12 research outputs found

    Impact of Experimental Development of Arterial Hypertension and Dyslipidemia on Intravascular Activity of Rats' Platelets

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    Great interest is shown by researchers to functional and rheological features of basic regular blood elements. Platelets are among them and take the most active part in hemostasis at rather wide-spread nowadays cardio-vascular and metabolic diseases. The aim is to analyze dynamics’ strengthening of platelets' intravascular activity of rats in conditions of experimental consequent development of arterial hypertension and dyslipidemia. The study used 68 male-rats of Vistar line at the age of 2.5-3 months. Control group was composed of 33 animals. Experimental animals (35 rats) were developed at first – arterial hypertension (usage of cardioangiol pathogenic diet for 2 weeks and impact of cold at the end) and then - dyslipidemia (application of rich in calories diet at lowering of motor activity). The rats from experimental group were examined 5 times during the research. The rats from control group were examined twice - at the beginning and at the end of the experiment. While examining experimental and control rats we applied biochemical, hematological and statistical methods of investigation. At consequent arterial hypertension and dyslipidemia development experimental rats had gradual strengthening of lipids' peroxidation processes in plasma (acylhydroperoxides increased in 2.1 times) and platelets (acyl hydroperoxides increased in 1.4 times). Already at arterial hypertension development rats' blood was noted to have lowering of discocytes' quantity on 5.9%, deepening during the further dyslipidemia development on 7.4% more, and reaching 24.6±0.13%. This process was accompanied by gradual increase of activated platelets' sum on 75.7% during the whole period of investigation. The number of small, middle and large platelet aggregates, freely circulating in blood during modeling of double pathology, gradually increased in 2.8 times and in 10.3 times, respectively. Control rats had stable normal level of relevant biochemical and hematological characteristics. Subsequent development of at first arterial hypertension and then – dyslipidemia in rats gradually weakened their antioxidant protection of blood plasma and platelets and strengthened POL processes in them. It also strengthened lipids' peroxidation in them. Developing abnormalities gradually strengthened intravascular platelets' activity and their aggregative ability in experimental animals. The created model allowed tracking the earliest symptoms of strengthening of platelets’ intravascular activity against the background of AH and dyslipidemia development

    Erythrocytes' rheological properties in patients with arterial hypertension and dyslipidemia against simvastatin therapy

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    The purpose - to investigate the influence of an inhibitor hydroxymetilglutaril A-reductase - Simvastatin on rheological properties of erythrocytes in patients with arterial hypertension and dyslipidemia. Administration of Simvastatin for 1 year normalizes the lipid profile and the levels of lipid peroxidation of plasma and erythrocytes. As a result of 52 weeks' of treatment with Simvastatin in patients with hypertension and dyslipidemia, cytoarchitectonics of erythrocytes and their aggregation activity were improved, reaching a level of standards

    Antiaggregant impact of vascular wall on hemocyte in hypertension patients with dyslipidemia taking simvastatin

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    The work purpose — to define at patients with an arterial hypertension with a dyslipidemia extent of influence simvastatin on antiaggregatory control from vessels over erythrocytes, platelets and leukocytes. The arterial hypertension registered at patients with a dyslipidemia the strengthened aggregation of erythrocytes, platelets and neutrophils develops against decrease in control over it from the vascular wall, arising in many respects at the expense of violations in a lipidic exchange, activation of oxidation of lipids of plasma and weakening of generation of oxide of nitrogen and education prostacyclin. As a result of 104 week applications simvastatin at patients with an arterial hypertension with a dyslipidemia normalization of lipidic structure, processes of lipid peroxidation in plasma and blood cells and antiaggregatory ability of a vascular wall is reached


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    Aim: To assess simvastatin effectiveness in lipid profile and platelet activity correction among patients with arterial hypertension (AH) and dyslipidemia. Material and methods. In total, 34 patients received simvastatin for 4 months. The dynamics of lipid profile, lipid peroxidation in plasma and platelets, blood and platelet antioxidant protection, and platelet activity was assessed. The statistical methods included Student t-test and correlation analysis. Results. Simvastatin corrected dyslipidemia and lipid peroxidation, as well as optimised intra-platelet mechanisms of platelet function regulation, in AH patients with dyslipidemia. Simvastatin also inhibited increased platelet activation in vitro. Conclusion. Long-term simvastatin therapy resulted in stable positive effects among patients with AH and dyslipidemia

    Aggregation of neutrophils in patients with arterial hypertension dyslipidemic patients receiving rosuvastatin

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    Purpose: To establish the dynamics of tneutrophils ability to aggregation in patients with arterial hypertension (AH) and dyslipidemia receiving rosuvastatin. Examined 30 patients with AH of 1—2 grade and dyslipidemia type IIb, risk of 4, middle age. Control submitted on 26 healthy people of similar age. Patients received rosuvastatin 5 mg per night. In patients with AH and dyslipidemia increased neutrophil aggregation was revealed. As a result the use of rosuvastatin in patients with AH and dyslipidemia during 16 weeks led to normalization of lipids, lipid peroxidation and aggregation of neutrophils


