18 research outputs found

    Antifungal activities of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) extract on Fusarium species

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    The basil extract composition was determined by the GC-MS method and 38 different components were identified. The major components of the basil extract were estragol (86.72%), trans-Ī±-bergamotene (2.91%), eucalyptol (2.67%), trans-ocimene (1.04%), linalool (0.72%), methyl-eugenol (0.71%), etc. The antifungal potential of the basil extract was tested against Fusarium oxysporum, F. proliferatum, F. subglutinans, and F. verticillioides isolated from cakes, using the agar plate method. Extract concentrations of 0.35 and 0.70% (v/v) significantly inhibited the growth of F. proliferatum (33.37 and 44.30%, respectively) and F. subglutinans (24.74 and 29.27%, respectively) whereas other investigated Fusarium species exhibited much lower sensitivity. The basil extract completely inhibited the growth of investigated Fusarium spp. at the concentration of 1.50% (v/v). Higher concentrations (0.35 and 0.70% (v/v)) reduced growth of aerial mycelium in all tested species. Strong medium pigmentation in the case of F. proliferatum and F. verticillioides was observed. The microscopic examination of the samples confirmed the presence of hyphae deformations with a frequent occurrence of fragmentations, thickenings and diminished sporulation. In addition to the basic, sensory, role the extract of basil has in the food product, it exerted significant antifungal properties, depending on its concentration.Key words: Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) extract, components, antifungal activity, Fusarium spp

    Necessity and effects of dynamic systems for railway wheel defect detection

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    State of railway vehicles highly influences transport safety due to vehicle derailments and in the same time worsens the quality of freight and passenger transportation. One of important elements that influence the state of railway vehicles is the wheel state. Wheel defects are common in railway transport. Therefore, timely defect detection is very important. This paper presents ways and effects of timely detection of wheel defects

    Potreba i efekti dinamičkih sustava za detekciju defekata točkova željezničkih vozila

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    State of railway vehicles highly influences transport safety due to vehicle derailments and in the same time worsens the quality of freight and passenger transportation. One of important elements that influence the state of railway vehicles is the wheel state. Wheel defects are common in railway transport. Therefore, timely defect detection is very important. This paper presents ways and effects of timely detection of wheel defects.Stanje željezničkih vozila bitno utječe na sigurnost prometa zbog rizika iskliznuća i istovremeno smanjuje kvalitet prevoza robe i putnika. Jedan od bitnijih čimbenika koji utječu na stanje željezničkih vozila jeste stanje točkova. Defekti točkova su česta pojava u željezničkom prometu. Iz tog razloga, veoma bitno je pravovremeno otkrivanje defekata. U ovom radu su prezentirani načini i učinci pravovremenog detektiranja defekata točkova

    Multidisciplinary analysis of steel plate of variable thickness in view of optimal design

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    The paper shows the indentification of deformational-stress state of partially loaded plates composed of two elements of different thicknesses. We analyzed metallurgical processes that characterize the technology of welding steel structures. The mathematical interpretation of the local stress state, through the developed software, enables an optimal design of geometric parameters of plate or supporting elements of construction according to the stress criteria. Comparative analysis of deflection and equivalent stress obtained by the analytical method and Finite elements method (FEM), using ANSYS 12 software package, the high agreement of results in terms of values and distribution trends is noticed. The application of the results of this paper is particularly important for the optimal design of steel girders

    Metastability ā€“ Markovian approach

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    A complete system of events of nonlinear processes in complex dynamical systems describes the evolution of the distribution. Different stages of evolution of the distribution declared stable, metastable and unstable systems. Variance of probabilistic distribution plays a crucial role in determining the state of the system. It was found that the system is metastable, when it carried Markovian processes in continuous time. Metastability is the original metallurgical phenomenon and actively exists in the structure of the materials. In a metastable state, the structural distances in material are exponentially distributed

    Procurement model for copper and polymer electrical products

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    Procurement model for copper and polymer electrical products. Electrical cable structure (wire, insulation, filling and mantle) is in accordance with the technical specifications of individual cable components in terms of the incorporated materials. Materials used in cable manufacture are copper, aluminum, rubber and polyvinyl chloride. One of the key issues in managing the flow of goods pertains to the timing of procurement. The combination of the two concepts can take advantage of individual strengths of fuzzy logic and neural networks in hybrid systems of homogeneous structure. The model has high practical significance, as, with minor modifications, it can be applied in any enterprise responsible for managing the goods flows

    Procurement model for copper and polymer electrical products

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    Procurement model for copper and polymer electrical products. Electrical cable structure (wire, insulation, filling and mantle) is in accordance with the technical specifications of individual cable components in terms of the incorporated materials. Materials used in cable manufacture are copper, aluminum, rubber and polyvinyl chloride. One of the key issues in managing the flow of goods pertains to the timing of procurement. The combination of the two concepts can take advantage of individual strengths of fuzzy logic and neural networks in hybrid systems of homogeneous structure. The model has high practical significance, as, with minor modifications, it can be applied in any enterprise responsible for managing the goods flows

