10 research outputs found

    Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposited Materials and Organic Semiconductors in Photovoltaic Devices

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    Introduction. PECVD enables fabrication of wide range of advanced materials with various structure such as amorphous, polymorphous, nano-crystalline, nanostructured, microcrystalline etc. and with various electronic properties. The latter can be also changed by different dopingl. PECVD silicon materials are commercially employed in multi-layered PV structures (including ones on flexible substrates). Combining these materials with crystalline silicon active substrate resulted in significant improvement of PCE in hetero junction technology PV structures. Existence of new organic semiconductors (OS) together with understanding of physical properties resulted in fast development of OC PV devicesAim. To consider both PECVD and OS materials and to present description of fabrication, structure and electronic properties for device application.Materials and methods. Devices based on non-crystalline materials, devices based on OS, hybrid devices. PECVD and Spin coating technique was used to deposit materials with tunable properties enabling device engineering possibilities.Results. PECVD and OS materials were analyzed. These materials have different levels of characterization (data volume, interpretation of the results etc.) and of understanding of physics determining device performance. Some examples of these materials in PV including structures with crystalline silicon were considered.Conclusion. Important advantage of both PECVD and OS materials is that fabrication methods are compatible and allow fabrication of great variety of hybrid device structures on crystalline semiconductors. Advantages of such devices are difficult to predict because of lack of data in scientific literature. However a new area in material science and related devices for further exploring and exploiting has appeared.Introduction. PECVD enables fabrication of wide range of advanced materials with various structure such as amorphous, polymorphous, nano-crystalline, nanostructured, microcrystalline etc. and with various electronic properties. The latter can be also changed by different dopingl. PECVD silicon materials are commercially employed in multi-layered PV structures (including ones on flexible substrates). Combining these materials with crystalline silicon active substrate resulted in significant improvement of PCE in hetero junction technology PV structures. Existence of new organic semiconductors (OS) together with understanding of physical properties resulted in fast development of OC PV devices.Aim. To consider both PECVD and OS materials and to present description of fabrication, structure and electronic properties for device application.Materials and methods. Devices based on non-crystalline materials, devices based on OS, hybrid devices. PECVD and Spin coating technique was used to deposit materials with tunable properties enabling device engineering possibilities.Results. PECVD and OS materials were analyzed. These materials have different levels of characterization (data volume, interpretation of the results etc.) and of understanding of physics determining device performance. Some examples of these materials in PV including structures with crystalline silicon were considered.Conclusion. Important advantage of both PECVD and OS materials is that fabrication methods are compatible and allow fabrication of great variety of hybrid device structures on crystalline semiconductors. Advantages of such devices are difficult to predict because of lack of data in scientific literature. However a new area in material science and related devices for further exploring and exploiting has appeared

    Condition bile system at chronic hepatitises of a various etiology

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    Is presented results of the ultrasonic study liver and bile ways, radiological of the study liver and bilious channel by means of hepatobilescintigraphia, fractious chromatic minutes duodenal of the flexing with biochemical study of the composition gall bile beside patient with chronic viral hepatitis С and with patient to abuse of alcohol. It is installed that signs of the breach current of bile were diagnosed in 99%, breach to biochemistries gall bile in 100% events (aside its litogenesis). The degree of the change the main biochemical factors gall bile depended on etiology diseases and types duskiness of bile ways. Got given necessary to take into account in the treatment patient with chronic virus hepatitis С and by mixed etiology.Представлены результаты ультразвукового исследования печени и желчевыводящих путей, радиологического исследования печени и желчных протоков посредством гепатобилисцинтиграфии, фракционного хроматического минутированного дуоденального зондирования с биохимическим исследованием состава пузырной желчи у пациентов с хроническим вирусным гепатитом С и при сопутствующем злоупотреблении алкоголя. Нарушения желчевыделения были диагностированы в 99% случаев, нарушения биохимии пузырной желчи - в 100% (в сторону ее литогенности). Степень изменения основных биохимических показателей пузырной желчи зависела от этиологии заболевания и типа нарушения желчеотделения. Полученные данные необходимо учитывать в лечебной тактике ведения пациентов с хроническим вирусным гепатитом С и при сочетанной этиологии


