3,964 research outputs found

    Probe for the strong parity violation effects at RHIC with three particle correlations

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    In non-central relativistic heavy ion collisions, \P-odd domains, which might be created in the process of the collision, are predicted to lead to charge separation along the system orbital momentum \cite{Kharzeev:2004ey}. An observable, \P-even, but directly sensitive to the charge separation effect, has been proposed in \cite{Voloshin:2004vk} and is based on 3-particle mixed harmonics azimuthal correlations. We report the STAR measurements using this observable for Au+Au and Cu+Cu collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_{NN}}=200 and 62 GeV. The results are reported as function of collision centrality, particle separation in rapidity, and particle transverse momentum. Effects that are not related to parity violation but might contribute to the signal are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, Quark Matter 2008 Poster proceeding

    The elements of a computational infrastructure for social simulation

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    Applications of simulation modelling in social science domains are varied and increasingly widespread. The effective deployment of simulation models depends on access to diverse datasets, the use of analysis capabilities, the ability to visualize model outcomes and to capture, share and re-use simulations as evidence in research and policy-making. We describe three applications of e-social science that promote social simulation modelling, data management and visualization. An example is outlined in which the three components are brought together in a transport planning context. We discuss opportunities and benefits for the combination of these and other components into an e-infrastructure for social simulation and review recent progress towards the establishment of such an infrastructure

    Thermoacoustic tomography with variable sound speed

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    We study the mathematical model of thermoacoustic tomography in media with a variable speed for a fixed time interval, greater than the diameter of the domain. In case of measurements on the whole boundary, we give an explicit solution in terms of a Neumann series expansion. We give necessary and sufficient conditions for uniqueness and stability when the measurements are taken on a part of the boundary

    Origin, variability and age of biomass burning plumes intercepted during BORTAS-B

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    We use the GEOS-Chem atmospheric chemistry transport model to interpret aircraft measurements of carbon monoxide (CO) in biomass burning outflow taken during the 2011 BORTAS-B campaign over eastern Canada. The model has some skill reproducing the observed variability (<i>r</i> = 0.45) but has a negative bias for observations below 100 ppb and a positive bias above 300 ppb. We find that observed CO variations are largely due to NW North American biomass burning, as expected, with smaller and less variable contributions from fossil fuel combustion from eastern Asia and NE North America. To help interpret observed variations of CO we develop an Eulerian effective age of emissions (<i><span style="text-decoration:overline">A</span></i>) metric, accounting for mixing and chemical decay, which we apply to pyrogenic emissions of CO. We find that during BORTAS-B the age of emissions intercepted over Halifax, Nova Scotia is typically 4–11 days, and on occasion as young as two days. We show that <i><span style="text-decoration:overline">A</span></i> is typically 1–5 days older than the associated photochemical ages inferred from colocated measurements of different hydrocarbons. We find that the median difference between the age measures (&Delta;&tau;) in plumes (CH<sub>3</sub>CN > 150 ppt) peaks at 3–5 days corresponding to a chemical retardation of 50%. We find a strong relationship in plumes between <i><span style="text-decoration:overline">A</span></i> and &Delta;&tau; (<i>r</i><sup>2</sup> = 0.60), which is not evident outwith these plumes (<i>r</i><sup>2</sup> = 0.23). We argue that these observed relationships, together with a robust observed relationship between CO and black carbon aerosol during BORTAS-B (<i>r</i><sup>2</sup> > 0.7), form the basis of indirect evidence that aerosols co-emitted with gases during pyrolysis markedly slowed down the plume photochemistry during BORTAS-B with respect to photochemistry at the same latitude and altitude in clear skies

    'She's like a daughter to me': insights into care, work and kinship from rural Russia

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    This article draws on ethnographic research into a state-funded homecare service in rural Russia. The article discusses intersections between care, work and kinship in the relationships between homecare workers and their elderly wards and explores the ways in which references to kinship, as a means of authenticating paid care and explaining its emotional content, reinforce public and private oppositions while doing little to relieve the tensions and conflicts of care work. The discussion brings together detailed empirical insights into local ideologies and practices as a way of generating new theoretical perspectives, which will be of relevance beyond the particular context of study

    Charged anisotropic matter with linear equation of state

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    We consider the general situation of a compact relativistic body with anisotropic pressures in the presence of the electromagnetic field. The equation of state for the matter distribution is linear and may be applied to strange stars with quark matter. Three classes of new exact solutions are found to the Einstein-Maxwell system. This is achieved by specifying a particular form for one of the gravitational potentials and the electric field intensity. We can regain anisotropic and isotropic models from our general class of solution. A physical analysis indicates that the charged solutions describe realistic compact spheres with anisotropic matter distribution. The equation of state is consistent with dark energy stars and charged quark matter distributions. The masses and central densities correspond to realistic stellar objects in the general case when anisotropy and charge are present.Comment: 17 pages, To appear in Class. Quantum Gra

    Strangelets: Who is Looking, and How?

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    It has been over 30 years since the first suggestion that the true ground state of cold hadronic matter might be not nuclear matter but rather strange quark matter (SQM). Ever since, searches for stable SQM have been proceeding in various forms and have observed a handful of interesting events but have neither been able to find compelling evidence for stable strangelets nor to rule out their existence. I will survey the current status and near future of such searches with particular emphasis on the idea of SQM from strange star collisions as part of the cosmic ray flux.Comment: Talk given at International Conference on Strangeness in Quark Matter, 2006. 8 pages. 1 figur

    Uniqueness of reconstruction and an inversion procedure for thermoacoustic and photoacoustic tomography

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    The paper contains a simple approach to reconstruction in Thermoacoustic and Photoacoustic Tomography. The technique works for any geometry of point detectors placement and for variable sound speed satisfying a non-trapping condition. A uniqueness of reconstruction result is also obtained
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