89 research outputs found

    Cognitive Operations in Process of Secondary Text Production in Fanfiction Genre

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    The question of text perception in a foreign language is considered. Cognitive operations to build a text projection used by recipients who are non-native speakers, as well as their ways to objectify the former in their own secondary texts of the fanfiction genre are presented and described. The article is relevant due to the need to research the processes of reception and production of a coherent text both in native and foreign languages, and to create a cognitive model of the text projection building process. Particular attention is paid to the correlations between the strategies and tactics of forming a projection of a text in a foreign language by the recipient with the types of cognitive operation used to interpret new knowledge (preservation, modeling, transfiguration). Data are given on the implementation of cognitive operations on all levels of the perceived text (macro-, schematic, stylistic level). Definitions are provided for the specific tactics used by recipients (non-native speakers) in the process of creating their own texts in a foreign language on various levels (plot preservation tactics, tropes imitation tactics, keyword transplantation tactics, etc.). The results of the study can be applied both in the field of language sciences (psycholinguistics, linguistics) and in the field of foreign language teaching methods to find ways to effectively develop reading and writing skills in language learners


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    The high-priority task of prospective preventive vaccination consists in the development of differentiated approaches to vaccination with the aim of generation of effective immunity in each immunized person, using various dosages and vaccination regimes as well as adjuvants and accessory means of immune response modulation. At present, multiple investigations are dedicated to the search of immunoadjuvants capable of inducing immune response even in individuals with compromised immune activity and immunodeficiency signs. The review exemplifies combined usage of different groups of immunobiological agents in domestic applied medicine – vaccines, immunomodulators, cytokines, as well as prospective preparations, prequalified and recommended for clinical trials. The review covers major objectives, additional approaches and focus areas in experimental immunology related to the advancement of vaccinal prevention of infectious diseases of different etiology applying preparations capable of stimulating the induction of postvaccinal immunity. Proper attention is given to the possibility of immunomodulator usage in the specific prophylaxis of particularly dangerous infections

    Качество жизни больных ишемической болезнью сердца: взаимосвязь с компонентами метаболического синдрома и маркерами системного воспаления

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    Study objective: study of the interrelation between the indicators of quality of life (QL) in patients with coronary heart disease and risk factors of this pathology united by the framework of metabolic syndrome (MS) and the degree of activity of systemic inflammatory response. 110 patients with coronary heart disease have been examined. Along with the complete clinical, laboratory and instrumental examination, adopted in a specialized cardiology clinic, the study of QL was carried out with the help of the MOS SF-36 questionnaire, and also the analysis of activity of systemic inflammatory response was performed. It was shown that in the cluster of MS components there is a reverse correlation interrelation with abdominal obesity, hypertension and hyperglycemia. Also, a reverse correlation interrelation between the indicators of QL and some non-specific inflammatory markers (erythrocyte sedimentation rate, the concentration of C-reactive protein in blood) was discovered.Изучены взаимосвязи показателей качества жизни (КЖ) больных ишемической болезнью сердца (ИБС) с компонентами метаболического синдрома (МС) и степенью активности системного воспалительного ответа.Обследовали 110 пациентов с ИБС. Наряду с полным клиническим, лабораторным и инструментальным обследованием, принятым в специализированной кардиологической клинике, проводилось изучение КЖ с помощью опросника MOSSF-36, выполнялся анализ активности системного воспалительного ответа.Показано, что в кластере компонентов МС абдоминальное ожирение, артериальная гипертензия и гипергликемия имеют обратную корреляционную взаимосвязь по некоторым шкалам КЖ. Обнаружена также обратная корреляционная взаимосвязь показателей КЖ и некоторых неспецифических маркеров воспаления (скорость оседания эритроцитов, концентрация С-реактивного белка в крови)

    Allelic variants for Waxy genes in common wheat lines bred at the Lukyanenko National Grain Center

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    This article presents the results of a molecular marker-assisted study of allelic variants of Wx genes in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) lines. The study was carried out as part of the work on the transfer of null alleles of the genes Wx-A1, Wx-B1, and Wx-D1 to the varieties of soft wheat and creation of breeding material with modified activities of the main enzymes involved in amylose biosynthesis. The lines were obtained at the Department of Breeding and Seed Production of Wheat and Triticale, National Center of Grain named after P.P. Lukyanenko, by crossing mutant forms carrying inactive (null) alleles of genes Wx-A1, Wx-B1, and Wx-D1 with bread wheat cultivars. The molecular markers selected for the study allowed identification of valuable breeding material carrying both single null alleles of Wx genes and their combinations in its genome. A combination of two null alleles (Wx-A1b + Wx-D1b) was detected in 30 lines. The presence of three null alleles (Wx-A1b + Wx-B1b + Wx-D1b), which corresponded to fully Wx wheat, was found in one line. We selected 37 lines that combined the presence of the Wx-B1e allele with the Wx-A1b and Wx-D1b null alleles. The Wx-A1b + Wx-B1e combination was identified in 26 lines, and 24 lines carried the combination of alleles Wx-B1e + Wx-D1b. The mutant forms PI619381, PI619384, and PI619386 were identified as carriers of the functional Wx-B1e allele. The Wx-A1b and Wx-B1e alleles could have been transferred to the studied lines from the donors used or from the Starshina and Korotyshka varieties, respectively. The mutant forms used in the crosses are donors of the Wx-B1b and Wx-D1b alleles. The use of molecular markers chosen by us for identification of the allelic state of the Wx-A1, Wx-B1, and Wx-D1 genes can provide grounds for marker-assisted selection for this trait. Selected lines found to possess null alleles of the Wx genes are applicable in breeding programs aimed at the improvement of technological qualities of grain and raise of bread wheat varieties with modified starch properties

