3,831 research outputs found

    Development of Cu-spin correlation in Bi_1.74_Pb_0.38_Sr_1.88_Cu_1-y_Zn_y_O_6+d_ high-temperature superconductors observed by muon spin relaxation

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    A systematic muon-spin-relaxation study in Bi-2201 high-Tc cuprates has revealed for the first time that the Cu-spin correlation (CSC) is developed at low temperatures below 2 K in a wide range of hole concentration where superconductivity appears. The CSC tends to become weak gradually with increasing hole-concentration. Moreover, CSC has been enhanced through the 3% substitution of Zn for Cu. These results are quite similar to those observed in La-214 high-Tc cuprates. Accordingly, it has been suggested that the intimate relation between the so-called spin-charge stripe correlations and superconductivity is a universal feature in hole-doped high-Tc cuprates. Furthermore, apparent development of CSC, which is suppressed through the Zn substitution oppositely, has been observed in non-superconducting heavily overdoped samples, being argued in the context of a recently proposed ferromagnetic state in heavily overdoped cuprates.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Broad-band photometric colors and effective temperature calibrations for late-type giants. II. Z<0.02

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    (Abridged) We investigate the effects of metallicity on the broad-band photometric colors of late-type giants, and make a comparison of synthetic colors with observed photometric properties of late-type giants over a wide range of effective temperatures (T_eff=3500-4800 K) and gravities (log g=0.0-2.5), at [M/H]=-1.0 and -2.0. The influence of metallicity on the synthetic photometric colors is generally small at effective temperatures above \~3800 K, but the effects grow larger at lower T_eff, due to the changing efficiency of molecule formation which reduces molecular opacities at lower [M/H]. To make a detailed comparison of the synthetic and observed photometric colors of late type giants in the T_eff--color and color--color planes, we derive a set of new T_eff--log g--color relations based on synthetic photometric colors, at [M/H]=-0.5, -1.0, -1.5, and -2.0. While differences between the new T_eff--color relations and those available from the literature are typically well within ~100 K, effective temperatures predicted by the scales based on synthetic colors tend to be slightly higher than those resulting from the T_eff--color relations based on observations, with the offsets up to ~100 K. This is clearly seen both at [M/H]=-1.0 and -2.0, especially in the T_eff--(B-V) and T_eff--(V-K) planes. The consistency between T_eff--log g--color scales based on synthetic colors calculated with different stellar atmosphere codes is very good, with typical differences being well within \Delta T_eff~70 K at [M/H]=-1.0 and \Delta T_eff~40 K at [M/H]=-2.0.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figures, A&A accepte

    Cu-spin dynamics in the overdoped regime of La_2-x_Sr_x_Cu_1-y_Zn_y_O_4_ probed by muon spin relaxation

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    Muon-spin-relaxation measurements have been performed for the partially Zn-substituted La_2-x_Sr_x_Cu_1-y_Zn_y_O_4_ with y=0-0.10 in the overdoped regime up to x=0.30. In the 3 % Zn-substituted samples up to x=0.27, exponential-like depolarization of muon spins has been observed at low temperatures, indicating Zn-induced slowing-down of the Cu-spin fluctuations. The depolarization rate decreases with increasing x and almost no fast depolarization of muon spins has been observed for x=0.30 where superconductivity disappears. The present results suggest that the dynamical stripe correlations exist in the whole superconducting regime of La_2-x_Sr_x_CuO_4_ and that there is no quantum critical point at x~0.19.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Photometric colors of late-type giants: theory versus observations

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    To assess the current status in the theoretical modeling of the spectral properties of late-type giants, we provide a comparison of synthetic photometric colors of late-type giants (calculated with PHOENIX, MARCS and ATLAS model atmospheres) with observations, at [M/H]=0.0 and -2.0. Overall, there is a good agreement between observed and synthetic colors, and synthetic colors and published Teff-color relations, both at [M/H]=0.0 and -2.0. Deviations from the observed trends in Teff-color planes are generally within \pm 150K (or less) in the effective temperature range Teff=3500-4800K. Synthetic colors calculated with different stellar atmosphere models typically agree to ~100K, within a large range of effective temperatures and gravities. Some discrepancies are seen in the Teff-(B-V) plane below Teff~3800K at [M/H]=0.0, due to difficulties in reproducing the 'turn-off' to the bluer colors which is seen in the observed data at Teff~3600K. Note that at [M/H]=-2.0 effective temperatures given by the scale of Alonso et al. (1999) are generally lower than those resulting from other Teff-color relations based both on observed and synthetic colors.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure. Proceedings of the IAU Symposium 232 "The Scientific Requirements for Extremely Large Telescopes", eds. P. Whitelock, B. Leibundgut, and M. Dennefel

    Hole-trapping by Ni, Kondo effect and electronic phase diagram in non-superconducting Ni-substituted La2-xSrxCu1-yNiyO4

