110 research outputs found


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    This article presents the process of chedderizatsii from a technological point of view and the General theory of cheese making. Chedderizatsii described as a process of restructuring of the cheese mass due to the reorientation of relations between multi-molecular associates of milk (casein micelles and fat globules). The algorithmic process chedderizatsii due to the natural cycle of transformation of milk components in the abomasum of calves of milk period. There is an acid-base range (pH 5,3 - 5,1), in which a certain dynamics of interaction of protein, fat, mineral and aqueous phases of milk is programmed. The role of carbonate milk buffer in cheese mass restructuring is shown. In the development of the group's natural rennet cheese with a pronounced process of chedderizatsii curd spontaneously (with the rapid increase in acidity) is structured - is of laminated fibrous structure, which is commonly associated with the structure of the "meat chicken breast", which is a consequenc

    Razvitak tehnike za plastometrijsko istraživanje reološki složenih metala

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    A new plastometer was developed for investigation of rheologically complex metals. A procedure was proposed for plastometric tests under conditions of the supergreat deformations and complex kinds of loading.Razvijen je novi plastometar za istraživanja reološki složenih metala. Predložen je postupak za provođenje plastometrijskih pokusa pod uvjetima supervelikih deformacija i složenih načina opterećivanja

    Температурная стабилизация фазовой скорости электромагнитной волны в прямоугольном волноводе с многослойной нанокомпозитной сегнетоэлектрической пленкой

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    A solution is obtained for propagation constant of electromagnetic wave fundamental mode in straightangle waveguide with the cross section partially filled with multilayer nanocomposite ferroelectric film (MNESEP) on a dielectric substrate. The numerical model is based on the scalar form of the finite element method reduced to a homogeneous system of lin-ear algebraic equations with respect to nodal values of the wave scalar for one-dimensional approximation. The nanolayer dielectric properties are determined by barium concentration dependence in composition of BaxSr1-xTiO3 sol-id solution. A calculation program for several dozens of elements of partition along the wide wall of a rectangular waveguide is developed. The results of computer modeling for MNSEP with different number of layers and concentration dependences of barium are given, which allow to stabilize the propagation constant over a wide temperature range. Определена постоянная распространения основной моды электромагнитной волны в прямоуголь­ ном волноводе, поперечное сечение которого частично заполнено многослойной нанокомпозитной се­ гнетоэлектрической пленкой (МНСЭП) на диэлектрической подложке. Численная модель построена на основе скалярной формы метода конечных элементов, приведенного к однородной системе линейных ал­ гебраических уравнений относительно узловых значений волнового скаляра при одномерной аппрокси­ мации. Диэлектрические свойства нанослоев определены концентрационной зависимостью бария в со­ ставе твердого раствора BaxSr1xTiO3. Приведены результаты проведенного по специально разрабо­ танной программе расчета для нескольких десятков элементов разбиения вдоль широкой стенки пря­ моугольного волновода компьютерного моделирования МНСЭП с разным числом слоев и концентрацион­ ных зависимостей бария, позволяющих стабилизировать постоянную распространения в широком температурном интервале.


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    Objectives. A method for diagnosing electronic components with minimally complicated control and measuring instrumentation and the ability to obtain information from internal control points of operating units is developed. Methods. The developed method for control of groups of electronic components presupposes the passage of a controllable influence through a few control points, connected via several electronic components. In addition, each electronic component contributes its share to the transformation of the parameter output, so the discrepancy of its allowable values for the identification of defective electronic component are required to assess the implication of the expected value of the probable defect of each electronic component in the schema with the aim of isolating it. The faulty component in the electronic circuit is identified by the minimum estimated variance, by which the magnitude of the defect will match the expected value of the electronic component parameter. Results. As a result of the control no more than ten groups of electrical components on functional cell matrices can be assessed as having a defective element by comparing the calculated variance values for each electrical component and the corresponding electrical component parameter itself. Conclusion. Diagnosing groups of electric components on transient characteristics for the detection of defects in the functional cell matrices enables efficiency control operations improvement and troubleshooting in the search for modern electronic equipment reliability


