12 research outputs found

    Gauge and parametrization dependence in higher derivative quantum gravity

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    The structure of counterterms in higher derivative quantum gravity is reexamined. Nontrivial dependence of charges on the gauge and parametrization is established. Explicit calculations of two-loop contributions are carried out with the help of the generalized renormgroup method demonstrating consistency of the results obtained.Comment: 22 pages, Latex, no figure

    Geodesics, gravitons and the gauge fixing problem

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    When graviton loops are taken into account, the background metric obtained as a solution to the one-loop corrected Einstein equations turns out to be gauge fixing dependent. Therefore it is of no physical relevance. Instead we consider a physical observable, namely the trajectory of a test particle in the presence of gravitons. We derive a quantum corrected geodesic equation that includes backreaction effects and is explicitly independent of any gauge fixing parameter.Comment: 21 pages, no figures, RevTe

    Invariant Correlations in Simplicial Gravity

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    Some first results are presented regarding the behavior of invariant correlations in simplicial gravity, with an action containing both a bare cosmological term and a lattice higher derivative term. The determination of invariant correlations as a function of geodesic distance by numerical methods is a difficult task, since the geodesic distance between any two points is a function of the fluctuating background geometry, and correlation effects become rather small for large distances. Still, a strikingly different behavior is found for the volume and curvature correlation functions. While the first one is found to be negative definite at large geodesic distances, the second one is always positive for large distances. For both correlations the results are consistent in the smooth phase with an exponential decay, turning into a power law close to the critical point at GcG_c. Such a behavior is not completely unexpected, if the model is to reproduce the classical Einstein theory at distances much larger than the ultraviolet cutoff scale.Comment: 27 pages, conforms to published versio

    Tomographic Representation of Minisuperspace Quantum Cosmology and Noether Symmetries

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    The probability representation, in which cosmological quantum states are described by a standard positive probability distribution, is constructed for minisuperspace models selected by Noether symmetries. In such a case, the tomographic probability distribution provides the classical evolution for the models and can be considered an approach to select "observable" universes. Some specific examples, derived from Extended Theories of Gravity, are worked out. We discuss also how to connect tomograms, symmetries and cosmological parameters.Comment: 15 page

    Renormalization group approach to quantum field theory in curved space-time

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