7 research outputs found

    Polarization gradient: exploring an original route for optical trapping and manipulation.

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    We report a study of the capabilities of an optical tweezer based on polarization gradient. We use a light polarization pattern that is able to simultaneously exert forces and torques in opposite directions depending on the particle's position. It allows to perform oscillatory displacements and control the sense of rotation of several particles inside a uniformly illuminated region. Unconventional trapping of spinning particles in circularly polarized fringes has been observed, which suggests the involvement of hydrodynamic forces

    Interference with polarized light beams: Generation of spatially varying polarization

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    Using a scheme based on a Mach-Zehnder interferometer, we propose an analysis of the superposition of polarized laser beams at a given angle. The focus of our study is the spatially varying polarization state of the resulting field, also known as a polarization grating, generated by this setup. Our proposal combines a theoretical description of the resulting field in terms of its Stokes parameters with an experimental demonstration of the existence of such a polarization grating due to the effects of polarization on beam interference experiments.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figure

    Experimental generation of Mathieu-Gauss beams with a phase-only spatial light modulator

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    We present a novel method for the efficient generation of even, odd, and helical Mathieu-Gauss beams of arbitrary order and ellipticity by means of a phase-only spatial light modulator (SLM). Our method consists of displaying the phase of the desired beam in the SLM; the reconstructed field is obtained on-axis following a spatial filtering process with an annular aperture. The propagation invariance and topological properties of the generated beams are investigated numerically and experimentally

    Bidirectional optical sorting of gold nanoparticles

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    We present a generic technique allowing size-based all-optical sorting of gold nanoparticles. Optical forces acting on metallic nanoparticles are substantially enhanced when they are illuminated at a wavelength near the plasmon resonance, as determined by the particle’s geometry. Exploiting these resonances, we realize sorting in a system of two counter-propagating evanescent waves, each at different wavelengths that selectively guide nanoparticles of different sizes in opposite directions. We validate this concept by demonstrating bidirectional sorting of gold nanoparticles of either 150 or 130 nm in diameter from those of 100 nm in diameter within a mixture.5 page(s