663 research outputs found

    Assessment of Regional Economic Security Level in Innovative Development

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    Analysis of the innovative development of the regional economy is a relevant problem due to its role in ensuring the economic security of the country and achieving priority goals. The subject of the research are the regions of one of Russia's most dynamically developing macro-regions – the Volga Federal District. It features innovation clusters, a network of modern manufacturing companies, research organizations. At the same time, it developed a significant territorial heterogeneity of the regional space.Therefore, in the course of the study, a typology of the regions was drafted according to a number of indicators, which made it possible to assess the level of their innovative development and identify zones of relative stability, medium and critical state. A forecast of the main indicators of the innovation component was made showing the ability of the regions to overcome the factors preventing the development of the innovation economy.The research results showed that most of the regions have a medium level of economic security in the field of innovation. The Nizhny Novgorod Region and the Republic of Tatarstan are at a high level. The economy of these regions is characterized by a high level of diversification, resilience to instability in the domestic market and external challenges. The Saratov region, the Republic of Mari El and the Orenburg Region are in a low-level zone. A short-term forecast indicates that in general the situation will not change – the regions will increase or decrease the values of the indices within the achieved levels of economic security. A qualitative transition to a new level is possible provided that the problems that hinder the innovative economy in the regions are eliminated

    Comparative Analysis of Clinical and Functional Results and Position of Intraocular Lens after Femtolaser-Assisted and Standard Cataract Phacoemulsification

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    Modern surgical treatment of cataracts provides effective results. The study of the position of the intraocular lens (IOL) in the capsule bag can be considered as one of the most important factors influencing the final visual and refractive result of the operation.Aim: comparative analysis of clinical and functional results and position of the IOL in the capsular bag, namely decentration and tilt, when performing femtolazer-assisted phacoemulsification (FLACS) and standard phacoemulsification (CPCS). Materials and methods. We surveyed 57 patients (57 eyes). FLACS was performed in 27 patients, CPCS – in 30 patients. Standard methods of research were used, determination of the position of the IOL (decentration and tilt) in the capsular bag on the device OCT-Casia2 (TOMEY, Germany) and study of wave front were conducted.Results. Comparative analysis of the obtained results showed no significant difference between groups in postoperative visual acuity, however, there was the trend towards higher performance corrected distance visual acuity and uncorrected distance in the group FLACS (0.68 ± 0.18 and 0.74 ± 0.2) compared to the group CPCS (0.58 ± 0.28 and 0.65 ± 0.24). Internal higher order aberrations were significantly low in the group with femtolazer accompaniment: in 3 mm zone almost 2 times (p = 0.041), in 5 mm zone 1.3 times (p = 0.047). Vertical decentration in a CPCS group made 0.217 ± 0.26 mm, in FLACS group – 0.118 ± 0.05 mm, the vertical tilt – 0.75 ± 0.37° and 0.54 ± 0.36 respectively. Conclusion. Decentralizations and IOL tilt tended to lower indices in the FLACS during the observation period up to 2 months after the operation, which was accompanied by lower values of higher order internal aberrations

    Functional Improvement of Non-State Pension Funds as Mechanism of Investment in Russian Economy

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    The article is dedicated to the search of investments in the domestic financial market that is a relevant problem for the Russian economy. The authors believe that pension funds attracted by non-state pension institutions are an essential resource for the Russian economy; practices of foreign pension institutions need to be examined and implemented to tap this resource more efficiently.The proposed measures specified in the article following the study of foreign pension funds' functioning include: changes in the criteria for balancing portfolios of Russian pension funds' securities; development of new instruments for pension funds' investment; enhancing activities of non-state pension funds' shares market; activation of pension funds' investments in shares of innovative enterprises, etc. Practical proposals on the improvement of Russian non-state pension funds' activities have been made

    Tissue distribution of potential antidiabetic agent C7070

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    C7070 is a novel imidazoline receptors agonist for the treatment of diabetes mellitus. The study was included 12 male Wistar rats. The C7070 concentration was determined by highperformance liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry detectio

    Level of Food Consumption by Population of Sverdlovsk Region (Budget Surveys in 1986—1990)

