117 research outputs found

    A high-resolution image time series of the Gorner Glacier – Swiss Alps – derived from repeated unmanned aerial vehicle surveys

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    Modern drone technology provides an efficient means to monitor the response of alpine glaciers to climate warming. Here we present a new topographic dataset based on images collected during 10 UAV surveys of the Gorner Glacier glacial system (Switzerland) carried out approximately every 2 weeks throughout the summer of 2017. The final products, available at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2630456 (Benoit et al., 2018), consist of a series of 10&thinsp;cm resolution orthoimages, digital elevation models of the glacier surface, and maps of ice surface displacement. Used on its own, this dataset allows mapping of the glacier and monitoring surface velocities over the summer at a very high spatial resolution. Coupled with a classification or feature detection algorithm, it enables the extraction of structures such as surface drainage networks, debris, or snow cover. The approach we present can be used in the future to gain insights into ice flow dynamics.</p

    Detection of Transgenerational Spermatogenic Inheritance of Adult Male Acquired CNS Gene Expression Characteristics Using a Drosophila Systems Model

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    Available instances of inheritance of epigenetic transgenerational phenotype are limited to environmental exposures during embryonic and adult gonadal development. Adult exposures can also affect gametogenesis and thereby potentially result in reprogramming of the germline. Although examples of epigenetic effects on gametogenesis exist, it is notable that transgenerational inheritance of environment-induced adult phenotype has not yet been reported. Epigenetic codes are considered to be critical in neural plasticity. A Drosophila systems model of pentylenetetrazole (PTZ) induced long-term brain plasticity has recently been described. In this model, chronic PTZ treatment of adult males causes alterations in CNS transcriptome. Here, we describe our search for transgenerational spermatogenic inheritance of PTZ induced gene expression phenotype acquired by adult Drosophila males. We generated CNS transcriptomic profiles of F1 adults after treating F0 adult males with PTZ and of F2 adults resulting from a cross between F1 males and normal females. Surprisingly, microarray clustering showed F1 male profile as closest to F1 female and F0 male profile closest to F2 male. Differentially expressed genes in F1 males, F1 females and F2 males showed significant overlap with those caused by PTZ. Interestingly, microarray evidence also led to the identification of upregulated rRNA in F2 males. Next, we generated microarray expression profiles of adult testis from F0 and F1 males. Further surprising, clustering of CNS and testis profiles and matching of differentially expressed genes in them provided evidence of a spermatogenic mechanism in the transgenerational effect observed. To our knowledge, we report for the first time detection of transgenerational spermatogenic inheritance of adult acquired somatic gene expression characteristic. The Drosophila systems model offers an excellent opportunity to understand the epigenetic mechanisms underlying the phenomenon. The finding that adult acquired transcriptomic alteration in soma is spermatogenically inherited across generations has potential implications in human health and evolution

    Epigenetic codes in cognition and behaviour

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    The epigenetic marking of chromatin provides a ubiquitous means for cells to shape and maintain their identity, and to react to environmental stimuli via specific remodeling. Such an epigenetic code of the core components of chromatin, DNA and histone proteins, can thus be stable but is also highly dynamic. In the nervous system, epigenetic codes are critical for basic cellular processes such as synaptic plasticity, and for complex behaviours such as learning and memory. At the same time, epigenetic marks can be stably transmitted through mitosis and meiosis, and thereby underlie non-genomic transgenerational inheritance of behavioural traits. In this review, we describe recent findings on the role and mechanisms of epigenetic codes in the brain, and discuss their implication in synaptic plasticity, cognitive functions and psychiatric disorders. We provide examples of transgenerational inheritance of epigenetic marks that affect simple morphological traits or complex processes such as disease susceptibility, and point to the potential implication of epigenetic codes in medicine and evolutio

    Some machine’s doin’ that for you* – elektronische Triagesysteme in der Notaufnahme