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    Aim. To find out the strength of blood cells aggregation properties and specifics of antiaggregation vascular control in persons with arterial hypertension and dyslipidemia.Material and methods. The study was done on 380 patients with arterial hypertension of 1 -2 grade, risk 4 with dyslipidemia lib type, of middle age. Controls were 26 healthy same aged people. Studies were done with biochemical, hematological and statistical methods.Results. Among the patients studied with arterial hypertension and dyslipidemia we found a decrease of antioxidant plasma protection with activation of lipid oxidation, that significantly stimulated blood cells and caused alteration of vessel wall. In the persons studied there was significant decrease of the control of vessel wall over the increased cells aggregability.Conclusion. In comorbidity of arterial hypertension with dyslipidemia there is excessive erythrocyte, thrombocyte and neutrophils aggregation with a decrease of antiaggregation control by vessel wall


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    Aim. To investigate the effects of fluvastatin on the blood cell aggregation in patients with arterial hypertension (AH) and dyslipidemia (DLP).Material and methods. The main group (MG) included 32 middle-aged patients with Stage 1–2 AH (Risk 3) and Type IIb DLP. The control group (CG) included 26 healthy middle-aged people. All patients received fluvastatin (40 mg/d in the evening) and enalapril (10 mg twice per day). The assessment of clinical and laboratory parameters was performed at baseline, and after 4, 12, and 52 weeks of the therapy.Results. In MG patients, the disturbances of blood lipid profile and lipid component of blood cell membranes, together with activation of lipid peroxidation (LP) in blood cell membranes, was associated with an increased aggregation of erythrocytes, platelets, and leukocytes. The 52-week fluvastatin therapy somewhat improved blood lipid profile and reduced LP activity in both plasma and blood cells. However, these parameters failed to reach the levels observed in the CG. The one-year treatment with fluvastatin in the MG reduced, but not completely normalised the aggregation of erythrocytes, platelets, and leukocytes.Conclusion. Treating patients with AH and DLP with fluvastatin for one year significantly reduces, but not normalises blood cell aggregation


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    Aim. To evaluate in patients with arterial hypertension (AH) and dyslipidemia (DL) a grade of correction influence of pravastatin on antiaggregation activity of vessel wall for erythrocytes, platelets and leukocytes.Material and methods. Totally 47 patients observed with 1-2 levels of AH and the risk 3, with DL IIb type, middle age. Controls were 26 healthy people of the same age. To correct DL all patients were prescribed pravastatin 20 mg before night sleep with already being taken enalapril 10 mg BID. Chemistry, blood count and statistics used. Evaluation of clinical and laboratory parameters was performed in the beginning of treatment, in 4, 12 and 52 weeks.Results. An enforced in AH with DLP erythrocyte, platelet neutrophil aggregation was linked with a control decrease over it by vessel wall and as result of lipid metabolism changes, peroxide oxydation of plasma lipids, lowering of NO generation and of prostacycline as well. After 52-week use of pravastatine in AH with DLP there was significantly better in lipid profile and there was weakening of peroxidation of lipids in plasma, that followed by significant positive dynamics of antiplatelet properties of vessel wall.Conclusion. In AH patients with DLP there is weakening of antiplatlet control by vessels over blood cells, which becomes slightly improved after 52-week pravastatine treatment

    Aggregation ability of the main blood cells in arterial hypertension and dyslipidemia patients on rosuvastatin and non-drug treatments

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    In Russia, there is still high prevalence of arterial hypertension (AH)comorbid with dyslipidaemia (DL), which increase aggregation properties of the blood cells. It seems rational to implement statins for rapid correction of aggregation properties of blood cells in AH with DL patients.Aim. To reveal the possibilities for complex influence of rosuvastatin and non-drug treatment on aggregation properties of blood cells in AH with DL patients.Material and methods. Totally, 61 patient with AH 1-2 grade studied, with risk 3 and DL IIb type, middle age. Controls were 26 clinically healthy volunteers of the same age. All patients were prescribed rosuvastatin and non-medication treatment. Antihypertension therapy — enalapril 10 mg b. i.d. Clinical and laboratory parameters registration was performed at baseline, in 6, 12, 52, 104 weeks after treatment start. For statistics, we used t- criteria by Student.Results. At the background of therapy, there signs of DL vanished, with more rapid increase of antioxidant plasma activity and with faster normalization of lipid peroxidation level. Rosuvastatin with non-drug treatment normalized aggregation properties of red blood cells, platelets, neutrophils in as low as 6 weeks of treatment by achievement of the optimum of their aggregation realization. The treatment established the effect for whole follow-up.Conclusion. To minimize the risk of hyperaggregation of blood cells and to relieve the lipid disbalance in plasma of AH with DL patients, it is recommended for them to take rosuvastatin for long time and with strict following the recommendations on non-drug interventions