333 research outputs found

    Magnetothermal Transport in Spin-Ladder Systems

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    We study a theoretical model for the magnetothermal conductivity of a spin-1/2 ladder with low exchange coupling (JΘDJ\ll\Theta_D) subject to a strong magnetic field BB. Our theory for the thermal transport accounts for the contribution of spinons coupled to lattice phonon modes in the one-dimensional lattice. We employ a mapping of the ladder Hamiltonian onto an XXZ spin-chain in a weaker effective field B_{eff}=B-B_{0},where, where B_{0}=(B_{c1}+B_{c2})/2correspondstohalffillingofthespinonband.Thisprovidesalowenergytheoryforthespinonexcitationsandtheircouplingtothephonons.Thecouplingofacousticlongitudinalphononstospinonsgivesrisetohybridizationofspinonsandphonons,andprovidesanenhanced corresponds to half-filling of the spinon band. This provides a low-energy theory for the spinon excitations and their coupling to the phonons. The coupling of acoustic longitudinal phonons to spinons gives rise to hybridization of spinons and phonons, and provides an enhanced Bdependantscatteringofphononsonspinons.Usingamemorymatrixapproach,weshowthattheinterplaybetweenseveralscatteringmechanisms,namely:umklapp,disorderandphononspinoncollisions,dominatestherelaxationofheatcurrent.Thisyieldsmagnetothermaleffectsthatarequalitativelyconsistentwiththethermalconductivitymeasurementsinthespin1/2laddercompound-dependant scattering of phonons on spinons. Using a memory matrix approach, we show that the interplay between several scattering mechanisms, namely: umklapp, disorder and phonon-spinon collisions, dominates the relaxation of heat current. This yields magnetothermal effects that are qualitatively consistent with the thermal conductivity measurements in the spin-1/2 ladder compound {\rm Br_4(C_5H_{12}N)_2}$ (BPCB).Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Nernst Effect as a Signature of Quantum Fluctuations in Quasi-1D Superconductors

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    We study a model for the transverse thermoelectric response due to quantum superconducting fluctuations in a two-leg Josephson ladder, subject to a perpendicular magnetic field B and a transverse temperature gradient. The off-diagonal Peltier coefficient (\alpha_{xy}) and the Nernst effect are evaluated as functions of B and the temperature T. The Nernst effect is found to exhibit a prominent peak close to the superconductor-insulator transition (SIT), which becomes progressively enhanced at low T. In addition, we derive a relation to diamagnetic response: \alpha_{xy}= -M/T_0, where M is the equilibrium magnetization and T_0 a plasma energy in the superconducting legs.Comment: An extended (and hopefully more comprehensible) version of an earlier postin

    Reducing Sexual Risk among Racial/ethnic-minority Ninth Grade Students: Using Intervention Mapping to Modify an Evidenced-based Curriculum

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    Background: Racial/ethnic-minority 9th graders are at increased risk for teen pregnancy, HIV, and STIs compared to their White peers. Yet, few effective sexual health education programs exist for this population. Purpose: To apply IM Adapt—a systematic theory- and evidence-based approach to program adaptation—to modify an effective middle school sexual health education curriculum, It’s Your Game…Keep It Real! (IYG), for racial/ethnic-minority 9th graders. Methods: Following the six steps of IM Adapt, we conducted a needs assessment to describe the health problems and risk behaviors of the new population; reviewed existing evidence-based programs; assessed the fit of IYG for the new population regarding behavioral outcomes, determinants, change methods, delivery, and implementation; modified materials and activities; planned for implementation and evaluation. Results: Needs assessment findings indicated that IYG targeted relevant health and risk behaviors for racial/ethnic-minority 9th graders but required additional focus on contraceptive use, dating violence prevention, active consent, and access to healthcare services. Behavioral outcomes and matrices of change objectives for IYG were modified accordingly. Theoretical methods and practical applications were identified to address these behavioral outcomes, and new activities developed. Youth provided input on activity modifications. School personnel guided modifications to IYG’s scope and sequence, and delivery. The adapted program, Your Game, Your Life, comprised fifteen 30-minute lessons targeting determinants of sexual behavior and healthy dating relationships. Pilot-test data from 9th graders in two urban high schools indicate promising results. Conclusion: IM Adapt provides a systematic theory- and evidence-based approach for adapting existing evidence-based sexual health education curricula for a new population whilst retaining essential elements that made the original program effective. Youth and school personnel input ensured that the adapted program was age-appropriate, culturally sensitive, and responsive to the needs of the new population. IM Adapt contributes to the limited literature on systematic approaches to program adaptation

    A local families index formula for d-bar operators on punctured Riemann surfaces

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    Using heat kernel methods developed by Vaillant, a local index formula is obtained for families of d-bar operators on the Teichmuller universal curve of Riemann surfaces of genus g with n punctures. The formula also holds on the moduli space M{g,n} in the sense of orbifolds where it can be written in terms of Mumford-Morita-Miller classes. The degree two part of the formula gives the curvature of the corresponding determinant line bundle equipped with the Quillen connection, a result originally obtained by Takhtajan and Zograf.Comment: 47 page

