192 research outputs found


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    189 preschool age children (3-6 y.o.) of Irkutsk have been surveyed. By means of a centile method all the surveyed children have been divided into three groups according to their physical development (PD): the 1st group - children with harmonious PD, the 2nd group - children with disharmonious PD due to body weight deficiency, the 3rd group - children with disharmonious Pd due to body weight surplus. Results of research revealed PD deterioration, which was expressed in body weight increase in children of 3-6 years of age. Index method PD assessment showed that calculations received with this method do not correspond with groups of harmony of preschool children physical development

    Floral complexes with the involvement of Adonis Vernalis L. (fam. Ranunculaceae juss.) and environmental assessment of the conditions of their formation in the Southwest of Central-Russian Upland

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    The article presents the results of the study of structures of floral complexes with the involvement of Adonis vernalis L., the number of genera, families and species is indicated. Average points of severity of environmental factors were calculated, allowing assessing the environmental conditions in these ecotopes. Ecobiomorphs of species of the floral complexes in natural and quasi-natural ecotops are determine

    Peculiarities of physical development of preschool children in Irkutsk

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    The article describes the assessment of the physical development (PD) of the children attending preschool educational institution kindergarten N 148 of Irkutsk. It was established that different types of deviations in development had 42.0 % of children from 3 to 7 years. Among deviations in PD of preschool children most frequently we noted high body weight at normal body length (10.1 %); also lowered (8.0 %) and low body length (9.0 %) were established. The results of the examination of Irkutsk preschool children revealed deviations of their PD parameters from normal figures towards reduction of growth and increase in body weight, and also showed that morphometric changes were more characteristic of boys

    Use of settlement indexes for an assessment of physical development of preschool children of the city of Irkutsk

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    189 children of preschool age of 3-6 years of the city of Irkutsk are examined. The assessment of FR of children by means of a method of indexes, showed discrepancy of calculations by this method with groups of a harmony of FR of the preschool children examined by method the tsentilnykh of tablesОбследовано 189 детей дошкольного возраста 3-6 лет города Иркутска. Результаты исследования выявили увеличение массы тела дошкольников. Оценка ФР детей с помощью метода индексов, показала несоответствие расчетов данным методом с группами гармоничности ФР дошкольников, обследованных методом центильных табли

    Neutrino Oscillations and the Early Universe

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    The observational and theoretical status of neutrino oscillations in connection with solar and atmospheric neutrino anomalies is presented in brief. The effect of neutrino oscillations on the early Universe evolution is discussed in detail. A short review is given of the standard Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and the influence of resonant and nonresonant neutrino oscillations on active neutrinos and on primordial nucleosynthesis of He-4. BBN cosmological constraints on neutrino oscillation parameters are discussed.Comment: 21 p., 6 figures, a review based on raview talk at NCYA Conference and a presentation at CAPP200

    Providing specialized care to patients with a rupture of the distal tendon of the biceps brachii: diagnosis and treatment algorithm

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    Biceps brachii distal tendon injury is rare, 2.55–5.35 per 100,000. This nosological form did not have a gender modality and was previously found mainly in middle-aged men (46.3 y.o.). By 2022, this injury “rejuvenated” and began to occur more often, covering the categories of juniors and young athletes, whose professional activities have expanded significantly with the advent of new power disciplines, contact sports and popularization of bodybuilding. The authors note the negative impact of smoking and the use of anabolic steroids, statins and obesity on the incidence of these lesions. The maximum supination force in this type of injury is reduced by an average of 40 %, and the maximum flexion force is reduced by an average of 20 %. Considering the significance of functional disorders not only of the elbow joint, but also of motor patterns of the entire upper limb girdle for professional athletes, sports-organized people and people involved in the physical aspects of labor, surgical treatment is recommended. Nonsurgical treatment can be aimed at suppressing edema and inflammation, limiting early movements in the elbow joint and increasing secondary muscle tension, and it is suitable for patients with low functional demand, poor compliance and high risks of both surgical treatment and anesthesia care. That is, the choice of treatment tactics is still based, in addition to anatomical changes and on the “subjective” patient data, his/her needs for physical activity and requires an algorithmic approach in order to avoid both known complications and confidently predict a positive result during the prehospital period. Based on ten years of clinical and practical experience adjusted by widely available scientific periodicals, we have developed a scheme that is understandable to every specialist in the field of traumatology, orthopedics or sports medicine, and is applicable regardless of the medical institution level. For the first time, this scheme was published in this work

    Clinical case of the surgical treatment of complete rupture of distal biceps tendon using two cortical buttons

