37 research outputs found


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    The operation of total endoprosthesis replacement of large joints is associated with several anesthetic problems. Solving these problems ensures the safety of these highly traumatic operations and requires the solution of the following anesthetic tasks in the perioperative period: high degree of antinociceptive protection of patients with effective relaxation of the surgical intervention area; prevention of fatty hyperglobulinemia; decrease in the volume of perioperative hemorrhage and prophylaxis of thrombogenic complications. We developed our own program of anesthetic maintenance at major joints replacement. The components of the program are: the type of anesthesia - spinal anesthesia preservation of spontaneous respiration; our method of fat globulinemia prevention, based on maintaining the functional stability of the hepatocyte; our own method of replacement of peri-operative blood loss, based on the additional principle of "normalization of the oncotic blood pressure". Before the operation, patients receive a solution of tranexamic acid at a dose of 10 mg/kg of body mass to inhibit proteolysis (blood preservation technology). This method provides a "dry" operating field, reducing intraoperative hemorrhage. In the early postoperative period (5 hours after the surgery), under the control of whole blood clotting time, patients receive low molecular weight heparin Clexane at a therapeutic dosage of 1 mg/kg of body weight. This provides effective prevention of thrombogenic complications. The application of the developed technique shows its high clinical effectiveness. Over the past 5 years, 5,800 operations for large joint prosthetics have been performed, including 3,200 total hip replacement operations, 2,600 total knee replacement operations. There were no complications with a fatal outcome, in 5 cases fatty hyperglobulinemia was noted, which was stopped by the own method of treatment. There are no thrombogenic complications

    Элемент согласования волноводной линии передачи с диодом

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    The article deals with the issues of matching a waveguide transmission line with millimeter wave diodes. The implementation of the transition of a rectangular waveguide to a microstrip switching line in the form of a line of the fin-line type is described. The computer simulation results of the transmission coefficient module of the developed element and the standing wave coefficient by voltage separately for the transition from a rectangular waveguide to a microstrip transmission line and as part of an amplitude detector are shown. A joint application of the developed element with a microstrip detector based on a Schottky diode in the frequency range from 118.1 to 178.4 GHz is proposed. The results of measuring its parameters and the results of determining the sensitivity are given, as well as the evaluation of the results obtained is performed. The obtained results proved the possibility of using the matching element of a waveguide transmission line with a diode in the millimeter wavelength range. Рассмотрены вопросы согласования волноводной линии передачи с диодами миллиметрового диапазона длин волн. Описана реализация перехода с прямоугольного волновода на микрополосковую линию передачи в виде линии типа фин-лайн. Показаны результаты компьютерного моделирования модуля коэффициента передачи разработанного элемента и коэффициента стоячей волны по напряжению отдельно перехода с прямоугольного волновода на микрополосковую линию передачи и в составе амплитудного детектора. Представлена реализация совместного применения разработанного элемента с микрополосковым детектором на базе диода Шоттки в диапазоне частот от 118,1 до 178,4 ГГц. Приведены результаты измерения его параметров и определения чувствительности. При оценке полученных данных подтверждена возможность применения разработанного элемента согласования волноводной линии передачи с диодом в миллиметровом диапазоне длин волн

    Educational environment of the college as a factor of professional competence forming of future middle-level it specialists

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    © 2019, Institute of Advanced Scientific Research, Inc.. All rights reserved. The article presents the results of the analysis of approaches to the interpretation of the concept of "educational environment", describes the modern requirements for the professional competence of сollege graduates in the field of information technology, defines the essential characteristics and features of the educational environment of the university сollege. Nowadays, due to the rapid development of all spheres of our life, highly-qualified middle-level specialists are needed. The system of training in the college is similar to the university, but has its own peculiarities. Educational institutions of secondary vocational education train middle-level specialists with a high level of basic knowledge. The problem of professional competence forming of a college student can be solved with careful attention to the peculiarities of the educational space of the college. Modern needs of society to preparation of the middle-level specialists require the development of scientifically-proved strategies and methods of forming the professional competence of students in the educational space of a college, which will be effective if considering all the features of the educational process in the college

    Educational environment of the college as a factor of professional competence forming of future middle-level it specialists

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    © 2019, Institute of Advanced Scientific Research, Inc.. All rights reserved. The article presents the results of the analysis of approaches to the interpretation of the concept of "educational environment", describes the modern requirements for the professional competence of сollege graduates in the field of information technology, defines the essential characteristics and features of the educational environment of the university сollege. Nowadays, due to the rapid development of all spheres of our life, highly-qualified middle-level specialists are needed. The system of training in the college is similar to the university, but has its own peculiarities. Educational institutions of secondary vocational education train middle-level specialists with a high level of basic knowledge. The problem of professional competence forming of a college student can be solved with careful attention to the peculiarities of the educational space of the college. Modern needs of society to preparation of the middle-level specialists require the development of scientifically-proved strategies and methods of forming the professional competence of students in the educational space of a college, which will be effective if considering all the features of the educational process in the college

    Modeling the kinetics of vulcanization polydienes

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    A model of vulcanization kinetics, which allows describing the kinetic curves of any form and on the basis of economical laboratory experiment analytically evaluate the kinetics of isothermal curing was proposed. In studying the kinetics of vulcanization, we assumed that the individual stages of the vulcanization process differ significantly speed and to determine the parameters on reometric curve isolated several areas. It allows to describe the process of a set of simple coupled first and second order vulcanization reactions


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    In the article discussed the mathematical formulation and numerical algorithm for solving the problem of calculating the temperature field in the process vulcanizing of the product, whose the thermal characteristics are depended on the temperature. As a mathematical model considered the system of differential equations of heat conduction, taking into account the change in the coefficients of thermal conductivity and heat density in multilayer product of the temperature. The system of equations is solved for a given initial distribution of temperature and for a given (time-dependent) temperatures on the border of the product to the press-mold and to the diaphragm. On the border of the contacts of adjacent layers are given the condition of continuity of temperature and heat flux. Change of the thermal conductivity from the time is approximated by linear functions. The activation energy of the vulcanization process is determined on the basis of experimental data obtained in the control test samples using a reometer. Considering the function representing the corresponding integrals of the thermal conductivity, the original system of differential equations is transformed to an equivalent system of differential equations convenient for constructing numerical algorithms for solving the problem. The resulting system of partial differential equations derived using the method of finite-difference approximation is replaced by a system of algebraic equations. Solution of the system of algebraic equations is carried out under the scheme explicit difference approximation. In the article calculated the temperature field for the tire at given initial and boundary conditions. Stability and accuracy of the numerical algorithm for solving the problem is demonstrated by the calculations performed with different sampling step along the time and space coordinates. Assessment of the degree of completion of the process is carried out by calculated equivalent time for temperature values, accepted as equivalent. The developed algorithm is an important part of the algorithm for solving the problem of determining the optimal mode of curing, providing the required quality products at the lowest cost, which is very important in conditions of continuous growth in energy prices

    Modeling of kinetics of nonisothermal vulcanization of massive rubber products

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    The problem of vulcanization (curing) of massive products is considered important for technology of processing of polymers. It is shown, that during structurization compound rubber materials distribution of temperatures on all section is unequal, that results in distinction in structure and properties of such samples. Temperature fields in cuts of a product are designed and dependences of change of structural parameters are established. Kinetic characteristics of process of vulcanization are determined and recommendations on creation and updating of modes of vulcanization massive elastomer products are produced