13 research outputs found

    Silicon Electronic Photonic Integrated Circuits for High Speed Analog to Digital Conversion

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    Abstract: Integrated optical components on the silicon platform and optically enhanced electronic sampling circuits are demonstrated that enable the fabrication of a variety of electronic-photonic A/D converter chips surpassing currently available technology in sampling speed and resolution

    Hepatitis B and C in doctors and dentists in Nigeria

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    We surveyed a random sample (n=75) of doctors HBV vaccination (p<0.05). After logistic regresand dentists at University College Hospital, Ibadan, sion, these factors were independently associated Nigeria. They were offered anonymous testing for with HBV infection (p<0.05). Sixty (80%) had not hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), hepatitis Be received prior HBV vaccination. Unvaccinated perantigen (HBeAG), antibodies to hepatitis B core sonnel were more likely to be surgeons, dentists, antigen (anti-HBc) and to hepatitis C virus (anti- <37 years of age, and have fewer years of profes- HCV), by enzyme immunoassay. The results suggest sional activity (p<0.05). After logistic regression, a high prevalence of hepatitis B virus (HBV) with a only fewer years of professional activity remained high potential of transmissibility, as well as a high independently associated with lack of vaccination prevalence of HCV infection. The majority of the (p<0.05). To reduce the occupational exposure of doctors and dentists use universal precaution for HBV, universal precautions must be rigorously protection against viral hepatitis on <50% of the adhered to when the doctors and dentists carry out occasions when they carry out procedures on their procedures on their patients, and all health-care patients. Infection with HBV was associated with workers should be vaccinated with HBV vaccine type of specialty (surgeons, dentists) and lack of and the HCV vaccine, when it becomes available

    Disease Pattern in the Elderly

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