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    Distal biceps tendon injuries mainly occur in men from the active groups of population. Among the athletes and military personnel, the incidence rate is 2–10  % of  the  upper limb tendon injuries. Comparative studies have shown the achievement of better functional results in surgical treatment, while maintaining overall complication rate of 4.6–25 %. The aim. To demonstrate a new reinsertion technique with two cortical buttons in case of complete rupture of distal biceps tendon as part of a clinical case. Materials and methods. The article presents a clinical case of surgical treatment of a patient with complete rupture of dominant limb distal biceps tendon which was more than 2 weeks old and was accompanied by lacertus fibrosus provocation and persistent muscle retraction. Results. We obtained the following clinical results by the week 24 after the surgery: VAS (Visual Analogue Scale) score – 1  cm, ASES (American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons) score – 99  points, DASH (Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand) score – 15 points. Dynamometry results: Dex. 85; sin. 90 (2daN); range of motion corresponds to the same of a healthy joint. MRI at 1.5 T shows no signs of synostosis or heterotopic ossification; MSCT shows no signs of migration of cortical buttons in comparison with intraoperative X-ray control. Discussion. Extracortical methods of distal biceps tendon positioning in anatomical reinsertion have lower strength indicators, comparable with the use of transosseous sutures and anchor fixators. A larger area of contact of the studied zone in case of minimal tendon compression in the area of proximal radioulnar space or inside the formed radial bone canal provides high strength indicators and reduces the risk of repeated injury. Conclusion. The scores of the scales (VAS, DASH, ASES) turned out to be better than when using other common methods. The technique of dipping distal biceps tendon stump into the formed oval canal of the “anatomical impression” using the proposed method meets the objectives of careful attitude to the tendon and provides the largest area of its contact with the bone

    Methodological approaches to the organization of internal control of the quality and safety of medical activity in a medical organization

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    The modern stage of functioning of domestic health care is characterized by the formation of regulatory and legal requirements for the system of internal control of quality and safety of medical activity.One of the tasks of internal control of quality and safety of medical activity is to ensure and assess the compliance of medical care provided by medical workers to the criteria for assessing the quality of medical care, as well as to consider the reasons for non-compliance of medical care provided to these criteria. Requirements to quality criteria, procedures for assessing the quality of medical care, compliance with the established procedure of medical records maintenance and development of measures to eliminate and prevent violations are established by various regulatory documents. At the same time, of great importance for a medical organization is not only the fulfillment of requirements in the field of quality control and safety of medical activity, but also the introduction of an effective system of internal control of quality and safety of medical activity, based on regulatory and legal requirements and giving real results.It determines the necessity of creating in a medical organization the system of collection and analysis of quality data and development of internal documents, establishing the processes of quality control and assessment of medical care, the methodology of selecting medical documentation for control and assessment of the quality of medical care, as well as the requirements to the results of analysis and documenting of decisions made.The article presents the experience of Novosibirsk Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics named after Ya.L. Tsivian on the creation of a system for collecting and analyzing data on the quality of medical care and making management decisions to eliminate and prevent nonconformities, which operates within the framework of the quality management system of medical care of the institute

    Physicomechanical properties of the extracellular matrix of a demineralized bone

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    The article describes the results of a study of physicomechanical properties of a demineralized bone matrix of human cancellous and compact bones. A demineralized cancellous bone was shown to have the best characteristics of a porous system for colonization of matrices by cells. The ultimate stress and elasticity modulus of samples of demineralized femoral heads isolated in primary hip replacement was demonstrated to vary in wide ranges. The elasticity modulus ranged from 50 to 250 MPa, and the tensile strength varied from 1.1 to 5.5 MPa. Microhardness measurements by the recovered indentation method were not possible because of the viscoelastic properties of a bone material. To study the piezoelectric properties of samples, a measuring system was developed that comprised a measuring chamber with contact electrodes, a system for controlled sample loading, an amplifier-converter unit, and signal recording and processing software. The measurement results were used to determine the dependence of the signal amplitude on the dynamic deformation characteristics. The findings are discussed in terms of the relationship between the mechanical and electrical properties and the structure of the organic bone component

    Physicomechanical properties of the extracellular matrix of a demineralized bone

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    The article describes the results of a study of physicomechanical properties of a demineralized bone matrix of human cancellous and compact bones. A demineralized cancellous bone was shown to have the best characteristics of a porous system for colonization of matrices by cells. The ultimate stress and elasticity modulus of samples of demineralized femoral heads isolated in primary hip replacement was demonstrated to vary in wide ranges. The elasticity modulus ranged from 50 to 250 MPa, and the tensile strength varied from 1.1 to 5.5 MPa. Microhardness measurements by the recovered indentation method were not possible because of the viscoelastic properties of a bone material. To study the piezoelectric properties of samples, a measuring system was developed that comprised a measuring chamber with contact electrodes, a system for controlled sample loading, an amplifier-converter unit, and signal recording and processing software. The measurement results were used to determine the dependence of the signal amplitude on the dynamic deformation characteristics. The findings are discussed in terms of the relationship between the mechanical and electrical properties and the structure of the organic bone component