229 research outputs found

    Innovative development of higher educational institutions of Ukraine as the factor to increase competitiveness

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    В статті розглянуто проблеми інноваційного розвитку вищих навчальних закладів України, систематизовано чинники формування стратегії інноваційного розвитку ВНЗ в контексті забезпечення їх конкурентоспроможності. Визначено основні форми переходу ВНЗ до інноваційної моделі сучасного університету – інноваційну матричну структуру та створення відокремленого підрозділу управління інноваціями.В статье рассмотрены проблемы инновационного развития высших учебных заведений Украины, систематизированы факторы формирования стратегии инновационного развития вуза в контексте обеспечения их конкурентоспособности. Определены основные формы перехода вузов к инновационной модели современного университета - инновационную матричную структуру и создание обособленного подразделения управления инновациями.The article considers problems of innovative development of higher educational institutions of Ukraine, systemises factors of strategy formation of innovative development at the University in the context of ensuring its competitiveness. There have been defined the basic forms of the universities transition to the innovation model of university - innovative matrix structure and creation of a separate division for managing innovation

    Study of antimicrobial activity and technology optimization of Calendulae flos galenicals

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    The article presents materials on optimization of manufacture technology for Calendulae flos galenicals with medium level of antibacterial activity. For antibacterial study of extracts, we used agar well diffusion method. In our research, we utilized six test-strain microorganisms: E. coli ATCC 25922, S. aureus ATCC 25923, P. vulgaris ATCC 4636, P. aeruginosa ATCC 27853, C. albicans ATCC 885/653, and B. subtilis ATCC 6633. We have found that the maximum level of extracts’ antimicrobial activity is achieved in the range of ethanol content in the extractant from 70 to 97 % v/

    Acute otitis media in pediatric practice complicated by facial nerve neuropathy

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    This article presents the results of a retrospective study of cases of acute otitis media in children complicated by facial nerve neuropathy treated in Yekaterinburg Children’s City Clinical Hospital 9’s otorhinolaryngological department from 2014 to March 2021. Analysis of anamnestic, clinical, laboratory data, tactics of management and treatment of patients was carried outВ настоящей работе представлены результаты ретроспективного исследования случаев острого среднего отита у детей, осложненного невропатией лицевого нерва, проходивших лечение в оториноларингологическом отделении ГАУЗ СО ДГКБ №9 г. Екатеринбурга с 2014 по март 2021 годы. Произведён анализ анамнестических, клинических, лабораторных данных, тактики ведения и лечения пациенто

    The Induction of APC with a Distinct Tolerogenic Phenotype via Contact-Dependent STAT3 Activation

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    BACKGROUND: Activation of the signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) within antigen presenting cells (APCs) is linked to abnormal APCs differentiation and function. We have previously shown that STAT3 is activated within APC by a novel contact-dependent mechanism, which plays a key role in mediating the immunomodulatory effects of hMSC. In order to better understand the underlying mechanisms that control APC maturation in a contact dependent manner, we extended our observation to tumor cells. Tumors were shown to secrete a variety of tumor-derived factors that activate STAT3 within infiltrating APCs. We now tested whether tumor cells can activate STAT3 within APC using the contact-dependent mechanism, in addition to soluble factors, and compared these two STAT3 activating pathways. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We demonstrate that in addition to tumor-derived secreted factors tumor cells activate STAT3 by a mechanism that is based on cell-cell interaction. We further demonstrate that these two STAT3 activating mechanisms differ in their JAK usage and their susceptibility to JSI-124 inhibition thereby representing two distinct pathways. Significantly, although both pathways activate STAT3, they modulate DCs maturation in a different manner that results in disparate phenotypic outcomes. Whereas the soluble-dependent pathway results in an immature phenotype, the contact-dependent pathway results in an apparently mature phenotype. Albeit their mature-like phenotype these latter cells express the tolerogenic markers ILT3 and ILT4 and possess T cell inhibitory activity. SIGNIFICANCE: This data suggests that, in at least certain cellular microenvironments, cell:cell interactions represent a novel way to activate STAT3 signaling, uncouple APC activation events and consequently regulate immunity and tolerance. Significantly, we have now demonstrated that this contact-dependent signaling pathway differs from that mediated by soluble factors and cytokines, inducing disparate phenotypic outcome, suggesting these two mechanisms have different and possibly complementary biological functions

    Antimicrobial activity ofspices

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    The purpose of the study - to analyze the literature data in the field of antimicrobial activity of spices.Цель исследования –проанализировать данные литературы в области антимикробной активности специй

    Hygienic assessment of actual nutrition in preschool and its role in the physical development of preschoolers

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    The purpose of the study is to analyze nutrition according to menu layouts in preschool and assess its impact on the physical development of children 6-7 years old.Цель исследования – проанализировать питание по меню-раскладкам в ДОУ и оценить его влияние на физическое развитие детей 6-7 лет

    Experience with the use of peripheral blockade with navigation through the neurostimulator during surgery on the limbs in children with cerebral palsy

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    The article presents the advantages of combined anesthesia (General and regional) over General anesthesia in children with cerebral palsy in the postoperative period. The 1st group included patients who underwent only General anesthesia. In the 2nd was carried out combined anesthesia. The proposed method made it possible to provide adequate intraoperative analgesia and a comfortable postoperative period.В статье представлены преимущества сочетанной анестезией (общей и региональной) над общей анестезией у детей с детским церебральным параличом в послеоперационном периоде. В 1-ую группу были включены пациенты, которым выполнялась только общая анестезия. Во 2-ой проводилась сочетанная анестезия. Предложенная методика позволила обеспечить адекватное интраоперационное обезболивание и комфортный послеоперационный перио