328 research outputs found

    Impact of hydraulic interventions on chronic and acute material loading and discolouration risk in drinking water distribution systems

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    This paper presents results from an intensive long term investigation in three comparable trunk mains and downstream impact of non-invasive, in-service flow conditioning to manage discolouration risk. Findings show that flow conditioning, the careful regular increase in flows to mobilise small amounts of material from cohesive layers formed at the pipe wall, provides immediate risk mitigation and system resilience benefits. Evidence is presented showing longer term risk reduction in the trunk mains and a 25% discolouration risk reduction in the downstream networks. Whilst the flow conditioning produced an acute but short duration controlled mobilisation of material from the trunk main, longer term downstream monitoring showed reduced chronic or background material loading. It is proposed this change is due to altering the material exchange behaviour and volumes bound within cohesive layers that develop on bulk water/infrastructure interfaces. The paper provides evidence that flow conditioning is an efficient strategy to manage discolouration risk and improve consumer water quality throughout water distribution systems

    Empirical Analysis of Money Demand Stability in Nigeria

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    The main focus of this study is to identify the variables influencing the demand for money in Nigeria; and to ascertain the stability of money demand in Nigeria. Related theories and empirical researches in this area were reviewed in order to ensure the relevance of variables under study and possible expectation of their relationship with money - demand in Nigeria. Four explanatory variables were specified for this study based on theoretical underpinning. Stationarity test were conducted and all variables were stationary at first difference, with two cointegrating equations after using the Johansen Cointegration test. The error correction model (ECM) was rightly signed and revealed a recovery rate of 18 percent. It was also recommended among others that the monetary policy strategy of the CBN should be structured to deal with the growing challenges posed by financial innovations. The stability test revealed that M2 money demand in Nigeria is stable using both CUSUM and CUSUMSQ at 5 percent critical lines. Keywords: Money-Demand, Non-Bank Financial Institutions, Speculative demand for money, Liquidity, cointegration.

    Quantity and Quality Benefits of in-Service Invasive Cleaning of Trunk Mains

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    Trunk mains are high risk critical infrastructure where poor performance can impact on large numbers of customers. Both quantity (e.g. hydraulic capacity) and quality (e.g. discolouration) of trunk main performance are affected by asset deterioration in the form of particle accumulation at the pipe wall. Trunk main cleaning techniques are therefore desirable to remove such material. However, little is quantified regarding the efficacy of different maintenance interventions or longer-term changes following such cleaning. This paper presents an assessment of quantity and quality performance of a trunk main system pre, post and for 12 months following cleaning using pigging with ice slurry. Hydraulic calibration showed a 7 times roughness height reduction after ice slurry pigging, evidencing substantially improved hydraulic capacity and reduced headloss. Turbidity response due to carefully imposed shear stress increase remained significant after the cleaning intervention, showing that relatively loose material had not been fully removed from the pipe wall. Overall the results demonstrate that cleaning by pigging with ice slurry can be beneficial for quantity performance, but care and further assessment may be necessary to realise the full quality benefits

    Evaluating the Impact of Sustainability and Pipeline Quality on Global Crude Oil Supply Chain Efficiency

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    In this paper, the efficiency Curve model shown in Modelling the Supply Chain (Author: Shapiro) is modified to compare Crude oil supply chain among Indonesia, Russia and Columbiabased on oil transportation distances and associated cost, refinery costs, and the costs associated with refinery sustainability and pipeline quality. However this model was originally used to determine the optimal locations of distribution centres based on transportation cost and the capacity of the distribution centres, this model was modified to allow the use of different costs associated with the quality condition of the pipeline and the costs of sustaining an environmentally friendly facility. This case used to optimize the total cost of oil supply chain for Indonesia, Russia and Columbia. We seek to extend our previous supply chain model, which represent the outbound oil supply chain. The outputs of this paper are efficiency curve that show how the costs of pipeline quality and facility sustainability affect the overall costs of the oil industry of Indonesia, Russia and Columbia. Keywords supply chain management, efficiency curve, quality, sustainability, optimization, crude oil supply chain, Russian Oil pipeline, and Oil refinery

