7,561 research outputs found

    Large-scale instability in a sheared nonhelical turbulence: formation of vortical structures

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    We study a large-scale instability in a sheared nonhelical turbulence that causes generation of large-scale vorticity. Three types of the background large-scale flows are considered, i.e., the Couette and Poiseuille flows in a small-scale homogeneous turbulence, and the "log-linear" velocity shear in an inhomogeneous turbulence. It is known that laminar plane Couette flow and antisymmetric mode of laminar plane Poiseuille flow are stable with respect to small perturbations for any Reynolds numbers. We demonstrate that in a small-scale turbulence under certain conditions the large-scale Couette and Poiseuille flows are unstable due to the large-scale instability. This instability causes formation of large-scale vortical structures stretched along the mean sheared velocity. The growth rate of the large-scale instability for the "log-linear" velocity shear is much larger than that for the Couette and Poiseuille background flows. We have found a turbulent analogue of the Tollmien-Schlichting waves in a small-scale sheared turbulence. A mechanism of excitation of turbulent Tollmien-Schlichting waves is associated with a combined effect of the turbulent Reynolds stress-induced generation of perturbations of the mean vorticity and the background sheared motions. These waves can be excited even in a plane Couette flow imposed on a small-scale turbulence when perturbations of mean velocity depend on three spatial coordinates. The energy of these waves is supplied by the small-scale sheared turbulence.Comment: 12 pages, 14 figures, Phys. Rev. E, in pres

    The Problem of Scheduling for the Linear Section of a Single-Track Railway with Independent Edges Orientations

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    The paper is devoted to the problem of scheduling for the linear section of a single-track railway: how to organize the ow in both directions in the most efficient way. In this paper, the authors propose an algorithm for scheduling with independent edges orientations, examine the properties of this algorithm and perform the computational experiments

    Nonequilibrium phenomena in multiple normal-superconducting tunnel heterostructures

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    Using the nonequilibrium theory of superconductivity with the tunnel Hamiltonian, we consider a mesoscopic NISINISIN heterostructure, i.e., a structure consisting of five intermittent normal-metal (N) and superconducting (S) regions separated by insulating tunnel barriers (I). Applying the bias voltage between the outer normal electrodes one can drive the central N island very far from equilibrium. Depending on the resistance ratio of outer and inner tunnel junctions, one can realize either effective electron cooling in the central N island or create highly nonequilibrium energy distributions of electrons in both S and N islands. These distributions exhibit multiple peaks at a distance of integer multiples of the superconducting chemical potential. In the latter case the superconducting gap in the S islands is strongly suppressed as compared to its equilibrium value

    Nearby low-mass triple system GJ795

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    We report the results of our optical speckle-interferometric observations of the nearby triple system GJ795 performed with the 6-m BTA telescope with diffraction-limited angular resolution. The three components of the system were optically resolved for the first time. Position measurements allowed us to determine the elements of the inner orbit of the triple system. We use the measured magnitude differences to estimate the absolute magnitudes and spectral types of the components of the triple: MVAaM_{V}^{Aa}=7.31±\pm0.08, MVAbM_{V}^{Ab}=8.66±\pm0.10, MVBM_{V}^{B}=8.42±\pm0.10, SpAaSp_{Aa} \approxK5, SpAbSp_{Ab} \approxK9, SpBSp_{B} \approxK8. The total mass of the system is equal to ΣMAB\Sigma\mathcal{M}_{AB}=1.69±0.27M\pm0.27\mathcal{M}_{\odot}. We show GJ795 to be a hierarchical triple system which satisfies the empirical stability criteria.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, published in Astrophysical Bulleti