11 research outputs found

    Razvoj i implementacija kompjuterskih metoda pri analizi deformacije tijela nosača metodom konačnih elemenata (MKE)

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    This is a very substantial activity in which designer finds out possible deformations, rigidities (stifnesses) and stress states of the machine parts and fits after forming its virtual geometry, and later the real one as well. They are of the essential importance at the fast and accurate analysis of the possible elastic and plastic body deformation. In this case the point is the solid object of the device beam of an ā€“ agro ā€“ machine of relatvivelly more complex configuration.Ovo je vrlo bitna aktivnost u kojoj konstruktor utvrđuje moguće deformacije, krutosti i stanja naprezanja strojnih dijelova i sklopova poslje obrazovanja njegove virtuelne, a kasnije i stvarne geometrije. One su od esencijalne važnosti kod brze i točne analize moguće elastične i platične deformacije tijela. U ovom slučaju radi se o solid objektu nosača uređaja agro-stroja, relativno složenije konfiguracije

    Razvoj i implementacija kompjuterskih metoda pri analizi deformacije tijela nosača metodom konačnih elemenata (MKE)

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    This is a very substantial activity in which designer finds out possible deformations, rigidities (stifnesses) and stress states of the machine parts and fits after forming its virtual geometry, and later the real one as well. They are of the essential importance at the fast and accurate analysis of the possible elastic and plastic body deformation. In this case the point is the solid object of the device beam of an ā€“ agro ā€“ machine of relatvivelly more complex configuration.Ovo je vrlo bitna aktivnost u kojoj konstruktor utvrđuje moguće deformacije, krutosti i stanja naprezanja strojnih dijelova i sklopova poslje obrazovanja njegove virtuelne, a kasnije i stvarne geometrije. One su od esencijalne važnosti kod brze i točne analize moguće elastične i platične deformacije tijela. U ovom slučaju radi se o solid objektu nosača uređaja agro-stroja, relativno složenije konfiguracije

    Planning of designing and installation of mechanical elements at the gear speed reducer on the basis of the parameter technology

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    The development and implementation of the computer methods at project managing in the part of the planning of designing and installation of mechanical elements with the fit (assembly block) of the gear speed reducer is significant and at present irreplaceable engineering task if it has been realized by the modern parameter technology. There are multifunction uses of this organized group of activities, beginning from the quick changeability of elements still in the phase of designing and constructing, thanks to the characteristics of their associativity, still to the wide basis of standard elements that are incorporated in the very program package. Meanwhile, these activities are not simple, so their realization has to be planned from the stand - point of time, resource and cost of realization. For the very designing and constructing was used AutoCAD Mechanical, and for the design managing Microsoft Project

    Efikasni algoritmi kompjuterskih metoda pri utvrđivanju stanja naprezanja kočionih mehanizama metodom konačnih elemenata (MKE)

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    Designing of the high-performance algorithms by the computer methods at the establishing of the states of stress of the brake mechanisms by the methods of the final elements is very substantial with fast and precise analysis of the state of stress and rigidity of the machine parts and the fits of machine parts affter forming its virtual, and later as well as real geometry. There are multiple reasons for it, and they include: economy, interchangeability and primarily its operating certainty, whose function is unavoidable especially with the parts as the brake mechanisms. To that effect are the results in the designing obtained by final elements analysis (FEA) or similar methods, very useful.Algoritmi su vrlo bitni kod brze i točne analize naprezanja i krutosti strojnih djelova i sklopova poslije obrazovanja njegove virtuelne, a kasnije i stvarne geometrije. ViŔestruki su razlozi za to, kao Ŕto su: ekonomičnost, izmjenljivost djelova a prvenstveno njegova eksploataciona pouzdanost čija je funkcija nezaobilazna naročito kod djelova kao Ŕto su kočioni mehanizmi

    The designing of the four ā€“ component composition of the blend of the polymer fibres on the basis of the numerical simulation

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    In the paper is presented a part of the project for determining basically permissible the four ā€“ component coposition of the (4K) mixture of the polymer fibres on the basis of the numerical simulation. The mathematical models of the composition are developed on the basis of the linear equations. The computer solution of some variants of these models is performed by Gaus procedures in combination with the numerical method of Monte Carlo simulation

    Planning of designing and installation of mechanical elements at the gear speed reducer on the basis of the parameter technology

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    The development and implementation of the computer methods at project managing in the part of the planning of designing and installation of mechanical elements with the fit (assembly block) of the gear speed reducer is significant and at present irreplaceable engineering task if it has been realized by the modern parameter technology. There are multifunction uses of this organized group of activities, beginning from the quick changeability of elements still in the phase of designing and constructing, thanks to the characteristics of their associativity, still to the wide basis of standard elements that are incorporated in the very program package. Meanwhile, these activities are not simple, so their realization has to be planned from the stand - point of time, resource and cost of realization. For the very designing and constructing was used AutoCAD Mechanical, and for the design managing Microsoft Project

    The designing of the four ā€“ component composition of the blend of the polymer fibres on the basis of the numerical simulation

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    In the paper is presented a part of the project for determining basically permissible the four ā€“ component coposition of the (4K) mixture of the polymer fibres on the basis of the numerical simulation. The mathematical models of the composition are developed on the basis of the linear equations. The computer solution of some variants of these models is performed by Gaus procedures in combination with the numerical method of Monte Carlo simulation

    The high-performance algorithm of the computer methods at the establishing of the states of stress of the brake mechanism by the finite element method (FEM)

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    Designing of the high-performance algorithms by the computer methods at the establishing of the states of stress of the brake mechanisms by the methods of the final elements is very substantial with fast and precise analysis of the state of stress and rigidity of the machine parts and the fits of machine parts affter forming its virtual, and later as well as real geometry. There are multiple reasons for it, and they include: economy, interchangeability and primarily its operating certainty, whose function is unavoidable especially with the parts as the brake mechanisms. To that effect are the results in the designing obtained by final elements analysis (FEA) or similar methods, very useful