94 research outputs found

    Implementation of Cigarette Excise Policy Against Cigarette Consumption Reduction Among Adolescent in Kuningan, Indonesia

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    Indonesia has the highest prevalence of smoking (50.68%) compared to other ASEAN countries. On January 1st, 2017, the Indonesian government raised cigarette excise taxes. The purpose of this study was to analysis the impact of cigarette excise increase on cigarette consumption among adolescents aged 17 to 25 years. The study design used cross-sectional survey. A total of 153 adolescents were recruited in this study through simple random sampling technique. Questionnaires and observation papers were used in this study. A face-to-face interview was conducted to fulfill the data collection through home visit for each respondent. The data were obtained during May – June 2017. This study used paired t test analysis. The number of cigarettes consumed by adolescent decreased significantly by two cigarettes per day after the increase in cigarette excise tax. There is a significant difference of the average cigarettes price based on the brand after the implementation of cigarette excise tax increase, the difference of cigarette price is IDR 200 per stick of cigarettes after excise tax increase. Increased cigarette excise taxes may affect the increasing of cigarette prices. Threfore, it could reduce the number of cigarette consumption

    Increased incidence of nausea and vomiting due to anxiety in palcitaxel and carboplatin chemotherapy in a 48 years old female patient with cervical cancer

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    Nausea and vomiting was the frequently side effects in chemotherapy.Uncontrolled nausea and vomiting can cause weakened body condition, reduced appetite and drinking, dehydration, electrolyte disturbances, reduced nutritional status so the patient refused to undergo further chemotherapy. Anxiety is one of the factors that increase the risk of nausea and vomiting. We reported the case of the woman 48 years old, height 150 cm, weight 51 kg, occupation housewife, diagnosed non-keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma cervical cancer  stage-IIB and received paclitaxel carboplatin for three cycles of chemotherapy. She experienced anxiety, acute nausea vomiting on the third cycle of chemotherapy and delayed nausea and vomiting of the three cycles of chemotherapy.</span

    Ekstrak Cacing Tanah Sebagai Inovasi Penyembuhan Ulkus Diabetik Berbasis Induksi Densitas Akson

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    Reduction of nerve growth factor expression in diabetic ulcer affects overall wound healing. Earthworm (Pheretima aspergillum) can stimulate schwann cell proliferation and migration to support axonal elongation. The objective of this study is to compare wound healing functions in diabetic ulcer of rats using earthworm extract, hydrogel, and conventional dressing. This study applied a true-experimental posttest only controlled group design. 21 days after treatment, the group receiving earthworm extract had a significantly higher percentage of wound contraction and axonal density compared to the control group (p&lt;0.05). These results show that earthworm extract can promote wound healing in diabetic ulcer

    Review: Strategi Pencegahan dan Penanganan Gangguan Metabolis pada Ternak Ruminansia

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    Konsep dan permasalahan budidaya ternak ruminansia sesuai dengan 3 pilar peternakan yaitu feeding, breeding, dan manajemen. Manajemen merupakan pilar penting dalam menjaga produktivitas dan kesehatan ternak terutama yang berhubungan dengan penyakit-penyakit akibat kesalahan dan kegagalan metabolisme. Beberapa penyakit yang menyerang sistem metabolisme antara lain bloat atau kembung, ketosis atau acetomia, milk fever, fatty liver, dan asidosis yang berdampak pada perlambatan pertumbuhan sehingga berdampak negatif pada produksi ternak. Setiap penyakit memiliki cara pencegahan dan penanganan yang berbeda-beda. Pencegahan yang paling umum dilakukan adalah dengan vaksinasi dan penerapan biosekuriti termasuk perbaikan manajemen pemeliharaan. Pengembangan obat, vaksin, dan suplemen herbal dapat dijadikan alternatif potensial untuk meningkatkan produktivitas dan kesehatan ternak

    Pendidikan Kesehatan Pertolongan Pertama pada Kecelakaan pada Masyarakat di Kelurahan Dandangan

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    Pertolongan pertama adalah upaya pertolongan dan perawatan sementara terhadap korban kecelakaan sebelum mendapat pertolongan yang lebih sempurna dari dokter atau petugas kesehatan. Pertolongan tersebut bukan sebagai pengobatan atau penanganan yang sempurna, tetapi hanya berupa pertolongan sementara yang dilakukan oleh petugas First Aid (petugas medik atau orang awam) yang pertama melihat korban. Tujuan pertolongan pertama adalah mencegah kematian, mencegah cacat yang lebih berat, mencegah infeksi, mengurangi rasa sakit dan rasa takut. Tindakan pertolongan pertama yang dilakukan dengan benar akan mengurangi cacat atau penderitaan hingga menyelamatkan korban dari kematian, tetapi bila tindakan dilakukan tidak baik dan benar akan memperburuk kondisi akibat kecelakaan hingga membunuh korban. Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari sering terjadi kecelakaan yang menimpa seseorang atau sekelompok orang. Kecelakaan bisa terjadi dimana saja, di rumah, jalan, tempat kerja atau ditempat lainnya. Untuk mengantisipasi masalah itu maka masyarakat perlu mengetahui prosedur dasar pertolongan pertama pada kecelakaan. Tujuan pengabdian ini yaitu untuk melatih masyarakat menjadi penolong pertama agar mampu melakukan tindakan pertolongan pertama apabila diperlukan

    Optimization of Water Network Synthesis for Single-Site and Continuous Processes: Milestones, Challenges, and Future Directions

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    The Effect of Direct Field Component on A Statistical Energy Analysis (SEA) Model

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    Statistical Energy Analysis (SEA) is a well-known method to analyze the flow of acoustic and vibration energy in a complex structure. The structure is divided into subsystems where the energy in each of the subsystem is assumed to be reverberant. This study investigates the application of SEA model in a 'damped' acoustic space where the direct field component from the sound source dominates the total sound field rather than a diffuse field in a reverberant space which the SEA model assumption is based on. A measurement was conducted in a scaled room divided into two acoustic spaces separated by a partition with an opening. Absorbent materials were installed on the room walls and the power injection technique was implemented to obtain the coupling loss factor (CLF) of the system. It is found that correction of the direct field component from the subsystem energy improves the prediction of the CLF of the system

    The Effect of Direct Field Component on A Statistical Energy Analysis (SEA) Model

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    Statistical Energy Analysis (SEA) is a well-known method to analyze the flow of acoustic and vibration energy in a complex structure. The structure is divided into subsystems where the energy in each of the subsystem is assumed to be reverberant. This study investigates the application of SEA model in a 'damped' acoustic space where the direct field component from the sound source dominates the total sound field rather than a diffuse field in a reverberant space which the SEA model assumption is based on. A measurement was conducted in a scaled room divided into two acoustic spaces separated by a partition with an opening. Absorbent materials were installed on the room walls and the power injection technique was implemented to obtain the coupling loss factor (CLF) of the system. It is found that correction of the direct field component from the subsystem energy improves the prediction of the CLF of the system
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