12 research outputs found

    Dissemination of Invasive Mosquito Species, Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti (L., 1762) and Aedes (Stegomyia) albopictus (Skuse, 1895) in the South of Krasnodar Region, Russia

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    Objective of the study was to investigate the current borders of the invasive species Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus distribution in the south of the Krasnodar Region and climatic factors limiting their expansion. Material and methods. Mosquito larvae, pupa and imago were collected in 21 inhabited localities in August–September, 2017, using conventional entomological methods, and identified through standard morphological keys. Climatic data found on the website pogoda. ru were analyzed using SPSS program. Results and conclusions. Ae. albopictus is widely spread along the Black Sea coast, from Adler to Novorossiysk (Ozereyevka), as well as on the north slopes of Caucasus up to Maikop. Additional investigations are required to specify the northern border of species distribution and to evidence the existence of established populations here. Ae. aegypti were not found in the south of the Krasnodar Region. The obtained data suggest a possibility of much wider spreading of dengue, Chikungunya and Zika fevers in case of pathogen importation to the south of Krasnodar Region, than was assumed earlier

    Velocity tuning of friction with two trapped atoms

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    Our ability to control friction remains modest, as our understanding of the underlying microscopic processes is incomplete. Atomic force experiments have provided a wealth of results on the dependence of nanofriction on structure velocity and temperature but limitations in the dynamic range, time resolution, and control at the single-atom level have hampered a description from first principles. Here, using an ion-crystal system with single-atom, single-substrate-site spatial and single-slip temporal resolution we measure the friction force over nearly five orders of magnitude in velocity, and contiguously observe four distinct regimes, while controlling temperature and dissipation. We elucidate the interplay between thermal and structural lubricity for two coupled atoms, and provide a simple explanation in terms of the Peierls–Nabarro potential. This extensive control at the atomic scale enables fundamental studies of the interaction of many-atom surfaces, possibly into the quantum regime

    Evaluation of laboratory parameters of endogenous intoxication in patients with brain tumors

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    Objective - assessment of endogenous intoxication degree in patients with malignant and benign brain tumors after intraoperative photodynamic therapy. It has been established that the identified changes in the indices of endogenous intoxication reflect the degree of malignancy of brain tumors. Surgical intervention combined with intraoperative photodynamic therapy can be a powerful destructive factor that is reflected in the increase in the endotoxemia degree. To increase the effectiveness of treatment of patients with brain tumors additional activities to arrest the endogenous intoxication in the early postoperative period are required

    Differential geometry of submanifolds

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