7 research outputs found

    Morphological prerequisites for the formation of fascial duplication in the elimination of damage to the anterior rectal wall during prostatectomy

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    Background Intraoperative rectal injury in prostatectomy patients is an uncommon but severe complication. Particular attention is paid to improving the results of healing damage to the anterior rectal wall during prostatectomy.Objective To study the morphological features of the parietal pelvic fascia and the rectal wall to substantiate the possibility of the formation of fascial duplication in the elimination of damage to the anterior rectal wall during prostatectomy.Material and Methods The authors carried out an intravital morphological analysis of the parietal pelvic fascia covering the levator rectum muscle and the anterior rectal wall in 10 men.Results The parietal pelvic fascia contains more powerful bundles of collagen fibers, which in certain areas are partially woven into the fibers of striated muscle tissue. The adventitia of the rectum is characterized by a looser arrangement of the interacting components of the formed connective and smooth muscle tissue. In the studied formations of the small pelvis, the thickness of collagen fibers separately and in the composition of bundles, as well as the cells of the differon and each fiber separately did not differ, which indicated the identity of their tinctorial properties in the compared zones.Conclusion Morphological analysis showed that when juxtaposing and touching the edges of the healing area of the surgical wound without tension, a stable and continuous scar of the fascial duplication is formed, which ensures reliable fusion of the stitched anatomical structures

    Хирургическая техника стабилизации уретровезикального анастомоза для улучшения результатов раннего восстановления удержания мочи после позадилонной простатэктомии

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    Objective: to develop and substantiate the method of stabilization of urethrovesical anastomosis with retropubic prostatectomy to improve the results of early recovery of urinary retention.Materials and methods. 58 patients who had undergone radical prostatectomy were enrolled into the prospective study. The patient population was divided into two groups by the blinded randomization. The first control group consists of 29 men who underwent traditional routine surgical treatment. The second main group (29 patients) who underwent novel surgical treatment with making urethrocysteoanastomosis based on original method (Patent for invention № 2559588 from 14 Jul 2015 “Method of propylaxis of urinary incontinence after retropubic prostatectomy”).Results. At the moment of the hospital discharge the urine continence was achieved by the 20.7 % (n = 6) patients from the first group and 48.3 % (n = 14) patients from the second group. During the follow-up period in a month after surgery urine continence was maintained by the 37.9 % (n = 11) patients from the first group and 72.4 % (n = 23) patients from the second group, in three months after surgery — 62.0 % (n = 18) patients from the first group and 79.3 % (n = 23) patients from the second group. After the 6 months follow-up period 75.9 % (n = 22) patients from the first group and 86.2 % (n = 25) patients from the second group maintain urine continence. One-year follow-up period showed urine continence in 89.7 % (n = 26) patients from the first group and 93.1 % (n = 27) patients from the second group Conclusion. The surgical technique developed and introduced into clinical practice made it possible to stabilize urethrocysteoanastomosis, prevent or significantly shorten the incontinence period within the first year after retropubic prostatectomy, and improve the quality of life of patients.Цель исследования — разработать и обосновать способ стабилизации уретровезикального анастомоза при позадилонной простатэктомии для улучшения результатов раннего восстановления удержания мочи.Материалы и методы. В проспективное исследование включены данные 58 мужчин, которым выполнена позадилонная простатэктомия. Методом слепой рандомизации пациенты распределены на 2 группы: 1-я (контрольная) — 29 мужчин, которым проведено традиционное хирургическое лечение, 2-я (основная) — 29 пациентов, которым выполнено хирургическое лечение с формированием уретровезикального анастомоза по оригинальной методике (патент на изобретение №2559588 от 14.07.2015 «Способ профилактики недержания мочи после позадилонной простатэктомии»).Результаты. На момент выписки из стационара удерживали мочу 6 (20,7 %) мужчин 1-й группы и 14 (48,3 %) мужчин 2-й. При диспансерном динамическом наблюдении через 1 мес после операции удерживали мочу 11 (37,9 %) пациентов 1-й группы и 21 (72,4 %) пациент 2-й, через 3 мес — 18 (62,0 %) и 23 (79,3 %) мужчины соответственно. Континентными через 6 мес после операции были 22 (75,9 %) мужчины 1-й группы и 25 (86,2 %) мужчин 2-й, через 1 год — 26 (89,7 %) и 27 (93,1 %) пациентов соответственно.Заключение. Разработанный и внедренный в клиническую практику хирургический прием позволял стабилизировать уретроцистоанастомоз, предотвращал или значительно сокращал сроки недержания мочи в течение первого года после простатвезикулэктомии и способствовал улучшению качества жизни пациентов

    Состояние онкологической помощи больным раком предстательной железы в Омской области в 2005-2010 гг.