    Dress syndrome: a clinical case in the practice of an infectionist

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    The purpose of the study is to demonstrate a rare clinical case of drug intolerance in a child from the practice of a doctor in the infectious diseases department of the Children's City Clinical Hospital №9.Цель исследования — продемонстрировать редкий клинический случай лекарственной непереносимости у ребенка из практики врача инфекционного отделения


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    The authors of the review have analyzed papers published on the problem of ischemic myocardial dysfunction. They begin with a definition of the term “ischemia” (derived from two Greek words: ischō, meaning to hold back, and haima, meaning blood) - a condition at which the arterial blood flow is insufficient to provide enough oxygen to prevent intracellular respiration from shifting from the aerobic to the anaerobic form. The poor rate of ATP generation from this process causes a decrease in cellular ATP, a concomitant rise in ADP, and ultimately, to depression inotropic (systolic) and lusitropic (diastolic) function of the affected segments of the myocardium. But with such simplicity of basic concepts, the consequences of ischemia so diverse. Influence of an ischemia on myocardial function so unequally at different patients, which is almost impossible to find two identical cases (as in the case of fingerprints). It depends on the infinite variety of lesions of coronary arteries, reperfusion (time and completeness of restoration of blood flow) and reactions of a myocardium which, apparently, has considerable flexibility in its response. Ischemic myocardial dysfunction includes a number of discrete states, such as acute left ventricular failure in angina, acute myocardial infarction, ischemic cardiomyopathy, stunning, hibernation, pre- and postconditioning. There are widely differing underlying pathophysiologic states. The possibility exists that several of these states can coexist.Проведен анализ работ, опубликованных по проблеме ишемической дисфункции миокарда. Ишемия (от греч. ischō – задерживать и haima – кровь) -состояние, при котором артериальный кровоток становится недостаточным, чтобы обеспечить необходимое количество кислорода для предотвращения перехода внутриклеточного дыхания с аэробной формы на анаэробную. Низкая скорость генерации аденозинтрифосфата (АТФ) при этом процессе приводит к снижению в клетке АТФ, конкоминантному повышению аденозиндифосфата и в конечном счете к депрессии инотропной (систолической) и люситропной (диастолической) функций пораженных сегментов миокарда. Но при всей простоте этих основных положений последствия ишемии крайне разнообразны. Влияние ишемии на функцию миокарда настолько неодинаково у различных пациентов, что практически невозможно встретить два идентичных случая (также как одинаковые отпечатки пальцев). Зависит это от бесконечного разнообразия поражений коронарных артерий, реперфузии (время и полнота восстановления кровотока) и реакции миокарда, который, по-видимому, имеет значительную гибкость в этом ответе. Ишемическая дисфункция миокарда включает в себя ряд дискретных состояний, таких как острая левожелудочковая недостаточность при стенокардии, острый инфаркт миокарда, ишемическая кардиомиопатия, оглушение, гибернация и пре- и посткондиционирование. Механизмы этих состояний в значительной степени различаются, что необходимо учитывать при разработке программ профилактики (первичной и вторичной). При этом следует принимать во внимание возможность того, что некоторые из этих состояний могут сосуществовать

    Гендерные аспекты развития уролитиаза у пациентов с метаболическим синдромом

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    The review summarizes and analyzes the results of domestic and major foreign studies of recent years concerning gender characteristics of the epidemiology and development mechanisms of metabolic syndrome and urolithiasis as an associated disease. A deep understanding of gender aspects in the pathogenesis of these pathologies can form the basis for development of high-quality diagnostic algorithms and pathogenetically grounded approaches to treatment. В обзоре обобщены и проанализированы результаты отечественных и крупных зарубежных исследований последних лет, касающиеся гендерных особенностей эпидемиологии и механизмов развития метаболического синдрома и мочекаменной болезни как ассоциированного с ним заболевания. Глубокое понимание гендерных аспектов в патогенезе данных патологических процессов может лечь в основу разработки качественных диагностических алгоритмов и патогенетически обоснованных подходов к лечению.