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    The article is devoted to the study of activity of lipid peroxidation processes and their influence on oxygen-transport properties of hemoglobin in erythrocytes of peripheral blood of pregnant women with cytomegalovirus infection. Activation of lipid peroxidation processes in pregnant women with cytomegalovirus infection determined by the contents of TBA-active products is accompanied by accumulation of cytotoxic factors - arachidonic acid (1 trimester - up by 31 %, 11 trimester - up by 68 %, 111 trimester - up by 41 %) and lysophosphatidylcholine (1 trimester - up by 85 %, 11 trimester - up by 55 %, 111 trimester - up by 13 %), causes disorders of oxygen-transport properties of hemoglobin in erythrocytes (decrease of total erythrocytes and hemoglobin count), more than double increase of indices of thermolabile hemoglobin at slight decrease of oxyhemoglobin, increase of methemoglobin (1 trimester - up by 60 %, 11 trimester - up by 25 %, 111 trimester - up by 16 %, in comparison with control), that causes decrease of transportation and delivery of oxygen to the tissues and can be the reason of hypoxia

    Test of the RF system for damping ring

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    RF system for VEPP-5 damping ring is described. The system consists of RF power supply, waveguide section, and 700 MHz cavity. Results of computer simulations and measurements of HOM spectrum and damping efficiency are presented together with the results of cavity testing at operating power level

    Provision for Sanitary Epidemiological Welfare of the Population of the Jewish Autonomous Region during High Water and Post-Flooding Period

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    Put forward was operational protocol as regards Rospotrebnadzor institutions policies in the territory of the Jewish Autonomous Region for the prevention of epidemiological implications during the post-flooding period in reference to infectious diseases. Carried out were control measures over infection morbidity rate, drinking water quality, disinfection of water supply sources, as well as sewage systems. Actions undertaken made it possible to prevent cluster cases of infectious diseases both in the flooded areas and at the temporal accommodation sites; to provide control over acute intestinal and natural-focal disease incidence, keeping it to the level of long-term average annual indexes; and to supply the population with drinking water of high quality

    Status of RF system for VEPP-5 damping ring

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    The paper presents the RF system of VEPP-5 damping ring created at BINP Novosibirsk. The RF system operates at 700 MHz and consists of the generator based on KU-393 klystron, transmitting waveguide with wave-to-coax adapters, accelerating cavity, and control system. HOM cavities are damped with resistive loads to eliminate the beam instability. Parameters and results of cold measurement tests and high power level tests are presented.Представлена ВЧ-система накопителя-охладителя для ВЭПП-5, созданная в БИЯФ, Новосибирск. ВЧ-система работает на частоте 700 МГц и состоит из генератора на клистроне КУ-393,передающего волновода с коаксиально-волноводными переходами, ускоряющего резонатора и системы управления и контроля. Для устранения пучковой неустойчивости высшие моды резонатора подавлены с помощью резистивных нагрузок. Приведены параметры и результаты холодных измерений и горячих испытаний ВЧ-системы.Представлено ВЧ-система нагромаджувача-охолоджувача для ВЕПП-5, що створена в БІЯФ, Новосибірськ. ВЧ-система працює на частоті 700 МГц і складається з генератора на клістроні КУ-393, передаючого хвилеводу з коаксіально-хвилеводними переходами, прискорюючого резонатора і системи керування і контролю. Для усунення пучкової нестійкості вищі моди резонатора подавлені за допомогою резистивних навантажень. Наведено параметри і результати холодних вимірів і гарячих випробувань ВЧ- системи

    Occupational chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    The purpose of the study – to identify the factors of the development of PCOBL on the example of a clinical case of PCOBL in an employee of the alumina workshop of JSC Siberian - Ural Aluminum Company.Цель исследования – выявить факторыразвития ПХОБЛна примере клинического случая ПХОБЛ у работника глиноземного цеха ОАО «Сибирско-Уральская Алюминиевая компания»