicine

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