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    Objective: to study the frequency and dynamics of morbidity and mortality in male population of Omsk region with prostate cancerfor the period from 2005 to 2010.Materials and methods. A retrospective analysis was carried out for the periodfrom 2005 to 2010 of the initial diagnosis of1840patients with prostate cancer and the causes of death of837men in the Omsk region. The contingents of patients with prostate cancer were studied depending on the geographic location, size and composition of the region’s population. The data of the updated base of the population cancer registry and the main reporting forms were used.Results. There was an increase in the absolute number of diagnosed patients with prostate cancer for the first time by an average of 9.9 % annually. The downward trend was in the number of patients with I—II tumor stage lesions. Stable high annual detection of patients was with stage III (more than 50 %). The advanced forms of prostate cancer accounted for up to 24.4 %. The absolute number of men registered had increased by 52.4 %. The annual mortality rate decreased by an average of 5.7 %. During the monitoring period the absolute number of dead patients increased by an average of 6.7 % annually.Conclusion. The development and regional implementation of the Program for the early diagnosis and screening of prostate cancer based on a set of simple and generally accessible methods is advisable.Цель исследования — изучить частоту и динамику заболеваемости раком предстательной железы и смертности от данной патологии среди мужского населения Омской области в период с 2005 по 2010 г.Материалы и методы. За период с 2005по 2010 г. проведен ретроспективный анализ первичной диагностики 1840 больных раком предстательной железы и причин смерти 837мужчин в Омской области. Изучены контингенты больных раком предстательной железы в зависимости от географического положения, численности и состава населения региона. Использовали данные уточненной базы популяционного ракового регистра и основные отчетные формы.Результаты. Отмечено увеличение абсолютного числа вновь выявленных больных раком предстательной железы в среднем на 9,9 % ежегодно. Наблюдалась тенденция к снижению числа больных с I—II стадиями опухолевого поражения. Отмечено стабильно высокое (более 50 %) ежегодное выявление пациентов с III стадией. Запущенные формы рака предстательной железы составляли до 24,4 %. На 52,4 % увеличилось абсолютное число мужчин, состоящих на учете. Показатель годичной летальности снизился в среднем на 5,7 %. За период наблюдения увеличилось абсолютное число умерших пациентов в среднем на 6,7 % ежегодно.Заключение. Целесообразны разработка и региональное внедрение Программы ранней диагностики и скрининга рака предстательной железы на основании комплекса простых и общедоступных методов

    Surgical technique stabilization of urethrovesical anastomosis in order to improve the results of early recovery of urine retention after retropubic prostatectomy

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    Objective: to develop and substantiate the method of stabilization of urethrovesical anastomosis with retropubic prostatectomy to improve the results of early recovery of urinary retention.Materials and methods. 58 patients who had undergone radical prostatectomy were enrolled into the prospective study. The patient population was divided into two groups by the blinded randomization. The first control group consists of 29 men who underwent traditional routine surgical treatment. The second main group (29 patients) who underwent novel surgical treatment with making urethrocysteoanastomosis based on original method (Patent for invention № 2559588 from 14 Jul 2015 “Method of propylaxis of urinary incontinence after retropubic prostatectomy”).Results. At the moment of the hospital discharge the urine continence was achieved by the 20.7 % (n = 6) patients from the first group and 48.3 % (n = 14) patients from the second group. During the follow-up period in a month after surgery urine continence was maintained by the 37.9 % (n = 11) patients from the first group and 72.4 % (n = 23) patients from the second group, in three months after surgery — 62.0 % (n = 18) patients from the first group and 79.3 % (n = 23) patients from the second group. After the 6 months follow-up period 75.9 % (n = 22) patients from the first group and 86.2 % (n = 25) patients from the second group maintain urine continence. One-year follow-up period showed urine continence in 89.7 % (n = 26) patients from the first group and 93.1 % (n = 27) patients from the second group Conclusion. The surgical technique developed and introduced into clinical practice made it possible to stabilize urethrocysteoanastomosis, prevent or significantly shorten the incontinence period within the first year after retropubic prostatectomy, and improve the quality of life of patients

    The prevalence of prostate cancer from 2005 to 2010 in terms of patient survival

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    Objective: to study the frequency and dynamics of morbidity and mortality in male population of Omsk region with prostate cancerfor the period from 2005 to 2010.Materials and methods. A retrospective analysis was carried out for the periodfrom 2005 to 2010 of the initial diagnosis of1840patients with prostate cancer and the causes of death of837men in the Omsk region. The contingents of patients with prostate cancer were studied depending on the geographic location, size and composition of the region’s population. The data of the updated base of the population cancer registry and the main reporting forms were used.Results. There was an increase in the absolute number of diagnosed patients with prostate cancer for the first time by an average of 9.9 % annually. The downward trend was in the number of patients with I—II tumor stage lesions. Stable high annual detection of patients was with stage III (more than 50 %). The advanced forms of prostate cancer accounted for up to 24.4 %. The absolute number of men registered had increased by 52.4 %. The annual mortality rate decreased by an average of 5.7 %. During the monitoring period the absolute number of dead patients increased by an average of 6.7 % annually.Conclusion. The development and regional implementation of the Program for the early diagnosis and screening of prostate cancer based on a set of simple and generally accessible methods is advisable