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    In order to investigate the electronic state in the normal state of high-Tc cuprates in a wide range of temperature and hole-concentration, specific-heat, electrical-resistivity, magnetization and muon-spin-relaxation (muSR) measurements have been performed in non-superconducting Ni-substituted La2-xSrxCu1-yNiyO4 where the superconductivity is suppressed through the partial substitution of Ni for Cu without disturbing the Cu-spin correlation in the CuO2 plane so much. In the underdoped regime, it has been found that there exist both weakly localized holes around Ni and itinerant holes at high temperatures. With decreasing temperature, all holes tend to be localized, followed by the occurrence of variable-range hopping conduction at low temperatures. Finally, in the ground state, it has been found that each Ni2+ ion traps a hole strongly and that a magnetically ordered state appears. In the overdoped regime, on the other hand, it has been found that a Kondo-like state is formed around each Ni2+ spin at low temperatures. In conclusion, the ground state of non-superconducting La2-xSrxCu1-yNiyO4 changes upon hole doping from a magnetically ordered state with the strong hole-trapping by Ni2+ to a metallic state with Kondo-like behavior due to Ni2+ spins, and the quantum phase transition is crossover-like due to the phase separation into short-range magnetically ordered and metallic regions.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Beitrag zur vitalen Farbstoffspeicherung und Farbstoffaunsscheidung der Leberparenchymzellen

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    Obwohl das Verhalten der Leberparenchymzellen gegen den parentearal eingeführten Vitalfarbstoff bereits oft untersucht wurde, herrscht bis jetzt doch noch keine Übereinstimmung in den Resultaten, solange die Forschungsmethoden verschieden sind. Bei Ratten von 70-160g. Korpergewicht injizierte Verfasser intraperitoneal 1,5 cc einer 4% igen Lithion-karminltosung pro 80g. Korpergewicht unter leichter Aether narkose. Die Tiere wurden in bestimmten Zeitintervallen von 20 Minuten bis zu 8 Stunden nach der Injektion getotet, die Leber wurde in 10% iger Formollosung fixiert und in Paraffin eingebettet. Die Schnitte wurden einfach mit Hamatoxylinlosung gefärbt. Fur die Endothelfarbung der Leberkapillaren wurde Eosin-Phosphormoribdensaure-Methylblaufarbung (Hamazaki'sche Medifikation) benutzt. Aus diesen Experimenten ergeben sich zusammengefasst folgende Schlusse: 1) Wenn man in die Rattenbauchhohle eine ziemlich grosse Menge Lithionkarminlosung appliziert, so kann man eine Stunde nach der Injektion eine eigenartige "tropfige Farbstoffspeicherung" der Leberzellen festetellen. Diese Erscheinung wird bis zu 5 Stunden nach der Injektion allmahlich deutlicher danach schwächt sie sich mit der Zeit aber ab und ist 8 Stunden nach der Injektion meist verwischt. 2) Diese "tropfige Farbstoffspeicherung" erscheint in den Leberzellen der Azinusperipherie, insbesondere in den Zellen, welche in der Nahe des Azinuswinkels liegen. 3) Die Mehrzahl der Farbstofftropfen geht in die Blutkappilaren uber und gerkat in Zerfall oder wird von Sternzellen aufgenommeu. Durch Eindickung der Eiweissgrundsubstanz Werden die ubrigen Farbstofftropfen als. Pigmentgranula ausgeschieden, und die letzteren werden auf der Vacuolenwand. sesshaft. 4) Aus Grund der oben angefuhrten Tatsachen kann man diesee "tropfige Farbatoffspeicherung" als einen Abwehrvorgang der Leberzellen gegen die rasche, allgemeine Uberschwemmung des von der Pfortader eingefuhrten Giftes ansehen. 5) Verfasser glaubt, dass diese "tropfige Farbstoffspeicherung" eine noch nicht beschriebene Form der vitalen Farbstoffspeicherung der Leberzellen ist

    Distinct Fe-induced magnetic states in the underdoped and overdoped regimes of La2-xSrxCu1-yFeyO4 revealed by muon spin relaxation

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    Zero-field and longitudinal-field muon-spin-relaxation measurements have been performed in partially Fe-substituted La2-xSrxCu1-yFeyO4 in a wide range of hole concentration, to investigate the magnetic state induced by the Fe substitution recently suggested from the neutron-scattering measurements [Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 127002 (2011)]. It has been found that the magnetic transition temperature is notably enhanced through the 1% Fe substitution in a wide range of hole concentration where superconductivity appears in Fe-free La2-xSrxCuO4. In the underdoped regime, the Fe-induced magnetic order can be understood in terms of the concept of stripe pinning by Fe as in the case of the Zn-induced one in La2-xSrxCu1-yZnyO4. In the overdoped regime, on the other hand, the Fe-induced magnetic order is short-ranged, which is distinct from the stripes. It is plausible that a spin-glass state of Fe spins derived from the Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida interaction is realized in the overdoped regime, suggesting a change of the ground state from the strongly correlated state to the Fermi-liquid state with hole doping in La-214 high-Tc cuprates.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.