521 research outputs found

    Effects of the Electronic Structure, Phase Transition and Localized Dynamics of Atoms in the Formation of Tiny Particles of Gold

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    In addition to the self-governing properties, tiny metallic colloids are the building blocks of larger particles. This topic has been a subject of many studies. Tiny particles of different sizes developed under three different experiments are discussed in this work. The development of a tiny-sized particle depends on the attained dynamics of atoms. When atoms of the compact monolayer assembly bind by a nanoenergy packet, the developed tiny-sized particle elongates atoms of arrays into the structures of smooth elements at the solution surface. The impinging electron streams at a fixed angle can elongate the already elongated atoms of arrays. Travelling photons along the interface influence the modified atoms. Gold atoms can also develop different tiny particles inside the solution. In addition to the dynamics of atoms, miscellaneous factors can contribute in the development of such tiny particles. Atoms in the form of tiny clusters can also amalgamate to develop a tiny-sized particle. In the third kind of tiny particle, amalgamated atoms can bind by executing electron dynamics. However, not all of the atoms can bind by the electron dynamics. This study very concisely highlights the fundamental process of developing a variety of tiny particles in which electronic structure, phase transition and localized dynamics of gold atoms influence the structure. The study targets the specific discussion that how atoms of tiny-sized particles bind, and how travelling photons along the air-solution interface influence their structure. Several possibilities may be opened through pulse-based process to develop engineered materials

    Patterns Of Distribution Total Suspended Solid (Tss) In River Estuary Kampar Pelalawan

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    This study was conducted in April 2016 in Kuala Kampar estuary watersPelalawan. The purpose of this study to determine the level of the distributionpattern of suspended solids in the Kampar River Estuary at high tide to the ebband flow toward the post method used in this research is survey method, namelythe study sample was obtained in the field are considered to represent the Islandwaters Mendol, then the samples were analyzed in laboratories to test TSS (TotalSuspended Solid) distribution pattern of total suspended solids in waters KamparRiver Estuary seen that the accumulation of suspended particles at low tide andthe tide heading toward downs, TSS distribution pattern is at the highest value atthe time of ebb tide toward which the values obtained range from 500-1500 mg / l,This indicates that the incoming flow pattern during ebb tide towards very high tothe north. While the TSS distribution pattern that went into the water at low tide tothe obtained value of 700-1100 mg / l where the distribution pattern heading southlocation research

    Pengaruh Geomorfologi terhadap Pola Arus dan Pasang Surut Desa Putik Kecamatan Palmatak Kabupaten Kepulauan Anambas Provinsi Kepulauan Riau

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    Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Januari - Februari tahun 2017, di Desa PutikKecamatan Palmatak Kabupaten Kepulauan Anambas Provinsi Kepulauan Riau. Tujuanpenelitian ini adalah melihat pola arus dan pasang surut yang ditinjau dari fisikaoseanografi dan geomorfologi pantai, mengetahui pengaruh geomarfologi terhadaparus pantai daerah penelitian dan mendeskripsikan pola arus permukaan dipada saat airsedang naik pasang dan menuju surut. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptifyang bersifat eksploratif, metode purposive sampling yaitu penentuan lokasi untukpengambilan data, metode langrangian Pengukuran arus air. Hasil yang dapat disimpulkandari penelitian ini yaitu analisis bilangan formzahl diketahui bahwa tipe pasangsurut diperairan Desa Putik merupakan tipe pasang surut harian tungggal (diurnal tide)yang berarti dalam satu hari terjadi satu kali pasang dan satu kali surut dalam rentangwaktu 12 jam. Di perairan Desa Putik, pergerakan arus yang terjadi dipengaruhi olehpasang surut. Pola arus yang terjadi mengikuti Perubahan pasang surut setiap harinya.Hutan mangrove yang berada dipulau mempengaruhi cepat dan lambat laju arus yangmasuk dan keluar. Kedalaman juga mengambil peran penting dalam pengaruh terhadapkecepatan arus daerah penelitian dimana semakin dangkal perairan maka arus yangmelewatinya semakin lambat, dan arus yang melewati perairan dalam dipengaruhi olehdensitas Berdasarkan analisis data dan Morfologi perairan daerah penelitian memberipengaruh yang sangat besar terhadap pola dan kecepatan arus

    Pathology of Renal Transplantation

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