7 research outputs found


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    Submitted work is focused to appraisal and breed characteristics of gene reserves of horses in the Slovak Republic. From available data number of animals of the breeds, bred in the Slovak Republic as well as their comparison to neighbouring European countries were found out. Based on the categorisation of risk populations according to number and structure of breeds is possible to measure the level of their endangering. In complicated situation of past few years the Slovak Republic almost lost historically important breeds Furioso and Nonius, which were connected to our history as a part of cultural heritage. According to breeding documentation 8 endangered breeds are bred in the Slovak Republic, for which it non-recurring financial subsidies are available (namely Lipizzaner, Shagya Arabian, Slovak Warm Blooded horse, Furioso, Nonius, Slovak Sport Pony, Hucul and Muráň Plain type of Norik breed). Critically endangered breeds, which number is less than 100 breeding mares and maximum of 5 breeding stallions could be designed as extreme case of population loss risk (Nonius and Lipizzaner breeds). On behalf of rare gene pool protection it is important to use all the possibilities to increase the population number.Ovaj je rad usredotočen na procjenu i pasminske značajke rezerva gena konja u Slovačkoj Republici. Iz dostupnih podataka otkriven je broj životinja pasmina uzgajanih u Slovačkoj Republici kao i njihova usporedba sa susjednim europskim zemljama. Na temelju kategorizacije rizičnih populacija prema broju i strukturi pasmina moguće je izmjeriti razinu njihovog ugrožavanja. U složenoj situaciji zadnjih nekoliko godina Slovačka Republika je skoro izgubila povijesno važne pasmine Furioso i Nonius koje su povezane s našom poviješću kao dio kulturnog nasljeđa. Prema uzgojnoj dokumentaciji 8 ugroženih pasmina se uzgaja u Slovačkoj Republici za koje je dostupna bespovratna financijska pomoć (to su Lipicanac, Arapski Shagya, Slovački toplokrvni konj, Furioso, Nonius, Slovački športski poni, Hucul i Murian, nizinski tip pasmine Norik). Kritično ugrožene pasmine, čiji je broj manji od 100 rasplodnih kobila i najviše pet rasplodnih pastuha može se smatrati na ekstremnom slučaju gubitak rizičnih populacija (Nonius i Lipicanska pasmina). U ime rijetkih zaštita genofonda važno je koristiti sve mogućnosti povećanja broja populacija

    Magnetic Phase Diagram of TmB4TmB_{4} under High Pressure

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    TmB4TmB_{4} is a Shastry-Sutherland frustrated system which exhibits very complex magnetic properties. In this contribution the phase diagram of magnetic field vs. temperature of TmB4TmB_{4} under hydrostatic pressure up to 26.5 kbar is investigated using sensitive ac-resistance measurements. Temperature and magnetic field dependences of resistance at various pressures were carried out in a piston cylinder pressure cell between 1.7 and 14 K and in magnetic fields up to 6 T. The obtained results exhibit shifts of ordering temperatures TNT_{N} as well as shifts of boundaries between different magnetic phases. The observed pressure dependences of TNT_{N} can be described by the relation d lnTNlnT_{N}/dp=+(0.16÷0.18) %/kbar. The effect of pressure on various interactions between magnetic ions in this compound is discussed