745 research outputs found

    Dust-driven Dynamos in Accretion Disks

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    Magnetically driven astrophysical jets are related to accretion and involve toroidal magnetic field pressure inflating poloidal magnetic field flux surfaces. Examination of particle motion in combined gravitational and magnetic fields shows that these astrophysical jet toroidal and poloidal magnetic fields can be powered by the gravitational energy liberated by accreting dust grains that have become positively charged by emitting photo-electrons. Because a dust grain experiences magnetic forces after becoming charged, but not before, charging can cause irreversible trapping of the grain so dust accretion is a consequence of charging. Furthermore, charging causes canonical angular momentum to replace mechanical angular momentum as the relevant constant of the motion. The resulting effective potential has three distinct classes of accreting particles distinguished by canonical angular momentum, namely (i) "cyclotron-orbit", (ii) "Speiser-orbit", and (iii) "zero canonical angular momentum" particles. Electrons and ions are of class (i) but depending on mass and initial orbit inclination, dust grains can be of any class. Light-weight dust grains develop class (i) orbits such that the grains are confined to nested poloidal flux surfaces, whereas grains with a critical weight such that they experience comparable gravitational and magnetic forces can develop class (ii) or class (iii) orbits, respectively producing poloidal and toroidal field dynamos.Comment: 70 pages, 16 figure

    On magnetic field generation in Kolmogorov turbulence

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    We analyze the initial, kinematic stage of magnetic field evolution in an isotropic and homogeneous turbulent conducting fluid with a rough velocity field, v(l) ~ l^alpha, alpha<1. We propose that in the limit of small magnetic Prandtl number, i.e. when ohmic resistivity is much larger than viscosity, the smaller the roughness exponent, alpha, the larger the magnetic Reynolds number that is needed to excite magnetic fluctuations. This implies that numerical or experimental investigations of magnetohydrodynamic turbulence with small Prandtl numbers need to achieve extremely high resolution in order to describe magnetic phenomena adequately.Comment: 4 pages, revised, new material adde

    A Magnetically-Switched, Rotating Black Hole Model For the Production of Extragalactic Radio Jets and the Fanaroff and Riley Class Division

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    A model is presented in which both Fanaroff and Riley class I and II extragalactic jets are produced by magnetized accretion disk coronae in the ergospheres of rotating black holes. While the jets are produced in the accretion disk itself, the output power still is an increasing function of the black hole angular momentum. For high enough spin, the black hole triggers the magnetic switch, producing highly-relativistic, kinetic-energy-dominated jets instead of Poynting-flux-dominated ones for lower spin. The coronal mass densities needed to trigger the switch at the observed FR break power are quite small (1015gcm3\sim 10^{-15} g cm^{-3}), implying that the source of the jet material may be either a pair plasma or very tenuous electron-proton corona, not the main accretion disk itself. The model explains the differences in morphology and Mach number between FR I and II sources and the observed trend for massive galaxies to undergo the FR I/II transition at higher radio power. It also is consistent with the energy content of extended radio lobes and explains why, because of black hole spindown, the space density of FR II sources should evolve more rapidly than that of FR I sources. If the present model is correct, then the ensemble average speed of parsec-scale jets in sources distinguished by their FR I morphology (not luminosity) should be distinctly slower than that for sources with FR II morphology. The model also suggests the existence of a population of high-redshift, sub-mJy FR I and II radio sources associated with spiral or pre-spiral galaxies that flared once when their black holes were formed but were never again re-kindled by mergers.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures, final version to appear in Sept Ap

    Orthonormal sequences in L2(Rd)L^2(R^d) and time frequency localization

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    We study uncertainty principles for orthonormal bases and sequences in L2(Rd)L^2(\R^d). As in the classical Heisenberg inequality we focus on the product of the dispersions of a function and its Fourier transform. In particular we prove that there is no orthonormal basis for L2(R)L^2(\R) for which the time and frequency means as well as the product of dispersions are uniformly bounded. The problem is related to recent results of J. Benedetto, A. Powell, and Ph. Jaming. Our main tool is a time frequency localization inequality for orthonormal sequences in L2(Rd)L^2(\R^d). It has various other applications.Comment: 18 page

    Effects of Large-Scale Convection on p-mode Frequencies

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    We describe an approach for finding the eigenfrequencies of solar acoustic modes (p modes) in a convective envelope in the WKB limit. This approximation restricts us to examining the effects of fluid motions which are large compared to the mode wavelength, but allows us to treat the three-dimensional mode as a localized ray. The method of adiabatic switching is then used to investigate the frequency shifts resulting from simple perturbations to a polytropic model of the convection zone as well as from two basic models of a convective cell. We find that although solely depth-dependent perturbations can give frequency shifts which are first order in the strength of the perturbation, models of convective cells generate downward frequency shifts which are second order in the perturbation strength. These results may have implications for resolving the differences between eigenfrequencies derived from solar models and those found from helioseismic observations.Comment: 27 pages + 6 figures; accepted for publication in Ap

