92 research outputs found

    Quantum criticality in inter-band superconductors

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    In fermionic systems with different types of quasi-particles, attractive interactions can give rise to exotic superconducting states, as pair density wave (PDW) superconductivity and breached pairing. In the last years the search for these new types of ground states in cold atom and in metallic systems has been intense. In the case of metals the different quasi-particles may be the up and down spin bands in an external magnetic field or bands arising from distinct atomic orbitals that coexist at a common Fermi surface. These systems present a complex phase diagram as a function of the difference between the Fermi wave-vectors of the different bands. This can be controlled by external means, varying the density in the two-component cold atom system or, in a metal, by applying an external magnetic field or pressure. Here we study the zero temperature instability of the normal system as the Fermi wave-vectors mismatch of the quasi-particles (bands) is reduced and find a second order quantum phase transition to a PDW superconducting state. From the nature of the quantum critical fluctuations close to the superconducting quantum critical point (SQCP), we obtain its dynamic critical exponent. It turns out to be z=2z=2 and this allows to fully characterize the SQCP for dimensions d2d \ge 2.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Absence of long-range order in a spin-half Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the stacked kagome lattice

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    We study the ground state of a spin-half Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the stacked kagome lattice by using a spin-rotation-invariant Green's-function method. Since the pure two-dimensional kagome antiferromagnet is most likely a magnetically disordered quantum spin liquid, we investigate the question whether the coupling of kagome layers in a stacked three-dimensional system may lead to a magnetically ordered ground state. We present spin-spin correlation functions and correlation lengths. For comparison we apply also linear spin wave theory. Our results provide strong evidence that the system remains short-range ordered independent of the sign and the strength of the interlayer coupling

    Fluctuations in a superconducting quantum critical point of multi-band metals

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    In multi-band metals quasi-particles arising from different atomic orbitals coexist at a common Fermi surface. Superconductivity in these materials may appear due to interactions within a band (intra-band) or among the distinct metallic bands (inter-band). Here we consider the suppression of superconductivity in the intra-band case due to hybridization. The fluctuations at the superconducting quantum critical point (SQCP) are obtained calculating the response of the system to a fictitious space and time dependent field, which couples to the superconducting order parameter. The appearance of superconductivity is related to the divergence of a generalized susceptibility. For a single band superconductor this coincides with the \textit{Thouless criterion}. For fixed chemical potential and large hybridization, the superconducting state has many features in common with breached pair superconductivity with unpaired electrons at the Fermi surface. The T=0 phase transition from the superconductor to the normal state is in the universality class of the density-driven Bose-Einstein condensation. For fixed number of particles and in the strong coupling limit, the system still has an instability to the normal sate with increasing hybridization.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Superlight small bipolarons

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    Recent angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) has identified that a finite-range Fr\"ohlich electron-phonon interaction (EPI) with c-axis polarized optical phonons is important in cuprate superconductors, in agreement with an earlier proposal by Alexandrov and Kornilovitch. The estimated unscreened EPI is so strong that it could easily transform doped holes into mobile lattice bipolarons in narrow-band Mott insulators such as cuprates. Applying a continuous-time quantum Monte-Carlo algorithm (CTQMC) we compute the total energy, effective mass, pair radius, number of phonons and isotope exponent of lattice bipolarons in the region of parameters where any approximation might fail taking into account the Coulomb repulsion and the finite-range EPI. The effects of modifying the interaction range and different lattice geometries are discussed with regards to analytical strong-coupling/non-adiabatic results. We demonstrate that bipolarons can be simultaneously small and light, provided suitable conditions on the electron-phonon and electron-electron interaction are satisfied. Such light small bipolarons are a necessary precursor to high-temperature Bose-Einstein condensation in solids. The light bipolaron mass is shown to be universal in systems made of triangular plaquettes, due to a novel crab-like motion. Another surprising result is that the triplet-singlet exchange energy is of the first order in the hopping integral and triplet bipolarons are heavier than singlets in certain lattice structures at variance with intuitive expectations. Finally, we identify a range of lattices where superlight small bipolarons may be formed, and give estimates for their masses in the anti-adiabatic approximation.Comment: 31 pages. To appear in J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, Special Issue 'Mott's Physics

    Pressure induced FFLO instability in multi-band superconductors

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    Multi-band systems as intermetallic and heavy fermion compounds have quasi-particles arising from different orbitals at their Fermi surface. Since these quasi-particles have different masses or densities, there is a natural mismatch of the Fermi wave-vectors associated with different orbitals. This makes these materials potential candidates to observe exotic superconducting phases as Sarma or FFLO phases, even in the absence of an external magnetic field. The distinct orbitals coexisting at the Fermi surface are generally hybridized and their degree of mixing can be controlled by external pressure. In this Communication we investigate the existence of an FFLO phase in a two-band BCS superconductor controlled by hybridization. At zero temperature, as hybridization (pressure) increases we find that the BCS state becomes unstable with respect to an inhomogeneous superconducting state characterized by a single wave-vector q.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Theory of laser-induced demagnetization at high temperatures