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    &lt;jats:title&gt;Zusammenfassung&lt;/jats:title&gt;&lt;jats:sec&gt; &lt;jats:title&gt;Hintergrund&lt;/jats:title&gt; &lt;jats:p&gt;In den letzten 25 Jahren haben sich Triagesysteme zur DringlichkeitseinschĂ€tzung in den Notaufnahmen etabliert. Die bisherigen symptomorientierten Triagesysteme haben allerdings auch SchwĂ€chen. Inzwischen ermöglichen die Digitalisierung der Notaufnahmen und die LeistungsfĂ€higkeit der aktuellen Computergeneration bereits zum Triagezeitpunkt einen algorithmenbasierten Datenvergleich und eine Risikostratifizierung fĂŒr bestimmte klinische Endpunkte ĂŒber die reine Triagestufe hinaus.&lt;/jats:p&gt; &lt;/jats:sec&gt;&lt;jats:sec&gt; &lt;jats:title&gt;Ziel der Arbeit&lt;/jats:title&gt; &lt;jats:p&gt;Nach selektiver Literaturrecherche erfolgt eine Übersicht ĂŒber elektronische Triagesysteme (ETS). Das Funktionsprinzip und die aktuellen Möglichkeiten der ETS werden dargestellt. Daneben werden Chancen und Schwierigkeiten einer Etablierung von ETS in deutschen Notaufnahmen betrachtet.&lt;/jats:p&gt; &lt;/jats:sec&gt;&lt;jats:sec&gt; &lt;jats:title&gt;Ergebnisse&lt;/jats:title&gt; &lt;jats:p&gt;Es wurden wesentliche PrĂ€diktorvariablen wie Alter und bestimmte Vitalparameter identifiziert, die bisher nicht standardisiert in die Triagestufen einfließen, aber mithilfe von Modelllernen (ML) in belastbare Vorhersagen fĂŒr klinische Endpunkte wie stationĂ€re Aufnahme oder MortalitĂ€t einfließen können. Die GĂŒte der ErsteinschĂ€tzung durch ein ETS ist insgesamt hoch. Ein ETS kann das Triagepersonal evidenzbasiert bei der Disposition der Patienten unterstĂŒtzen und Über- und Untertriage reduzieren. Es gibt einige Entwicklungen, die gĂŒnstige Bedingungen fĂŒr den Einsatz von ETS in deutschen ZNA schaffen. So erleichtern z. B. reprĂ€sentative Notaufnahmeregister die Erstellung von ReferenzdatensĂ€tzen, die zum Aufbau computerbasierter Klassifikationsmodelle benötigt werden. Außerdem mĂŒssen individuelle Patientendaten schnell verfĂŒgbar sein.&lt;/jats:p&gt; &lt;/jats:sec&gt;&lt;jats:sec&gt; &lt;jats:title&gt;Schlussfolgerung&lt;/jats:title&gt; &lt;jats:p&gt;ETS können zur Erhöhung der Patientensicherheit und zur besseren Ressourcennutzung beitragen. Bislang fehlen allerdings noch objektive Referenzstandards und Leitlinien zum maschinellen Lernen.&lt;/jats:p&gt; &lt;/jats:sec&gt

    Vorteile eines InterdisziplinÀren Notfallzentrums (INZ) bei der Versorgung von HNO-Notfallpatienten

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    Protein phosphatase 1-dependent transcriptional programs for long-term memory and plasticity

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    Gene transcription is essential for the establishment and the maintenance of long-term memory (LTM) and for long-lasting forms of synaptic plasticity. The molecular mechanisms that control gene transcription in neuronal cells are complex and recruit multiple signaling pathways in the cytoplasm and the nucleus. Protein kinases (PKs) and phosphatases (PPs) are important players in these mechanisms. Protein serine/threonine phosphatase 1 (PP1), in particular, was recently shown to be important for transcription-dependent memory by regulating chromatin remodeling. However, the impact of PP1 on gene transcription in adult neurons remains not fully delineated. Here, we demonstrate that the nuclear pool of PP1 is associated with transcriptional events involving molecular components of signaling cascades acting as positive and negative regulators of memory and brain plasticity. The data show that inhibiting this pool selectively in forebrain neurons improves memory performance, enhances long-term potentiation (LTP), and modulates gene transcription. These findings highlight an important role for PP1 in the regulation of gene transcription in LTM and synaptic plasticity in the adult brain

    Zentrale Notaufnahme – Update 2016

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    Acute medical care in hospital emergency departments has experienced rapid development in recent years and gained increasing importance not only from a professional medical point of view but also from an economic and health policy perspective. The present article therefore provides an update on the situation of emergency departments in Germany. Care in emergency departments is provided with an increasing tendency to patients of all ages presenting with varying primary symptoms, complaints, illnesses and injury patterns. In the process, patients reach the emergency department by various routes and structural provision. Cross-sectional communication and cooperation, prioritization and organization of emergency management and especially medical staff qualifications increasingly play a decisive role in this process. The range of necessary knowledge and skills far exceeds the scope of prehospital medical emergency care and the working environment differs substantially. In addition to existing structural and economic problems, the latest developments, as well as future proposals for the design of in-hospital emergency medical care in interdisciplinary emergency departments are described
