178 research outputs found

    A Chronological Overview of Complete and Partial Translations of the Bible Published in Croatian

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    This chronological overview was prepared according to an overview by Ruben Knežević entitled “Bible, Translations, A Chronological Overview of Complete and Partial Translations of the Bible Published in Croatian” published in Leksikon evanđeoskog kršćanstva, [Dictionary of Evangelical Christianity], (Zagreb, Bogoslovni institut and Prometej, 2007). Not included in this overview are: lectionaries, translations of individual Bible books, selected Psalms published in Kajkavian and Chakavian dialects; free literary translations and poetic renderings of the Psalms, as well as those that were published in magazines; individual translations of apocryphal (deutero canonical) books; working, preliminary and exegetical translations in academic journals, handbooks and photocopied course materials; Bible translations of Croatian minorities abroad

    Uloga hepatičnih zvezdastih ćelija (HSCs) u razvoju fibroze jetre mačaka sa policističnim bubrezima (PKD)

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    Hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) play a significant role in hepatic fibrogenesis. In the following study we described the distribution of cells that express alpha-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) and desmin in the cat liver with various degrees of fibrosis, as well as the significance of hepatic stellate cells and portal myofibroblasts in the genesis of fibrosis in cats with polycistic kidney disease. Liver samples from 15 necropsied Persian cats were examined microscopically, using H&E and Masson-trichrom methods and immunohistology for α-SMA and desmin. Liver fibrosis was confirmed in cats with terminal stage of chronic cholangiohepatitis and it was characterized by connective tissue septa which divide the liver parenchyma into irregular lobuli. Inflammation in the cat liver is connected with the activation of periductal myofibroblasts. The intensity of immunopositivity of perisinusoidal HSCs to α-SMA and desmin varied depending on the degree of fibrosis and was the strongest in livers of cats with cirrhosis.U ovom radu je opisana distribucija ćelija koje eksprimiraju α-glatkomišićni aktin (α-SMA) i dezmin u jetri mačaka sa različitim stadijumom fibroze, kao i značaj ovih ćelija u razvoju fibroze, kod mačaka sa policističnim bubrezima. Mikroskopski su ispitani uzorci jetre od 15 obdukovanih persijskih mačaka, korišćenjem HE i Mason-trihromnog bojenja i imunohistohemijski na α-SMA i dezmin. Fibroza jetre potvrđena je kod mačaka sa terminalnim stadijumom hroničnog holangiohepatitisa i odlikovala se prisustvom vezivno-tkivnih septi koje dele parenhim na nejednake lobuluse. Inflamacija u jetri mačaka u vezi je sa aktivacijom periduktalnih miofibroblasta. Intenzitet imunohistohemijske reakcije perisinusoidnih HSCs na α-SMA i dezmin razlikovala se od stepena fibroze i bio je najjači u jetri mačaka sa cirozom

    Double Tooth

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    The form of primary and permanent teeth can differ morphologically from that which is considered normal, completely or in some parts. The changes in tooth form can be hereditary or caused by some disease or trauma. Fusion is a union of one or more teeth during development. Gemination means that two separate morphological units were created by division of the tooth germ. The intention of this study was to state the prevalence of double teeth (fusion and gemination) among the persons tested, as to gender, distribution in the maxilla or mandible, and whether the anomaly occurred bilaterally or unilaterally. The results of this investigation have shown that in a total of examined 3,517 plaster models, a prevalence of double teeth was 0.2%. 57.2% of them were fusioned and 42.9% geminated

    A Chronological Overview of Complete and Partial Translations of the Bible Published in Croatian

