44 research outputs found


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    Spring triticale (x Triticosecale Wittmack) for Western Siberia is new and poorly studied culture. The objective of this study was to investigate the potential of spring triticale varieties and breeding lines and their adaptation to diferent conditions in Western Siberia. A ield experiment was conducted in Novosibirsk region, Russia in 2014. The experiment included seven spring triticale genotypes: the elite variety Ukro, three mutant forms of the facultative type of development (Sirs 57/2/4, Cecad 90/5, О.312/38) and three hybrids (Sirs 57/2/4 x Ukro, Ukro x K-3881, the complex hybrid winter wheat Filatovka x winter rye Korotko stebelnaya 69304 x Sirs 57/2/4). They were studied at two sowing rates (400 seeds per m2 and 800 seeds per m2) and on two sowing dates (15 May 2014 and 27 May 2014). The following attributes were measured: grain yield, number of ears, plant height, yield components (ear length, number of spikelets per ear, number of grains per ear, grains weight per ear) and yield quality (1 000-grain weight and test weight of one-liter grain volume). The three-factor analysis of variance revealed that sowing rate efect explained the major part of the total experimental variation in almost all of the traits, except 1 000-grain weight and test weight, the variation of which was determined predominantly by genotype efect. The highest grain productivity of varieties was obtained for the 15 May sowing date at the 400 seeds per m2 sowing rate. The three mutant forms used in the experiment showed a lower level of adaptability in comparison with the variety Ukro

    Development of the Adolescents’ Communicative Culture in the Context of Digitalization of Additional Education

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    In the era of digitalization of education and economy and the development of artificial intelligence, adolescents appear highly competitive compared with other generations in understanding digital technologies, acquiring expertise, and mastering modern means of communication, which normally causes intergenerational conflicts and the loss of an adult’s personal and functional authority. The aim of this research was to develop and test a model for developing adolescents’ communicative cultures in an institution of additional education. The research emphasizes the significance of personality-oriented, interactive-communicative, and cultural approaches and conducts a comparative analysis of the sources. Methodologically, the study relies on a quantitative method with primary sources. Besides, the findings of the study contribute to the existing limited stress on the importance of adolescents’ communicative cultures from the perspective of the digitalization of additional education. The study finds that the use of digital options in education has reduced social interaction among students. However, the students prefer to use digital methods of learning as they find them more convenient for communication. Therefore, the digital communication culture has high potential in the educational sector. The findings are novel as this study is one of the few recent studies that examined how communicative culture has transformed due to digital means in education. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2022-SIED-019 Full Text: PD

    A comparison of statistical methods for assessing winter wheat grain yield stability

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    The multitude of existing methods for assessing the phenotypic stability of plants makes breeders be faced with the problem of choosing an appropriate variant. The purpose of this study was to compare different methods of analyzing the genotype x environment interaction and, on their basis, assess the stability of the yield of 7 varieties of winter wheat. The article compares 17 stability statistics by applying them to data obtained from agrotechnical experiments carried in 2009-2011 for evaluating the grain yield of 7 varieties of winter common wheat of Siberian selection (Novosibirskaya 32, Novosibirskaya 40, Novosibirskaya 51, Novosibirskaya 3, Novosibirskaya 2, Obskaya winter, Omskaya 6). Analysis of variance revealed a significant (p < 0.001) genotype x environment interaction in the experiments, which indicates a different reaction of genotypes to changes in environmental conditions. Genotypes were ranked according to the level of stability. Based on the analysis of the rank correlation matrix, the stability statistics were categorized in five groups. Recommendations were made on which group of methods to use depending on the objectives of the study. In the case when the goal of breeding research is the selection of the most biologically stable varieties with the minimum variance across a range of environments, one should use the methods of the static concept. If it is necessary to choose a genotype with a predictable reaction to changes of environmental conditions, corresponding to the calculated level or forecast, the regression approach is the most appropriate. The stability statistics generally identified Novosibirskaya 32 as the most stable variety from a biological point of view. The regression approach showed that Novosibirskaya 3 was the genotype with the smallest deviation from mean yield in all environments, while methods accessing the contribution of each genotype to the genotype x environment interaction defined Novosibirskaya 51 as the most stable variety

    Comparative analysis of the DNA isolated from thyme leaves using different methods