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    Laser-induced demagnetization is theoretically studied by explicitly taking into account interactions among electrons, spins and lattice. Assuming that the demagnetization processes take place during the thermalization of the sub-systems, the temperature dynamics is given by the energy transfer between the thermalized interacting baths. These energy transfers are accounted for explicitly through electron-magnons and electron-phonons interaction, which govern the demagnetization time scale. By properly treating the spin system in a self-consistent random phase approximation, we derive magnetization dynamic equations for a broad range of temperature. The dependence of demagnetization on the temperature and pumping laser intensity is calculated in detail. In particular, we show several salient features for understanding magnetization dynamics near the Curie temperature. While the critical slowdown in dynamics occurs, we find that an external magnetic field can restore the fast dynamics. We discuss the implication of the fast dynamics in the application of heat assisted magnetic recording.Comment: 11 Pages, 7 Figure

    Nonlinear spin relaxation in strongly nonequilibrium magnets

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    A general theory is developed for describing the nonlinear relaxation of spin systems from a strongly nonequilibrium initial state, when, in addition, the sample is coupled to a resonator. Such processes are characterized by nonlinear stochastic differential equations. This makes these strongly nonequilibrium processes principally different from the spin relaxation close to an equilibrium state, which is represented by linear differential equations. The consideration is based on a realistic microscopic Hamiltonian including the Zeeman terms, dipole interactions, exchange interactions, and a single-site anisotropy. The influence of cross correlations between several spin species is investigated. The critically important function of coupling between the spin system and a resonant electric circuit is emphasized. The role of all main relaxation rates is analyzed. The phenomenon of self-organization of transition coherence in spin motion, from the quantum chaotic stage of incoherent fluctuations, is thoroughly described. Local spin fluctuations are found to be the triggering cause for starting the spin relaxation from an incoherent nonequilibrium state. The basic regimes of collective coherent spin relaxation are studied.Comment: Latex file, 31 page

    Exchange coupling in Eu monochalcogenides from first principles

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    Using a density functional method with explicit account for strong Coulomb repulsion within the 4f shell, we calculate effective exchange parameters and the corresponding ordering temperatures of the (ferro)magnetic insulating Eu monochalcogenides (EuX; X=O,S,Se,Te) at ambient and elevated pressure conditions. Our results provide quantitative account of the many-fold increase of the Curie temperatures with applied pressure and reproduce well the enhancement of the tendency toward ferromagnetic ordering across the series from telluride to oxide, including the crossover from antiferromagnetic to ferromagnetic ordering under pressure in EuTe and EuSe. The first and second neighbor effective exchange are shown to follow different functional dependencies. Finally, model calculations indicate a significant contribution of virtual processes involving the unoccupied f states to the effective exchange.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Magnetic ground state and multiferroicity in BiMnO3_3

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    We argue that the centrosymmetric C2/cC2/c symmetry in BiMnO3_3 is spontaneously broken by antiferromagnetic (AFM) interactions existing in the system. The true symmetry is expected to be CcCc, which is compatible with the noncollinear magnetic ground state, where the ferromagnetic order along one crystallographic axis coexists with the the hidden AFM order and related to it ferroelectric polarization along two other axes. The C2/cC2/c symmetry can be restored by the magnetic field B35B \sim 35 Tesla, which switches off the ferroelectric polarization. Our analysis is based on the solution of the low-energy model constructed for the 3d-bands of BiMnO3_3, where all the parameters have been derived from the first-principles calculations. Test calculations for isostructural BiCrO3_3 reveal an excellent agreement with experimental data.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Effects of interatomic interaction on cooperative relaxation of two-level atoms

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    We study effects of direct interatomic interaction on cooperative processes in atom-photon dynamics. Using a model of two-level atoms with Ising-type interaction as an example, it is demonstrated that interparticle interaction combined with atom-field coupling can introduce additional interatomic correlations acting as a phase synchronizing factor. For the case of weakly interacting atoms with J<ω0J<\hbar\omega_0, where JJ is the interparticle coupling constant and ω0\omega_0 is the atomic frequency, dynamical regimes of cooperative relaxation of atoms are analyzed in Born-Markov approximation both numerically and using the mean field approximation. We show that interparticle correlations induced by the direct interaction result in inhibition of incoherent spontaneous decay leading to the regime of collective pulse relaxation which differs from superradiance in nature. For superradiant transition, the synchronizing effect of interatomic interaction is found to manifest itself in enhancement of superradiance. When the interaction is strong and J>ω0J>\hbar\omega_0, one-partice one-photon transitions are excluded and transition to the regime of multiphoton relaxation occurs. Using a simple model of two atoms in a high-Q single mode cavity we show that such transition is accompanied by Rabi oscillations involving many-atom multiphoton states. Dephasing effect of dipole-dipole interaction and solitonic mechanism of relaxation are discussed.Comment: 34 pages, 8 figure