10 research outputs found

    Investigation of the liquid tar product from the pyrolysis of yak-milk casein and its application in curing of epoxy resin

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    The liquid tar product, obtained by pyrolysis of yak-milk casein was investigated and was applied for curing of epoxy resin. Physico-chemical and thermal characteristics, IR and 1 H NMR spectra were recorded and compared with the data obtained with the most often used hardener diethylenetriamine. The absorbancies of the liquid tar product were determined by quantitative IR analysis. The curing of epoxy resin was performed at room temperature for 24 h and at 105 o C for 150 min. The optimal quantity of the liquid tar product for providing maximal degree of cure at 105 o C is 22.22%; at room temperature it is a 20% mixture with diethylenetriamine 50:50 g/g. From the physico-mechanical characteristics of the cured bars and coatings it was concluded that the investigated product is a good hardener of epoxy resins

    Оценка качества научной деятельности: исследование оригинальности

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    Today, the research activities of scientists and research organizations is estimated through the informetrical methods (bibliometrics) with absolute and relative indicators based on the number of publications and their citations in scientometric databases. The leading authors  and research organizations are given grants and awards, become international laureates, get financial support or other dividends. The authors argue that the method of research activities evaluation influences the authors’ behavior and increases plagiarism, rigged citation and academic dishonesty.The fraud practices misrepresent the estimations of research activities quality and the current status of a discipline and publication activities. The problem is analyzed; simultaneous use of bibliometric methods and most advanced scientific methods of modern methods of defining writing styles is suggested as a solution. The authors emphasize that traditionally libraries are meant to educate, to popularize knowledge and to inform. Today, they have to go into non-traditional functions, i.e. to support linguistic research and to build linguistic corpora. This would prevent manipulations when estimating publication activities with bibliometric methods and would promote academic honesty in academic practices.Подчёркнуто, что сегодня оценка научной деятельности учёного или академической организации определяется методами информетрии (библиометрии). Оценка производится с помощью абсолютных и относительных показателей, рассчитанных на основе количества публикаций и их цитирований в наукометрических базах данных. Передовые авторы и научные организации становятся победителями конкурсов грантов и международных конкурсов, получают финансовые ресурсы и другие дивиденды. Отмечено, что методика оценки научной деятельности стала влиять на поведение авторов и способствовать увеличению случаев плагиата, договорного цитирования, академической нечестности. Рассмотренные подобные практики искажают оценку качества научной деятельности, на основе которой формируется представление о текущем состоянии науки и публикационной активности. Проанализирована проблема оценки качества научной деятельности, предложен подход совместного использования методов библиометрии и современных научных наработок при определении авторского стиля написания работы. Сделан акцент на том, что на библиотеки традиционно возлагается задача обучения, популяризации знаний и информирования. Названа нетрадиционная функция библиотек: поддержка лингвистических исследований, формирование лингвистических корпусов. Определены меры, затрудняющие манипуляции при оценке научной деятельности библиометрическими методами, которые будут способствовать внедрению принципов академической честности в практику

    An Investigation of the Extended Storage of Single-base Propellants

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    An investigation of single-base propellants has been conducted. The ageing process during extended storage of single-base propellants (SBP) in nonheated military stores and a heated building has been investigated by elemental analysis. Two or three different absorbencies around the band at 1650 cm-1 were observed by FTIR spectroscopy. In this way, not only the denitration of the propellants was determined, but also cleavage of -O-C- bonds between the glycoside rings in the nitrocellulose macromolecules. The latter process was confirmed by the swelling of the SBP

    Utilization of Waste Nitrocellulose Propellants by Obtaining Porous Materials

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    Technology for utilization of waste single and double based propellants by obtaining porous propellants was worked out. The technology contains the preparation of solutions of waste propellants with concentration up to 20%, mixing with additives, forming a liquid layer with determined thickness, evaporation of some amount of the solvent, leaching liquid components with water and draying the porous propellants. The time for evaporation of some amount of the solvent was determined from the results of the rates of evaporation. The investigated additives were 1-butanol, ethylene glycol and polyethylene glycol 400. The porous propellants with specific density from 0.5 to 0.7 g/cm3 and regular distribution of voids of dimensions from 0.1 to 500 žm were obtained

    UV-VIS and FTIR Investigations of Long-Term Aged Explosives. Part 2

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    Samples of long-term aged TD-50 and tetryl were investigated by UV-VIS and FTIR spectroscopy and bands of products of ageing were obtained. A complicated maximum of nitro groups at 1537 cm-1 in the FTIR spectra of long-term aged explosives was obtained, like in the IR spectra of long-term aged single-based propellants. Ageing process was confirmed by the presence of several maxima in UV-VIS and FTIR spectra of aged products and determination of several characteristics of the investigated explosives (shifts Δ ν, differences in absorbances ΔA, differences in values of Δh*1/2). Ageing was connected with decrease of H-bond formation on the base of decrease of content of oxygen and nitro groups in TD-50 and tetryl

    Preparation and application of polyesters: Activity of catalysts for esterification

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    Геометрична теорія керування в задачах мінімізації енергозатрат тягового електроприводу

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    The problem of optimal control of traction rolling stock has not been solved to date, because the problem of synthesis of optimal control systems for objects described by nonlinear systems of ordinary differential equations above the second order is not solved. In order to solve the problem of the synthesis of control systems for nonlinear objects, new methods of linearization based on geometric methods have recently been developed. These methods allow linearization of nonlinear control systems using feedback in the "input-state" space when the output variables are used for control and linearization. The solution of the problem of controlling a diesel train with a traction asynchronous drive is given by means of the linearization method in the "input-state" space for the case when the control object is described by the system of ordinary nonlinear differential equations of the 23rd order. As a result of linearization, a linear mathematical model of a control object in the form of Brunovsky is obtained, which allows using the principle of maximum to obtain the laws of control of the diesel train, providing a schedule of motion with a minimum fuel consumption.Проблема оптимального управління тяговим рухливим складом на сьогоднішній день до кінця не вирішена, оскільки не вирішено проблеми синтезу оптимальних систем управління для об'єктів, що описуються нелінійними системами звичайних диференціальних рівнянь вище другого порядку. Для вирішення проблеми синтезу систем керування для нелінійних об'єктів в останні роки були розроблені нові способи лінеаризації на основі геометричних методів. Ці методи дозволяють виконати лінеаризацію нелінійних систем керування за допомогою зворотної зв'язку в просторі "вхід-стан", коли вихідні змінні використовуються для управління та лінеаризації. Приведена задача управління дизель-поїздом з тяговим асинхронним приводом за допомогою методу лінеаризації в "вход-стан" для випадків, коли управління об'єктом описується системою звичайних нелінійних диференціальних рівнянь 23-го порядку. В результаті лінеаризації отримана лінійна математична модель управління об'єктом у формі Бруновського, що дозволяє з допомогою принципу максимуму отримати закони управління дизель-поїздом, що забезпечують графік руху при мінімальному витраті палива