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    Background. The base for a molecular analysis is DNA of high quality. For DNA isolation, different kits or classical methods are used. For mass analysis, isolation with kits is a very expensive process. So, the objective of our investigation was to find a cheap method for high-quality DNA isolation from leaves of various thyme cultivars.Materials and methods. Leaves cut from thyme accessions (Thymus mastichina L. cv. ‘Svetliachok’, T. striatus Vahl. cv. ‘Jubileiniy’, T. vulgaris L. cv. ‘Fantasia’, and T. vulgaris cv. ‘Jalos’.) maintained ex situ in the collection of the Nikita Botanical Gardens were used as the material for the analysis. Light microscopy was used to study leaf anatomy and localize essential oil on leaf cross sections. Essential oil was extracted on Ginsberg devices, and phenolic content was measured with The Folin–Ciocâlteu reagent (FCR). Commercial kits (DiamondDNATM, PureLink® Plant Total DNA Purification Kit) and classical methods (CTAB, CTAB with 2% polyvinylpyrrolidone) were used for DNA isolation. DNA quality was evaluated spectrophotometrically, with electrophoresis (horizontal, automated system Agilent 4200 TapeStation) and PCR.Results. The analysis showed that the leaf blade mesophyll of four thyme cultivars had inclusions with essential oil. The content of essential oil and phenolic compounds was measured biochemically. Since the plants were characterized by the presence of secondary metabolites, DNA was isolated by different methods. Spectrophotometry demonstrated that the classical CTAB method and CTAB with 2% PVP provided the best results. Using an automated electrophoresis system, the presence of high-molecularweight DNA (more than 52000 bp) in significant amounts was detected in the samples isolated with DiamondDNATM kit and CTAB + 2% PVP.Conclusion. Among the tested kits and methods, CTAB + 2% PVP provided thyme DNA suitable for PCR and, presumably, for genome library preparation. The low cost of reagents for this technique makes it applicable for future mass analysis of plant material


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    Objective: To develop a set of quality control procedures for the promising antiviral pharmaceutical substance L-histidyl-1-adamantylethylamine dihydrochloride monohydrate, a derivative of rimantadine. Methods: Substances and solvents: synthesized in laboratory L-histidyl-1-adamantylethylamine dihydrochloride monohydrate (H-His-Rim•2HCl•H2O), rimantadine hydrochloride (Rim•HCl), 99%, ethanol 96%, N, N-dimethylformamide (DMF) anhydrous, 99.8% and n-hexane anhydrous, 95%, deionized high-resistance water (18.2 MΩ•cm at 25 °C, Milli-Q system), silver nitrate. Infrared (IR) Spectroscopy–Cary 630 Fourier Transform IR Spectrometer, elemental analysis–elemental composition analyzer CHNS-O EuroEA3000, ultraviolet (UV) spectrometry–Cary-60 spectrophotometer, polarimetry–POL-1/2 polarimeter with an external Peltier module, granulometric analysis by optical microscopy (Altami BIO 2 microscope) and low-angle laser light scattering (LALLS)–Master Sizer 3600, measurement of potential for hydrogen–potentiometer PB-11, Spirotox method–the study of temperature dependences of Spirostomum ambiguum lifetime to characterize the biological activity of the studied compounds. Results: The substance H-His-Rim•2HCl•H2O is an amorphous yellowish powder, slightly soluble in water, soluble in ethanol, freely soluble in N, N-dimethylformamide, and practically insoluble in n-hexane. A study of the elemental composition has confirmed the authenticity of H-His-Rim•2HCl•H2O. Comparison of the spectral characteristics of H-His-Rim•2HCl•H2O and Rim•HCl by IR spectroscopy and UV spectrometry confirmed the authenticity of the substance. The racemic form of the substance Rim•HCl with an insignificant amount of impurity of the levorotatory enantiomer was proved polarimetrically: α =-0.0126±0.0003 (1% aqueous solution, 20±0.5 °С). The specific optical rotation of 1% aqueous solution H-His-Rim•2HCl•H2O . In 1% ethanol solution -10.32±0.12. Using the method of laser light diffraction for a substance H-His-Rim•2HCl•H2O, the dimensional spectra «fraction of particles, %-d, μm» were characterized, the maximum of which in hexane is in the region of 40–50 μm. Arrhenius’s kinetics on the Spirotox model established statistically significant differences in ligand-receptor interactions, which are characterized by values of observed apparent activation energy °bsEa, kJ/mol: 132.36±1.55 for H-His-Rim•2HCl•H2O and 176.15±0.48 for Rim•HCl. Conclusion: The developed set of methods for assessment of physical and chemical properties and biological activity of a new antiviral substance H-His-Rim•2HCl•H2O is the basis for establish of regulatory documentation

    Synthesis and properties of novel polyurethanes based on amino ethers of boric acid for gas separation membranes

