54 research outputs found

    Regional targeting of the Russian economic policy: an institution for spatial planning of territories

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    This article aims at assessing the state of Russian economy amid lower energy prices and the “exchange of sanctions” and identifying the priorities for Russian economic policy as a universal institution capable to support the stability and systemic character of development. It proposes to use the optimization of inter-budgetary relations in Municipality—Region—Federal Center system in order to initiate the process of spatial development of Russian territories by involving the regional and municipal capabilities in the development processes. All Russian citizens are recommended to adopt a more rigorous and responsible attitude towards the Constitution as the Basic Law, which received support from people and defines strategic priorities for the long-term development of Russia. The article provides a rationale for the methodology of optimizing the inter-budgetary relations between the Federation, its subjects and municipalities through a science-based division of powers and responsibilities for the socio-economic outcomes at each level. It proposes to involve the experts and the public in the development of a national plan for socio-economic and social development, the main priorities of which should be the improvement in the quality and effectiveness of public administration and spatial development of Russian territories. The author makes the case for the mechanisms and institutions that can connect the regions and territories to the implementation of such national plan. The conclusions and recommendations proposed in this article can be used by the federal authorities when drafting and adopting the laws and other regulatory acts on the distribution of powers and optimization of the budgetary process. They can also be used by regional and municipal authorities when planning and designing the spatial development of their territories.This article has been prepared with the financial support provided by the Grant from the Russian Science Foundation No. 14–18–00456 “Substantiating the geo-, eco-, socio-economic approach to the development of strategic natural and resource capacity of northern little-studied territories within The Arctic—Central Asia investment project.

    A Sharp Turn toward the Market: Economic Reform in Russia (1992–1998) and Its Consequences

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    By analyzing and systematizing the literature accumulated over the past twenty years on the history of reforms, we can put in order the existing views on the processes that took place during these transformations and de ne a new vector in understanding the socio-economic development of Russia in the last decade of the 20th century and the rst decades of the 21st century. The rst step in this direction is the analysis of publications that re ect the preparation, progress and results of the contemporary economic reforms in the 1990s. The historiographic review includes the monographs written both by the advocates of the shock therapy, and their opponents and critics, rst of all, Members of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The study of this literature allows to reveal the spectrum of opinions on whether the shock therapy was the preferred version of transformations, on assessing the results of reforms by the end of the 1990s and the opportunities for alternative ways to make the transition from a planned to a market economy. In particular, the advocates of the «shock therapy» refer to the threat of famine and civil war to justify decisions that led to decline in output, hyperin ation and other negative trends. Their critics point out that the lack of public support caused the market reforms to fail. By acknowledging the obvious, i. e. a signi cant deterioration of economic indicators, the advocates see their success in establishing the system of market institutions, and, on this basis, insist there was no alternative to implemented version of reforms. In turn, their opponents believe that the alternatives to the «shock therapy» existed, and their distinctive feature would have been the gradual cultivation and not the forced administrative introduction of market economy institutions.This article has been prepared with the support in the form of a Grant No. 16–02–00016a from the Russian Foundation for Humanities

    Optimization of Methodological Support of the Tax Benefits Implementation in the Regions: the Practice of the Perm Territory

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    In the article, the problem of the methodological process support of regional tax benefits is reviewed. The method of tax benefits assessment, accepted in Perm Region, was chosen as an analysis object because the relatively long period of application of benefits has allowed to build enough statistics base. In the article, the reliability of budget, economic, investment, and social effectiveness assessments of application benefits, based on the Method, is investigated. The suggestions of its perfection are formulated

    Dialectics of Efficient Change Management in the Regional Social Systems

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    The research has placed emphasis on the role of the social infrastructure sectors, providing social services, which facilitate human potential development in a modern state. Theoretical positions of the scientist considering the nature of social benefits and necessity of the government support for the social sphere has been summarized in the article. The state of the Russian social infrastructure sectors has been considered and the analysis of their performance compared to these of the social infrastructure sectors in other countries has been conducted in the research work. Taking into consideration the performance ratings of the effectiveness of the national education systems, the countries around the world concerning the effectiveness of the health system, the countries around the world concerning the social development level in 2014, the authors have proposed the conceptual approach that makes it possible to consider the correlation and interrelation of the level of the government financing of the social sphere and the dynamics of the contribution of social infrastructure sectors in the development of the human capital, ensuring the gross domestic product increase. The necessity of making innovative changes in the socio-economic systems of the social infrastructure sectors, to improve their performance, taking into account the results obtained, in the first place, in health care, has been wellgrounded and theoretical approaches to the changes management in the socio-economic systems has been studied in the article. The theoretical approaches to the changes management in the socio-economic systems have been studied by the authors. Based on the conducted studies and the formed theoretical basis for improving the level of changes management in open socio-economic systems, for the purpose of development of the theoretical and methodological approaches to changes management as applied to health care sphere, optimization model of management of health care organizations by way of ranking of manageable and unmanageable changes has been proposed. The possibility of using management optimization by way of ranking of manageable and unmanageable changes in the health care management at different levels has been confirmed with high-performance indicators at the micro-, meso- and macro levels in the sector, by the example of implementation of the national project “Health” and innovative organizational changes facilitating the return to work of patients of the working age, which are involved in the gross domestic product formation in the city of Yekaterinburg.The article has been prepared with the support of the Russian Science Foundation grant No. 14-18-00456 “Support of geoecosocioeconomic approach to development of strategic nature resources capacity of the low-studied northern territories within the investment project “Arctic — Central Asia”