    Bounded-Angle Spanning Tree: Modeling Networks with Angular Constraints

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    We introduce a new structure for a set of points in the plane and an angle α\alpha, which is similar in flavor to a bounded-degree MST. We name this structure α\alpha-MST. Let PP be a set of points in the plane and let 0<α2π0 < \alpha \le 2\pi be an angle. An α\alpha-ST of PP is a spanning tree of the complete Euclidean graph induced by PP, with the additional property that for each point pPp \in P, the smallest angle around pp containing all the edges adjacent to pp is at most α\alpha. An α\alpha-MST of PP is then an α\alpha-ST of PP of minimum weight. For α<π/3\alpha < \pi/3, an α\alpha-ST does not always exist, and, for απ/3\alpha \ge \pi/3, it always exists. In this paper, we study the problem of computing an α\alpha-MST for several common values of α\alpha. Motivated by wireless networks, we formulate the problem in terms of directional antennas. With each point pPp \in P, we associate a wedge WpW_p of angle α\alpha and apex pp. The goal is to assign an orientation and a radius rpr_p to each wedge WpW_p, such that the resulting graph is connected and its MST is an α\alpha-MST. (We draw an edge between pp and qq if pWqp \in W_q, qWpq \in W_p, and pqrp,rq|pq| \le r_p, r_q.) Unsurprisingly, the problem of computing an α\alpha-MST is NP-hard, at least for α=π\alpha=\pi and α=2π/3\alpha=2\pi/3. We present constant-factor approximation algorithms for α=π/2,2π/3,π\alpha = \pi/2, 2\pi/3, \pi. One of our major results is a surprising theorem for α=2π/3\alpha = 2\pi/3, which, besides being interesting from a geometric point of view, has important applications. For example, the theorem guarantees that given any set PP of 3n3n points in the plane and any partitioning of the points into nn triplets, one can orient the wedges of each triplet {\em independently}, such that the graph induced by PP is connected. We apply the theorem to the {\em antenna conversion} problem

    The Role of Vortices in the Mutual Coupling of Superconducting and Normal-Metal Films

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    I propose a possible explanation to a recently observed ``cross-talk'' effect in metal-insulator-metal trilayers, indicating a sharp peak near a superconducting transition in one of the metal films. Coulomb interactions are excluded as a dominant coupling mechanism, and an alternative is suggested, based on the local fluctuating electric field induced by mobile vortices in the superconducting layer. This scenario is compatible with the magnitude of the peak signal and its shape; most importantly, it addresses the {\it non-reciprocity} of the effect in exchanging the roles of the films.Comment: 13 pages, RevTe

    Quantum Fields in Hyperbolic Space-Times with Finite Spatial Volume

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    The one-loop effective action for a massive self-interacting scalar field is investigated in 44-dimensional ultrastatic space-time R×H3/Γ R \times H^3/\Gamma, H3/ΓH^3/\Gamma being a non-compact hyperbolic manifold with finite volume. Making use of the Selberg trace formula, the ζ\zeta-function related to the small disturbance operator is constructed. For an arbitrary gravitational coupling, it is found that ζ(s)\zeta(s) has a simple pole at s=0s=0. The one-loop effective action is analysed by means of proper-time regularisations and the one-loop divergences are explicitly found. It is pointed out that, in this special case, also ζ\zeta-function regularisation requires a divergent counterterm, which however is not necessary in the free massless conformal invariant coupling case. Finite temperature effects are studied and the high-temperature expansion is presented. A possible application to the problem of the divergences of the entanglement entropy for a free massless scalar field in a Rindler-like space-time is briefly discussed.Comment: 13 pages, LaTex. The contribution of hyperbolic elements has been added. Other minor corrections and reference

    Coulomb Drag at the Onset of Anderson Insulators

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    It is shown that the Coulomb drag between two identical layers in the Anderson insulting state indicates a striking difference between the Mott and Efros-Shklovskii (ES) insulators. In the former, the trans-resistance ρt\rho_t is monotonically increasing with the localization length ξ\xi; in the latter, the presence of a Coulomb gap leads to an opposite result: ρt\rho_t is enhanced with a decreasing ξ\xi, with the same exponential factor as the single layer resistivity. This distinction reflects the relatively pronounced role of excited density fluctuations in the ES state, implied by the enhancement in the rate of hopping processes at low frequencies. The magnitude of drag is estimated for typical experimental parameters in the different cases. It is concluded that a measurement of drag can be used to distinguish between interacting and non-interacting insulating state.Comment: 15 pages, revte

    Alternating Superconductor--Insulator Transport Characteristics in a Quantum Vortex Chain

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    Experimental studies of magnetoresistance in thin superconducting strips subject to a perpendicular magnetic field B exhibit a multitude of transitions, from superconductor to insulator and vice versa alternately. Motivated by this observation, we study a theoretical model for the transport properties of a ladder--like superconducting device close to a superconductor--insulator transition. In this regime, strong quantum fluctuations dominate the dynamics of the vortex chain forming along the device. Utilizing a mapping of the vortex system at low energies to one-dimensional (1D) Fermions at a chemical potential dictated by B, we find that a quantum phase transition of the Ising type occurs at critical values of the vortex filling, from a superconducting phase near integer filling to an insulator near 1/2-filling. The current--voltage (I-V) characteristics of the weakly disordered device in the presence of a d.c. current bias I is evaluated, and investigated as a function of B, I, the temperature T and the disorder strength. In the Ohmic regime (I/e << T), the resulting magnetoresistance R(B) exhibits oscillations similar to the experimental observation. More generally, we find that the I-V characteristics of the system manifests a dramatically distinct behavior in the superconducting and insulating regimes.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1010.066