    Survivorship and Growth Among Three Developmental Stages of Black Mangrove (Avicennia germinans) Seedlings in Southernmost Texas

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    Black mangrove is useful for shoreline stabilization in Texas and Mexico but there is insufficient information regarding propagule survivorship and seedling growth. We compared survivorship and growth of three develop-mental groups of black mangrove seedlings planted on three dredge spoil islands in the Lower Laguna Madre of Texas, to better understand optimum planting strategy. Each spoil island had 100 seedlings without emergent radicles, 100 seedlings with emergent radicles, and 75 head-started seedlings. Survivorship of seedlings with and with-out emergent radicles was low, (0-16%). Survivorship of head-started seedlings was higher, (60 – 62.7%). Varia-tion in survivorship among developmental categories was significant but variation among islands was not. The 16 surviving seedlings with emergent radicles censused 346 days after planting were similar in mean height (32.9 cm) and mean number of pairs of leaves (13.2) to head-started seedlings grown for 376 days (105 days in nursery, 271 days on Island 1). Growth rates for height ranged from 0.041 cm/day to 0.058 cm/day. Growth in mean pairs of leaves ranged from 0.042 pairs/day to 0.051 pairs/day. Comparison of the person-days required to have 300 seed-lings alive one year after field planting shows that head-starting is clearly the preferable planting strategy

    Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Keputusan Pembelian Dupa Tridatu Pasupati Kaori di Gianyar

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    Decision making is influenced by many factors, both internal and external to consumers, such as digital marketing, product quality, and brand image. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of digital marketing, product quality, and brand image on purchasing decisions for Dupa Tridatu Pasupati Kaori products in Gianyar partially and simultaneously. This research was conducted at the Dupa Kaori Group in Ubud Subdistrict, Gianyar Regency with an unknown population and a sample of 75 people with a sample determination method in the form of accidental sampling. Data collection was carried out by means of interviews, observation, documentation, and questionnaires. Measurement of the research instrument was carried out with a Likert scale consisting of five answer choices ranging from strongly disagree to strongly agree. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression consisting of a test of determination, partial significance test, and simultaneous significance test. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that digital marketing, product quality, and brand image have a positive and significant effect on purchasing decision

    Peran Budaya Organisasi Dan Komitmen Organisasional untuk Meningkatkan Organizational Citizenship Behavior

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    Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) is behavior shown by employees in real action in the form of completing work that exceeds established formal obligations. OCB can be influenced by organizational culture and organizational commitment. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of organizational culture and organizational commitment on OCB partially and simultaneously. This research was conducted at Perumda Bhukti Praja Sewakadarma Denpasar City with a population of 155 employees and a sample of 61 employees and the sampling method used was proportional random sampling. Primary data collection was carried out using a questionnaire consisting of twenty statement items measured using a Likert scale. Hypothesis testing was carried out using multiple linear regression analysis techniques consisting of determination test, t test, and F test. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that organizational culture and organizational commitment have a positive and significant effect on OCB in Perumda Bhukti Praja Sewakadarma Denpasar City partially and simultaneously

    Costing of strategies for long-term trunk main discolouration management

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    Material continually accumulates throughout drinking water distribution systems, as a result episodic maintenance is essential to mitigate uncontrolled mobilisation leading to water quality failings. Focussing on discolouration as the primary issue observed by consumers, this risk is of particular significance in trunk mains that can supply large downstream populations. Long-term total costs are for the first time investigated here by considering future operational and capital interventions to sustain a defined hydraulic capability that limits the discolouration response. To achieve this, accumulation and mobilisation profiles of pipe wall material is simulated using the open source Variable Condition Discolouration Model (VCDM) to develop Pareto trade-off curves between discolouration resilience and maintenance intervention frequency and magnitude. As the rate at which material accumulates is considered a function of water quality, operational savings that could accrue from reduced maintenance following capital investment, such as water treatment upgrades, are also investigated. With the complexity, size and ageing nature of water distribution system infrastructure, the ability to forecast network discolouration behaviour and hence costs is vital for long-term delivery of safe water at least cost to customers
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