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    © The Royal Society of Chemistry. Herein we present the structural and mechanical properties of polyurethanes synthesized from amino ethers of boric acid for gas separation. The polymers were characterized by light scattering methods, conductivity measurements, thermal gravimetric analysis, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and atomic force microscopy. Additionally, the permeability of ammonia and carbon dioxide, as well as the selectivity for their diffusion and resultant impurity are presented. The results illustrate the steric hindrance, resulting in a branched architecture borate formation, leads to intermolecular complexation which may assist the polymer in ammonia diffusion selectivity

    Diagnostic value of salivary cortisol in 1-mg dexamethasone suppression test

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    BACKGROUND: Late-night salivary cortisol and serum cortisol measurements after 1-mg Dexamethasone Suppression Test (1-mg DST) are routinely used to diagnose Cushing’s syndrome (CS). Measuring morning salivary instead of serum cortisol after 1-mg DST would make the diagnostics of CS fully non-invasive. AIM: To evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of salivary cortisol in 1-mg DST as measured by electrochemiluminescence assay (ECLIA). MATERIALS AND METHODS: We combined a cohort diagnostic study, including 164 participants (132 females, 32 males) aged from 18 to 77 years: 110 were overweight or obese as increased BMI is the most common sign of Cushing’s Syndrome (CS), and 54 healthy volunteers. In each cohort late-night salivary cortisol was measured (at 23:00) followed by 1-mg DST and blood and salivary sampling for cortisol measurement the next morning at 08:00-09:00. Cortisol in saliva and serum were measured on automatic analyzer Cobas е 601 by F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, using ECLIA. The final diagnosis was confirmed by the histological evaluation after surgery or using a follow-up observation in patients with obesity to exclude Cushing’s syndrome manifestation. RESULTS: Among 110 patients, 54 subjects were finally confirmed as having Cushing's syndrome. Reference interval for salivary cortisol after 1-mg DST was estimated to be 0,5–12,7 nmol/l (5–95 procentile). Maximal salivary cortisol level in 1-mg DST registered in healthy person was 29,6 mmol/l. Areas under the curve (AUC) were as following: for salivary cortisol in 1-mg DST – 0,838 (95% СI 0,772–0,905), for blood cortisol in 1-mg DST – 0,965 (95% CI 0,939–0,992) and for late-night salivary cortisol – 0,925 (95% CI 0,882–0,969). The optimal cut-off point for salivary cortisol after 1-mg DST was estimated as 12.1 nmol/l (sensitivity 60%, specificity 92,9%) among CS versus healthy subjects; 12,6 (sensitivity 58,2%, specificity 96,2%) among patients with obesity and CS; and – 12,2 nmol/l (sensitivity 60,7%, specificity 93,4%) among CS and both obese and healthy control subjects. Considering small difference between cut-off points, the recommended cut-off value for salivary cortisol after 1-mg DST is recommended to be 12,0 nmol/l if measured by ECLIA. CONCLUSION: Although salivary cortisol after 1-mg DST is inferior to serum cortisol after 1-mg DST in the diagnostic performance and diagnostic accuracy, it can be used as a low-invasive screening test with superior specificity

    Genome Characterization of a Pathogenic Porcine Rotavirus B Strain Identified in Buryat Republic, Russia in 2015

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    Citation: Alekseev, K.P.; Penin, A.A.; Mukhin, A.N.; Khametova, K.M.; Grebennikova, T.V.; Yuzhakov, A.G.; Moskvina, A.S.; Musienko, M.I.; Raev, S.A.; Mishin, A.M.; Kotelnikov, A.P.; Verkhovsky, O.A.; Aliper, T.I.; Nepoklonov, E.A.; Herrera-Ibata, D.M.; Shepherd, F.K.; Marthaler, D.G. Genome Characterization of a Pathogenic Porcine Rotavirus B Strain Identified in Buryat Republic, Russia in 2015. Pathogens 2018, 7, 46.An outbreak of enteric disease of unknown etiology with 60% morbidity and 8% mortality in weaning piglets occurred in November 2015 on a farm in Buryat Republic, Russia. Metagenomic sequencing revealed the presence of rotavirus B in feces from diseased piglets while no other pathogens were identified. Clinical disease was reproduced in experimentally infected piglets, yielding the 11 RVB gene segments for strain Buryat15, with an RVB genotype constellation of G12-P[4]-I13-R4-C4-M4-A8-N10-T4-E4-H7. This genotype constellation has also been identified in the United States. While the Buryat15 VP7 protein lacked unique amino acid differences in the predicted neutralizing epitopes compared to the previously published swine RVB G12 strains, this report of RVB in Russian swine increases our epidemiological knowledge on the global prevalence and genetic diversity of RVB