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    Issues related to the level of consumption by the population of the USSR in the “perestroika” period of its history are considered. In order to conduct an objective historical analysis of the problem, the authors used materials from the funds of three archives, some of which are introduced into scientific circulation for the first time. It is emphasized that the second half of the 1980s was crucial for the Soviet Union, becoming the last five years in its difficult history. The results of a comparative analysis of food consumption by the population of the Sverdlovsk region in the study period are presented. A clear discrepancy between the level of consumption of a number of food products by the population of the Middle Urals and the norms of their scientifically grounded rational consumption is determined. The emphasis is made on the fact that in the diet of Soviet citizens there was always a very shortage of vegetables, melons, fruits and, to some extent, fish products. It is proved that the chronic underconsumption of these products was to a certain extent “compensated” by the increased consumption of sugar, confectionery and dairy products, and in the difficult 1940s–1950s — bakery products and potatoes.  It is concluded that it is not necessary to overly dramatize the “material” factor in the development of disintegration processes that led to the collapse of the Soviet Union

    Animal Husbandry in Sverdlovsk Region in 1953—1985

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    The relevance of the work is due to the enduring theoretical and practical interest shown by Russian society in the historical period considered in the article. The novelty of the study is seen in the fact that the materials from the funds of one federal and two regional archives, some of which are introduced into scientific circulation for the first time are used in the article. It is emphasized that the period under study included a huge number of events that directly affected the state of the country’s agriculture, including husbandry. It is argued that by the beginning of the 20th century the Middle Urals already had a fairly developed livestock sector. Attention is focused on the fact that the husbandry sector of the region met the beginning of the study period with poor performance. The authors express their conviction that the personal subsidiary plot of citizens (PSP) played an important role in providing the population with livestock products throughout the study period. It is concluded that, despite all the vicissitudes and cataclysms, the average per capita consumption of the three most important husbandry products (meat, milk and eggs) among a significant part of the population of the region by the beginning of the 1970s had reached the level of scientifically based consumption norms

    Production of Consumer Goods by Industry of Middle Urals in 1971—1980

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    The relevance of the study is due to the enduring theoretical and practical interest shown by Russian society in the historical period studied in the article. The novelty of the study is seen in the fact that the materials from the funds of two regional archives are used in the article: the Current Archive of the Territorial Authority of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Sverdlovsk Region and the Center for Documentation of Public Organizations of the Sverdlovsk Region, some of which are introduced into scientific circulation for the first time. It is emphasized that the decade under study was the peak of the historical period known as “stagnant”, becoming the last relatively prosperous decade in the history of the USSR. The authors state that the policy of “détente” provided the country with a certain foreign policy stability. Attention is focused on the fact that the development of stagnation phenomena in the country’s economy in the 1970s is clearly visible when analyzing the production of consumer goods on the example of almost any of its regions, including the Middle Urals. It is proved that during the decade under study there was no significant improvement in providing the population of the region with industrial food products. It is concluded that similar stagnation phenomena were observed in most and other areas of consumer goods production


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    In the article the features of organization and conducting energy surveys to identify sources of irrational energy consumption and unreasonable energy losses, and consequently to increase the energy efficiency of the facility.В работе рассмотрены особенности организации и проведения энергетического обследования, позволяющего выявить источники нерациональных энергозатрат и неоправданных потерь энергии, и повысить энергоэффективность объекта

    Features of effector lymphocyte subsets in patients with uveal melanoma in recurrent and chronic herpesvirus infection

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    The aim of the study is to conduct a comparative analysis of percentages for peripheral blood effector lymphocyte subsets in patients with uveal melanoma manifested by recurrent and chronic herpesvirus infection. There were 141 subjects enrolled: 70 patients with uveal melanoma, 38 patients with corneal ulcers and involvement of the uveal tract as well as 33 healthy donors. Immunophenotyping was performed by using laser flow cytometry with panel of monoclonal antibodies to differentiate lymphocyte subpopulations. IgM and IgG antibodies to herpesvirus infections were determined by using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay on an automatic ELISA analyzer Lazurit (USA) with diagnostic kits of CJSC “Vector-Best” (Koltsovo). The data obtained showed that the absolute number of blood lymphocytes (CD45+) in patients with uveal melanoma did not differ from those in healthy donors. In contrast, patients with corneal ulcers and involvement of the uveal tract had this parameter increased. A decreased relative and absolute count of T cells (CD3+) in uveal melanoma, but increased absolute CD3+ number in inflammation was observed. No difference in relative and absolute content of the CD3+CD4+ helper/inducer subpopulation in patients with recurrent herpesvirus infections was found. Corneal ulcers in cancer patients revealed significantly increased absolute level of CD3+CD4+ helpers/inductor cells. Chronic herpesvirus infection in uveal melanoma patients showed increased relative and absolute number of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CD3+CD8+). Recurrent herpesvirus infection was featured with decreased relative number of T lymphocytes (CD3+CD8+), upon inflammation, there was noted increased absolute and decreased relative number compared with healthy subjects. Double positive T cells increased in tumor and inflammation. B lymphocytes (CD19+) increased in melanoma and inflammation. The relative number of blood natural killer cells (CD16+CD56+) in uveal melanoma increased upon recurrent infection. Inflammation was coupled to decreased relative level of natural killer cells (CD16+CD56+). Melanoma showed no changes in CD4+/ CD8+ ratio; upon inflammation, its increase was noted in acute and chronic herpesvirus infections (p < 0.05). The suppression of the immune system in uveal melanoma, restricting antiviral defense, was revealed. The data obtained seem to be important for development of personalized approaches to prognosis and treatment of patients with uveal melanoma