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    В статье анализируется возможность применения модели государственно-частного партнерства в сфере природоресурсных правоотношений. Автор приходит к выводу о перспективах взаимодействия государства и инвесторов в рамках соглашений о государственно-частном партнерстве при осуществлении видов права природопользования, которые требуют значительных вложений в развитие необходимой для этого инфраструктуры (добыча полезных ископаемых, использование геотермальных ресурсов недр и др.); видов деятельности, задачей которых является обеспечение функционирования, воспроизводства природных ресурсов, поддержание их надлежащего состояния и выполняемых функций (озеленение, ведение лесного, водного, охотничьего, рыболовного хозяйства и др.); мелиорации и использования мелиорируемых или мелиорированных земель. Однако недостаточное правовое регулирование сдерживает развитие государственно-частного партнерства, в связи с чем в статье обоснован ряд предложений по совершенствованию природоресурсного и иного законодательства Республики Беларусь.= The article analyzes the possibility of applying the model of public-private partnership in the field of natural resource legal relations. The author comes to the conclusion about the prospects for interaction between the state and investors within the agreements on public-private partnership in the implementation of types natural resources usage rights, which require significant investments in the development of the necessary infrastructure (mining, use of geothermal resources of the subsoil, etc.); types of activities, the task of which is to ensure the functioning, reproduction of natural resources, maintaining their proper condition and the functions performed (landscaping, forestry, water management, hunting farm, fisheries, etc.); reclamation and use of reclaimed land. However, insufficient legal regulation hinders the development of public-private partnerships, in connection with which the article substantiates a number of proposals for improving the natural resource and other legislation of the Republic of Belarus

    Development of a method for determining acid -degree value of oil contained in sunflower phospholipids on the basis of the NMR method

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    It’s been determined that the amplitude of the NMR signals of protons of the solid phase, that is, the amplitude of NMR signals of soap protons (Am), is an analytical parameter characterizing the content of the soap formed, and, consequently, the content of free fatty acids. It’s been revealed that there is a linear dependence between the acid-degree value of oil extracted from sunflower phospholipids and the amplitude of NMR signals of soap protons, which is described by the following equation: A.n.=0,2481× Ам+ 0,4319. A method has been developed for determining one of the main quality indicators of sunflower phospholipids-the acid-degree value of oil extracted from sunflower phospholipids, using the nuclear-magnetic relaxation method, which makes it possible to eliminate the use of toxic solvents, as well as to improve the accuracy of the analysis results

    Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposited Materials and Organic Semiconductors in Photovoltaic Devices

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    Introduction. PECVD enables fabrication of wide range of advanced materials with various structure such as amorphous, polymorphous, nano-crystalline, nanostructured, microcrystalline etc. and with various electronic properties. The latter can be also changed by different dopingl. PECVD silicon materials are commercially employed in multi-layered PV structures (including ones on flexible substrates). Combining these materials with crystalline silicon active substrate resulted in significant improvement of PCE in hetero junction technology PV structures. Existence of new organic semiconductors (OS) together with understanding of physical properties resulted in fast development of OC PV devicesAim. To consider both PECVD and OS materials and to present description of fabrication, structure and electronic properties for device application.Materials and methods. Devices based on non-crystalline materials, devices based on OS, hybrid devices. PECVD and Spin coating technique was used to deposit materials with tunable properties enabling device engineering possibilities.Results. PECVD and OS materials were analyzed. These materials have different levels of characterization (data volume, interpretation of the results etc.) and of understanding of physics determining device performance. Some examples of these materials in PV including structures with crystalline silicon were considered.Conclusion. Important advantage of both PECVD and OS materials is that fabrication methods are compatible and allow fabrication of great variety of hybrid device structures on crystalline semiconductors. Advantages of such devices are difficult to predict because of lack of data in scientific literature. However a new area in material science and related devices for further exploring and exploiting has appeared