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    This chronological overview was prepared according to an overview by Ruben Knežević entitled “Bible, Translations, A Chronological Overview of Complete and Partial Translations of the Bible Published in Croatian” published in Leksikon evanđeoskog kršćanstva, [Dictionary of Evangelical Christianity], (Zagreb, Bogoslovni institut and Prometej, 2007). Not included in this overview are: lectionaries, translations of individual Bible books, selected Psalms published in Kajkavian and Chakavian dialects; free literary translations and poetic renderings of the Psalms, as well as those that were published in magazines; individual translations of apocryphal (deutero canonical) books; working, preliminary and exegetical translations in academic journals, handbooks and photocopied course materials; Bible translations of Croatian minorities abroad

    Kronološki pregled objavljenih potpunih i djelomičnih prijevoda Biblije na hrvatski jezik

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    Kronološki pregled priređen je prema pregledu Rubena Kneževića “Biblija, prijevodi, kronološki pregled objavljenih potpunih i djelomičnih prijevoda na hrvatski jezik” objavljenom u Leksikonu evanđeoskoga kršćanstva (Zagreb, Bogoslovni institut i Prometej, 2007). U ovaj pregled nisu uključeni: lekcionari; prijevodi zasebnih biblijskih knjiga, napose Psalama, objavljenih na kajkavskom i čakavskom dijalektu; slobodni književni prijevodi i prepjevi Psalama, kao ni onih koji su objavljivani u časoslovima; zasebni prijevodi apokrifnih (deuterokanonskih) knjiga; radni, ogledni i egzegetski prijevodi u stručnim časopisima, priručnicima i skriptama; biblijski prijevodi gradišćanskih Hrvata


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    The researches of heritability and correlation among the withers height chest volume, and cannons volume have been done on 368 horses of the Lipizzaner breed in different phases in the Horse Selection Centre in Đakovo (Croatia). The data processing have been done by the method of the least squares. The largest value of heritability (h²) for the withers height has been established in the age of 6 months (0.80) and the smallest in the age of 12 months (0.49). The heritability values for the chest volume range between 0.31 and 0.68, and for the cannons volume between 0.25 and 0.58. The phenotypic correlations between properties were positive, except for the chest volume in the age of 6 months and cannons volume at birth being slightly negative (r = -0.096). The correlations between properties are more expressed with horses of the same age then for the different one.Die Untersuchungen der Heritabilität und Korelationsverbundenheit der Widerristhöhe, des Brust-und Schienbeinsumfangs wurden an 368 Lipizanerpferden in verschiedenen Entwicktungsphasen im Zentrum für Pferdezucht in Đakovo (Croatien) durchqeführt. Die Datenvererbeitung wurde mit Hilfe der Methode der kleinsten Quadrate gemacht (Harvey 1977). Der grösste Heritabilitätswert (h²) der Widerristhöhe war im Alter von 6 Monaten (0,80) und der kleinste im Alter von 12 Monaten (0,49). Der Heritabilitätswert des Brustumfangs war zwischen 0,31 und 0,68, und des Schienbeinsumfangs zwischen 0,25, und 0,58. Die Fenotypskorelationen waren zwischen den genannten Eigensehatften positiv, ausser bei der Geburt, wo sie ein weing negativ waren (r = 0,096). Die Korrelationsverbundenheit der geprüften Eigenschaften ist bei den Pferden im gleichen Alter deutlicher als bei den Pferden im verschieilenen Alter

    Critical behavior of loops and biconnected clusters on fractals of dimension d < 2

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    We solve the O(n) model, defined in terms of self- and mutually avoiding loops coexisting with voids, on a 3-simplex fractal lattice, using an exact real space renormalization group technique. As the density of voids is decreased, the model shows a critical point, and for even lower densities of voids, there is a dense phase showing power-law correlations, with critical exponents that depend on n, but are independent of density. At n=-2 on the dilute branch, a trivalent vertex defect acts as a marginal perturbation. We define a model of biconnected clusters which allows for a finite density of such vertices. As n is varied, we get a line of critical points of this generalized model, emanating from the point of marginality in the original loop model. We also study another perturbation of adding local bending rigidity to the loop model, and find that it does not affect the universality class.Comment: 14 pages,10 figure