    Magnetic-field generation in helical turbulence

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    We investigate analytically the amplification of a weak magnetic field in a homogeneous and isotropic turbulent flow lacking reflectional symmetry (helical turbulence). We propose that the spectral distributions of magnetic energy and magnetic helicity can be found as eigenmodes of a self-adjoint, Schr\"odinger-type system of evolution equations. We argue that large-scale and small-scale magnetic fluctuations cannot be effectively separated, and that the conventional alpha-model is, in general, not an adequate description of the large-scale dynamo mechanism. As a consequence, the correct numerical modeling of such processes should resolve magnetic fluctuations down to the very small, resistive scales.Comment: 4 page

    A Critique of Current Magnetic-Accretion Models for Classical T-Tauri Stars

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    Current magnetic-accretion models for classical T-Tauri stars rely on a strong, dipolar magnetic field of stellar origin to funnel the disk material onto the star, and assume a steady-state. In this paper, I critically examine the physical basis of these models in light of the observational evidence and our knowledge of magnetic fields in low-mass stars, and find it lacking. I also argue that magnetic accretion onto these stars is inherently a time-dependent problem, and that a steady-state is not warranted. Finally, directions for future work towards fully-consistent models are pointed out.Comment: 2 figure

    The Lorentz force in atmospheres of CP stars: θ\theta Aurigae

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    Several dynamical processes may induce considerable electric currents in the atmospheres of magnetic chemically peculiar (CP) stars. The Lorentz force, which results from the interaction between the magnetic field and the induced currents, modifies the atmospheric structure and induces characteristic rotational variability of the hydrogen Balmer lines. To study this phenomena we have initiated a systematic spectroscopic survey of the Balmer lines variation in magnetic CP stars. In this paper we continue presentation of results of the program focusing on the high-resolution spectral observations of A0p star \aur (HD 40312). We have detected a significant variability of the Hα\alpha, Hβ\beta, and Hγ\gamma spectral lines during full rotation cycle of the star. This variability is interpreted in the framework of the model atmosphere analysis, which accounts for the Lorentz force effects. Both the inward and outward directed Lorentz forces are considered under the assumption of the axisymmetric dipole or dipole+quadrupole magnetic field configurations. We demonstrate that only the model with the outward directed Lorentz force in the dipole+quadrupole configuration is able to reproduce the observed hydrogen line variation. These results present new strong evidences for the presence of non-zero global electric currents in the atmosphere of an early-type magnetic star.Comment: 10 figure

    Relations between dynamo-region geometry and the magnetic behavior of stars and planets

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    The geo and solar magnetic fields have long been thought to be very different objects both in terms of spatial structure and temporal behavior. The recently discovered field structure of a fully convective star is more reminiscent of planetary magnetic fields than the Sun's magnetic field (Donati J.-F. et al., Science, 311 (2006) 633), despite the fact that the physical and chemical properties of these objects clearly differ. This observation suggests that a simple controlling parameter could be responsible for these different behaviors. We report here the results of three-dimensional simulations which show that varying the aspect ratio of the active dynamo region can yield sharp transition from Earth-like steady dynamos to Sun-like dynamo waves

    Tidal dissipation in rotating giant planets

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    [Abridged] Tides may play an important role in determining the observed distributions of mass, orbital period, and eccentricity of the extrasolar planets. In addition, tidal interactions between giant planets in the solar system and their moons are thought to be responsible for the orbital migration of the satellites, leading to their capture into resonant configurations. We treat the underlying fluid dynamical problem with the aim of determining the efficiency of tidal dissipation in gaseous giant planets. In cases of interest, the tidal forcing frequencies are comparable to the spin frequency of the planet but small compared to its dynamical frequency. We therefore study the linearized response of a slowly and possibly differentially rotating planet to low-frequency tidal forcing. Convective regions of the planet support inertial waves, while any radiative regions support generalized Hough waves. We present illustrative numerical calculations of the tidal dissipation rate and argue that inertial waves provide a natural avenue for efficient tidal dissipation in most cases of interest. The resulting value of Q depends in a highly erratic way on the forcing frequency, but we provide evidence that the relevant frequency-averaged dissipation rate may be asymptotically independent of the viscosity in the limit of small Ekman number. In short-period extrasolar planets, if the stellar irradiation of the planet leads to the formation of a radiative outer layer that supports generalized Hough modes, the tidal dissipation rate can be enhanced through the excitation and damping of these waves. These dissipative mechanisms offer a promising explanation of the historical evolution and current state of the Galilean satellites as well as the observed circularization of the orbits of short-period extrasolar planets.Comment: 74 pages, 12 figures, submitted to The Astrophysical Journa