    Dizajn modularnog sutava plastičnih euro paleta

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    Although pallet, as a tool, yields significant and widely recognized economic effects in production and distribution systems, it is still not fully utilized, indicating that it needs to be defined and developed as a specific product. Euro pallet product was designed using PRO/ENGINEER software system CAD module, as one of the most popular Cax systems, yielding a pallet of novel modular design that meets all the operational requirements of the existing range. The chosen material ensures high pallet longevity and durability, in line with the concept of sustainable development.Paleta kao sredstvo za rad ima izuzetan značaj i poznate ekonomske efekte u proizvodnim i distributivnim sustavima. Međutim, odnos prema paleti kao proizvodu, nije proporcionalan njenom ukupnom značaju. Obrazloženi aspekti neizostavno ukazuju na potrebe definiranja i razvoja palete kao specifičnog proizvoda. Dizajn proizvoda plastične euro palete je izveden u CAD modulu programskog sustava PRO/ENGINEER kao jednog od najpoznatijih CAx sustava. Dobijena je paleta novog modularnog koncepta koja ispunjava sve radne zahtjeve postojećih paleta. Izborom materijala je dobijena dugotrajnija paleta koncepta održivog razvoja

    Multidisciplinary analysis of steel plate of variable thickness in view of optimal design

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    The paper shows the indentification of deformational-stress state of partially loaded plates composed of two elements of different thicknesses. We analyzed metallurgical processes that characterize the technology of welding steel structures. The mathematical interpretation of the local stress state, through the developed software, enables an optimal design of geometric parameters of plate or supporting elements of construction according to the stress criteria. Comparative analysis of deflection and equivalent stress obtained by the analytical method and Finite elements method (FEM), using ANSYS 12 software package, the high agreement of results in terms of values and distribution trends is noticed. The application of the results of this paper is particularly important for the optimal design of steel girders

    Uticaj različitih hemijskih sredstava i uslova skladiŔtenja na mikrobioloŔki profil semena industrijske konoplje (Cannabis sativa L.)

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    This study aimed to test different chemical agents to obtain microbiologically safe industrial hemp seeds that could be used for further food processing (with the reduced total number of microorganisms, total number of moulds and yeasts, and total number of Enterobacteriaceae). In order to obtain seeds applicable for food consumption, optimal storage temperature conditions (room temperature, refrigerator, freezer), method of seed packaging (vacuum/without vacuum), and the application of various chemical treatments (ethanol, sodium hydrogen carbonate, sodium hypochlorite) were tested on the certified industrial hemp seeds, produced in two consecutive years. Optimal storage conditions differed for different microorganisms, and the most optimal storage was at room temperature, for seeds produced in 2018, in the treatment to reduce the total number of Enterobacteriaceae and the total number of microorganisms. When storing seeds from 2018 in order to reduce the number of yeasts and moulds, a slightly lower number was spotted when seeds were stored in a vacuum-sealed bag, at the refrigerator/freezer temperature. For hemp seeds produced in 2019, the most optimal storage conditions were at the refrigerator (for reduction of the total number of Enterobacteriaceae) and freezer temperature (for reduction of the total number of microorganisms). For the reduction of the total number of moulds and yeasts, optimal conditions were at room temperature. Ethanol (75%, v/v) was the most effective disinfectant among the tested chemicals regardless of the initial number of microorganisms, with log reduction of 3.2 (for the total number of Enterobacteriaceae), 2.9 log (for the total number of microorganisms), and total reduction of the total number of yeasts and moulds after 10 minutes, for the seeds harvested in 2019, which were far more contaminated than the seeds harvested in 2018. Considering the price of the disinfection method with ethanol, sodium hypochlorite may be a better solution for the reduction of the number of microbiota on the seeds.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitivanje različitih hemijskih sredstava za dobijanje mikrobioloÅ”ki bezbednog semena industrijske konoplje, koje bi se moglo koristiti za dalju preradu u hranu (sa smanjenim ukupnim brojem mikroorganizama, ukupnim brojem kvasaca i plesni, i ukupnim brojem enterobakterija). Da bi se dobilo seme primenljivo za ishranu, optimalni temperaturni uslovi skladiÅ”tenja (sobna temperatura, frižider, zamrzivač), način pakovanja semena (vakuum/bez vakuuma) i primena različitih hemijskih tretmana (etanol, natrijum hidrogen karbonat, natrijum hipohlorit) su testirani na sertifikovanom semenu industrijske konoplje, proizvedenom u dve uzastopne godine. Optimalni uslovi skladiÅ”tenja su se razlikovali za različite mikroorganizme, a najoptimalnije skladiÅ”tenje je bilo na sobnoj temperaturi, za seme iz 2018. godine, a u cilju smanjenja broja enterobakterija i ukupnog broja mikroorganizama. Pri skladiÅ”tenju semena iz 2018. godine u cilju smanjenja broja plesni i kvasaca primećen je neÅ”to manji broj datih mikroorganizama kada je seme čuvano u vakuumski zatvorenoj vrećici, na temperaturi frižidera/zamrzivača. Za seme konoplje iz 2019. godine najoptimalniji uslovi skladiÅ”tenja su bili na temperaturi frižidera (za redukciju broja enterobakterija) i u zamrzivaču (za redukciju ukupnog broja mikroorganizama). Za smanjenje ukupnog broja plesni i kvasaca, optimalni uslovi su bili na sobnoj temperaturi. Etanol (75%, v/v) je bio najefikasnije sredstvo za dezinfekciju među ispitivanim hemijskim sredstvima, bez obzira na početni broj mikroorganizama, sa log smanjenjem od 3,2 (za ukupan broj enterobakterija), 2,9 log (za ukupan broj mikroorganizama) i ukupnim smanjenjem broja kvasaca i plesni nakon 10 minuta delovanja, za seme proizvedeno 2019. godine, koje je bilo mnogo viÅ”e kontaminirano u odnosu na seme iz 2018. godine. Uzimajući u obzir cenu metoda dezinfekcije etanolom, natrijum hipohlorit može biti bolje reÅ”enje za smanjenje broja mikrobiota na semenu