18 research outputs found

    Levels in 106Ru and 108Ru

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    The decay schemes of 36 s 106Tc and 5 s 108Tc have been studied with γ-ray singles and γ-γ coincidence measurements. To separate the technetium nuclides from the fission products of 239Pu, an on-line chemical separation procedure has been developed which is based on multistep chemical separations of liquid phases by fast-rotating centrifuges (“SISAK”). The resulting level schemes of 106Ru and 108Ru, together with those of 102Ru and 104Ru, are interpreted in terms of the generalized collective model of Gneuss and Greiner. The potential-energy surfaces calculated from the spectroscopic data show a trend towards triaxial shapes for the very neutron-rich Ru nuclei

    An evaluation of space time cube representation of spatiotemporal patterns.

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    Space time cube representation is an information visualization technique where spatiotemporal data points are mapped into a cube. Information visualization researchers have previously argued that space time cube representation is beneficial in revealing complex spatiotemporal patterns in a data set to users. The argument is based on the fact that both time and spatial information are displayed simultaneously to users, an effect difficult to achieve in other representations. However, to our knowledge the actual usefulness of space time cube representation in conveying complex spatiotemporal patterns to users has not been empirically validated. To fill this gap, we report on a between-subjects experiment comparing novice users' error rates and response times when answering a set of questions using either space time cube or a baseline 2D representation. For some simple questions, the error rates were lower when using the baseline representation. For complex questions where the participants needed an overall understanding of the spatiotemporal structure of the data set, the space time cube representation resulted in on average twice as fast response times with no difference in error rates compared to the baseline. These results provide an empirical foundation for the hypothesis that space time cube representation benefits users analyzing complex spatiotemporal patterns

    Morphological and Molecular Differentiation between Egyptian Species of Pancratium L. (Amaryllidaceae)

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    Three problems in the taxonomy of Pancratium in Egypt are the lack of publications, a lack of clarity about the relationships between recently distinguished species, and the lack of markers for examining the levels and patterns of variation in rare and endemic species; the latter hinders work in plant conservation genetics. In this study we reassessed the taxonomic status of the Pancratium species of Egypt, and examined morphological and genetic variation within and between species, using specimens from different populations collected throughout its distribution range in the country. Our assessment was based on 38 macromorphological characters mainly representing vegetative parts, flowers, fruits and seeds, in addition to RAPD data. The results revealed five morphologically distinguished Pancratium species in Egypt, of which P. trianthum Herb. is newly recorded. Species identification was confirmed by two phenetic dendrograms generated with 26 quantitative morphological characters and RAPD data, while species delimitation was verified by principal component analysis. The diagnostic floral characters are those of the perianth, corona teeth, pistil, stamens, aerial scape, spathe, and number of flowers. The retrieved RAPD polymorphic bands show better resolution of the morphologically and ecologically closely allied Pancratium species (P. arabicum and P. maritimum), and also confirm the morphological and ecological divergence of P. tortuosum from the other studied species. These results are supported by the constructed UPGMA dendrogram

    New perspectives on the angiosperm female gametophyte

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