    Цитогенетические нарушения у молодняка крупного рогатого скота, вакцинированного против трихофитии

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    This article continues a series of works by the authors devoted to most of the karyopathological effects of vaccines used in agriculture. The authors of the test cytogenetic analysis of the impact caused by the LTF130 vaccine from an attenuated culture of the fungus Trichophyton verrucosum TF-130 L VGNKI in peripheral blood lymphocytes of healthy 30-day-old healthy Holstein Colonial calves. The experiment was conducted on the material and technical basis of two departments: veterinary genetics and biotechnology, epizootiology and microbiology, FSBEI HE “Novosibirsk State Agrarian University”. The authors found that the spectrum of induced cytogenetic disorders included polyploid, hyper- and hypoploid cells, chromatid and chromosome breaks, and single and paired fragments of chromosomes, regardless of the time since the introduction of the vaccine. They did not differ from the spectrum of spontaneously occurring mutations in this species. It was noted that among cells with a changed number of chromosomes, polyploid cells with tetraploid sets (79.3–91.9%) and aneuploid cells with hypoploid sets (45.7–74.3%) of chromosomes predominated. The authors found a decrease in the frequency of polyploid cells seven days after vaccination of calves against trichophytosis to 1.6%, control - 3.4 ± 0.57% (P < 0.01). An increase in the frequency of hyperploid cells 14 days after vaccination of calves against trichophytosis up to 3.69% was revealed due to trisomy (2.91 ± 0.74%, P < 0.05) and tetrasomy (0.78 ± 0.39%, P < 0.01). An increase in the frequency of cells with chromosome aberrations was found 2 and 7 days after vaccination of calves against trichophytosis, respectively, to 5.74 and 5.24% due to breaks (4.49 ± 1.03 and 3.31 ± 0.66%, P < 0.01–0.01) and paired fragments of chromosomes (1.38 ± 0.43%, Р < 0.05).Данная статья является продолжением серии работ авторов, посвящённых изучению кариопатологических эффектов вакцин, применяемых в сельском хозяйстве. Проведён цитогенетический анализ последствий, вызываемых вакциной ЛТФ-130 из аттенуированной культуры гриба Trichophyton verrucosum ТФ-130 Л ВГНКИ в лимфоцитах периферической крови у клинически здоровых голштинизированных чёрно-пёстрых телят 30-дневного возраста. Эксперимент выполнен на материально-технической базе кафедры ветеринарной генетики и биотехнологии и кафедры эпизоотологии и микробиологии ФГБОУ ВО Новосибирского ГАУ. Установлено, что спектр индуцированных цитогенетических нарушений включал полиплоидные, гипер- и гипоплоидные клетки, хроматидные и хромосомные разрывы, одиночные и парные фрагменты хромосом, независимо от времени с момента введения вакцины, и не отличался от спектра спонтанно возникающих мутаций у данного вида. Отмечено, что среди клеток с изменённым числом хромосом преобладали полиплоидные клетки с тетраплоидными наборами (79,3–91,9%) и анеуплоидные клетки с гипоплоидными наборами (45,7–74,3%) хромосом. Обнаружено снижение частоты полиплоидных клеток через 7 суток после вакцинации телят против трихофитии до 1,6%, контроль – 3,4 ± 0,57% (Р < 0,01). Выявлено увеличение частоты гиперплоидных клеток через 14 суток после вакцинации телят против трихофитии до 3,69% за счёт трисомии (2,91 ± 0,74%, Р < 0,05) и тетрасомии (0,78± 0,39%, Р < 0,01). Найдено увеличение частоты клеток с аберрациями хромосом через 2 и 7 суток после вакцинации телят против трихофитии соответственно до 5,74 и 5,24% за счёт разрывов (4,49 ± 1,03 и 3,31 ± 0,66%, Р < 0,01–0,01) и парных фрагментов хромосом (1,38 ± 0,43%, Р < 0,05)