2,507,027 research outputs found

    Jet Methods in Time-Dependent Lagrangian Biomechanics

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    In this paper we propose the time-dependent generalization of an `ordinary' autonomous human biomechanics, in which total mechanical + biochemical energy is not conserved. We introduce a general framework for time-dependent biomechanics in terms of jet manifolds associated to the extended musculo-skeletal configuration manifold, called the configuration bundle. We start with an ordinary configuration manifold of human body motion, given as a set of its all active degrees of freedom (DOF) for a particular movement. This is a Riemannian manifold with a material metric tensor given by the total mass-inertia matrix of the human body segments. This is the base manifold for standard autonomous biomechanics. To make its time-dependent generalization, we need to extend it with a real time axis. By this extension, using techniques from fibre bundles, we defined the biomechanical configuration bundle. On the biomechanical bundle we define vector-fields, differential forms and affine connections, as well as the associated jet manifolds. Using the formalism of jet manifolds of velocities and accelerations, we develop the time-dependent Lagrangian biomechanics. Its underlying geometric evolution is given by the Ricci flow equation. Keywords: Human time-dependent biomechanics, configuration bundle, jet spaces, Ricci flowComment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    Exploring the cooperative regimes in a model of agents without memory or "tags": indirect reciprocity vs. selfish incentives

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    The self-organization in cooperative regimes in a simple mean-field version of a model based on "selfish" agents which play the Prisoner's Dilemma (PD) game is studied. The agents have no memory and use strategies not based on direct reciprocity nor 'tags'. Two variables are assigned to each agent ii at time tt, measuring its capital C(i;t)C(i;t) and its probability of cooperation p(i;t)p(i;t). At each time step tt a pair of agents interact by playing the PD game. These 2 agents update their probability of cooperation p(i)p(i) as follows: they compare the profits they made in this interaction ÎŽC(i;t)\delta C(i;t) with an estimator Ï”(i;t)\epsilon(i;t) and, if ÎŽC(i;t)≄ϔ(i;t)\delta C(i;t) \ge \epsilon(i;t), agent ii increases its p(i;t)p(i;t) while if ÎŽC(i;t)<Ï”(i;t)\delta C(i;t) < \epsilon(i;t) the agent decreases p(i;t)p(i;t). The 4!=24 different cases produced by permuting the four Prisoner's Dilemma canonical payoffs 3, 0, 1, and 5 - corresponding,respectively, to RR (reward), SS (sucker's payoff), TT (temptation to defect) and PP (punishment) - are analyzed. It turns out that for all these 24 possibilities, after a transient,the system self-organizes into a stationary state with average equilibrium probability of cooperation pˉ∞\bar{p}_\infty = constant >0 > 0.Depending on the payoff matrix, there are different equilibrium states characterized by their average probability of cooperation and average equilibrium per-capita-income (pˉ∞,ÎŽCˉ∞\bar{p}_\infty,\bar{\delta C}_\infty).Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Temperature dependence of optical spectral weights in quarter-filled ladder systems

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    The temperature dependence of the integrated optical conductivity I(T) reflects the changes of the kinetic energy as spin and charge correlations develop. It provides a unique way to explore experimentally the kinetic properties of strongly correlated systems. We calculated I(T) in the frame of a t-J-V model at quarter-filling for ladder systems, like NaV_2O_5, and show that the measured strong T dependence of I(T) for NaV_2O_5 can be explained by the destruction of short range antiferromagnetic correlations. Thus I(T) provides detailed information about super-exchange and magnetic energy scales.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Comparing Powers of Edge Ideals

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    Given a nontrivial homogeneous ideal I⊆k[x1,x2,
,xd]I\subseteq k[x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_d], a problem of great recent interest has been the comparison of the rrth ordinary power of II and the mmth symbolic power I(m)I^{(m)}. This comparison has been undertaken directly via an exploration of which exponents mm and rr guarantee the subset containment I(m)⊆IrI^{(m)}\subseteq I^r and asymptotically via a computation of the resurgence ρ(I)\rho(I), a number for which any m/r>ρ(I)m/r > \rho(I) guarantees I(m)⊆IrI^{(m)}\subseteq I^r. Recently, a third quantity, the symbolic defect, was introduced; as It⊆I(t)I^t\subseteq I^{(t)}, the symbolic defect is the minimal number of generators required to add to ItI^t in order to get I(t)I^{(t)}. We consider these various means of comparison when II is the edge ideal of certain graphs by describing an ideal JJ for which I(t)=It+JI^{(t)} = I^t + J. When II is the edge ideal of an odd cycle, our description of the structure of I(t)I^{(t)} yields solutions to both the direct and asymptotic containment questions, as well as a partial computation of the sequence of symbolic defects.Comment: Version 2: Revised based on referee suggestions. Lemma 5.12 was added to clarify the proof of Theorem 5.13. To appear in the Journal of Algebra and its Applications. Version 1: 20 pages. This project was supported by Dordt College's undergraduate research program in summer 201

    About the stability of the tangent bundle restricted to a curve

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    Let C be a smooth projective curve with genus g>1 and Clifford index c(C) and let L be a line bundle on C generated by its global sections. The morphism i:C -->P(H^0(L))=P is well-defined and i*T is the restriction to C of the tangent bundle T of the projective space P. Sharpening a theorem by Paranjape, we show that if deg L>2g-c(C)-1 then i*T is semi-stable, specifying when it is also stable. We then prove the existence on many curves of a line bundle L of degree 2g-c(C)-1 such that i*T is not semi-stable. Finally, we completely characterize the (semi-)stability of i*T when C is hyperelliptic.Comment: 5 page