    Methodological Toolkit for Assessing the Investment Attractiveness of Renewable Resources in Northern and Arctic Territories

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    This article examines a pressing issue of assessing the investment attractiveness of renewable resources in underdeveloped Northern and Arctic territories that have a huge untapped natural resource potential. The subject of the study is the economic interactions that occur during the development of natural resource potential. The goal of this study is to develop the methodological toolkit for assessing the investment attractiveness for businesses and government authorities at various levels. At the pre-investment stage of development projects, we identified typical landscapes for zoning of the territory and assessed them for each type of renewable natural resources. Based on an analysis of existing approaches to natural resource zoning, the authors propose to identify three types of landscapes, including those that are attractive in terms of investment, those that are attractive in terms of investment with certain limitations, and those that are unattractive for investment. The study has confirmed the hypothesis that the selection of the most valuable natural resources expands the opportunities for their economic use. The investment attractiveness is determined by favorable geographical location, development of regional infrastructure, natural potential viewed as a priority object. The authors have provided the rationale for the need to valuate the natural resource potential of landscape areas within the boundaries of an assessed territory for the purposes of their ranking based on establishing the investment attractiveness. The limitations may be imposed by the low level of infrastructure development prerequisites, insufficient sustainability of landscapes to anthropogenic influences, export of raw materials for processing outside the territory, etc. The authors have substantiated the list of conditions that require the introduction of correction coefficients to the value indicators of natural resource potential in landscape areas. The main findings of the study are presented in the form of landscape zoning of the territory and methodological toolkit for assessing the investment attractiveness tested in Berezovsky Municipal District of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug—Yugra.The article has been prepared under the Grant No. 14–18–00456 "Substantiating the Geo-Eco-Socio-Economic Approach to the Development of Strategic Natural Resource Potential of Northern Understudied Territories as Part of The Arctic—Central Asia Investment Project " provided by the Russian Science Foundation


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    The social vector of regulating capabilities of field-used models and their impact on social and economic development are investigated. The focus is made on the widely discussed thesis of the necessity of an organic combination of the state regulation with market self-regulation and self-development of market players.Based on the mixed (convergent or double-track) model of social and economic development it is concluded that the state regulation should be used with better efficiency and effectiveness by creating the most favorable macroeconomic conditions for the life of population and business development. В статье исследованы социальный вектор регулирующих возможностей используемых на практике моделей и их влияние на социально-экономическое и общественное развитие. В основе авторской позиции используется широко обсуждаемый тезис о необходимости органического сочетания государственного регулирования с рыночным саморегулированием и саморазвитием рыночных агентов.В рамках смешанной (конвергируемой или двухпутной) модели социального, экономического и общественного развития предлагается активнее и результативнее использовать государственное регулирование, создавая наиболее благоприятные макроэкономические условия для жизнедеятельности населения и развития бизнеса.

    On the Question about the Method of Determining the Resistivity of Unconsolidated Soils in Laboratory Conditions

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    Рассматриваются пути развития методики определения удельного электрического сопротивления (УЭС) дисперсных грунтов, позволяющей оперативно выполнять измерения на образцах произвольных размеров без нарушения их герметичности. С помощью численного и физического моделирования исследована зависимость величины измеряемого УЭС от геометрических параметров образца. Выполнено опробование методики для дисперсных грунтов Приволжского и Северо-Западного федеральных округов.The authors present the description of methods developed for determining resistivity of unconsolidated soils, which allow making the measurements quickly, in a nondestructive manner, and independent on the samples size. With use of numerical and physical modeling, authors investigated the dependence of the measured resistivity on the geometric parameters of soil sample. The method has proved to be successful for study of unconsolidated soils from the Privolzhsky Federal District and North-West Federal District areas

    Optimization Of Methodological Support Of The Tax Benefits Implementation In The Regions: The Practice Of The Perm Territory

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    The article examines the problem of methodological support for the determination of the regional tax benefits. The Methodology of assessment of tax benefits adopted in the Perm Territory was chosen as an object of analysis because the relatively long period of application of preferences allowed to form adequate statistical base. The research explores the consistency of the estimation of budget, economic, investment and social efficiency of the application of tax privileges as calculated on the basis of the Methodology. The authors also formulate their proposals in respect of its enhancement

    Inclusive technological development as a new element of techno-economic paradigm

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    В статье развиваются основные положения теории технико-экономических парадигм и технологических укладов, вводится новое понятие «инклюзивное технологическое развитие», подразумевающее вовлечение в вектор технологического развития среднетехнологичных отраслей и различных типов регионов. Авторы выделяют предпосылки структурной технологической инклюзии, связанные с конвергенцией технологий и высоким потенциалом развития среднетехнологичных отраслей. Статья подготовлена при поддержке гранта РФФИ № 16-06-00403 «Моделирование мотивационных потенциалов мультисубъектной промышленной политики в условиях новой индустриализации».The article develops the main principles of the theory of techno-economic paradigms and technological modes, introduces a new term «inclusive technological development», implying the inclusion in the vector of technological development medium technology industries and different types of regions. The authors identify the preconditions for the structural inclusion including convergence of technologies and potential of medium technology industries. This article was prepared with the support of RFBR grant № 16-06-00403 «Modeling of motivational potentials multi-subject industrial policy in the conditions of new industrialization».Статья подготовлена при поддержке гранта РФФИ № 16-06-00403 «Моделирование мотивационных потенциалов мультисубъектной промышленной политики в условиях новой индустриализации»