579 research outputs found

    Density-Matrix Renormalization Group Study of Trapped Imbalanced Fermi Condensates

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    The density-matrix renormalization group is employed to investigate a harmonically-trapped imbalanced Fermi condensate based on a one-dimensional attractive Hubbard model. The obtained density profile shows a flattened population difference of spin-up and spin-down components at the center of the trap, and exhibits phase separation between the condensate and unpaired majority atoms for a certain range of the interaction and population imabalance PP. The two-particle density matrix reveals that the sign of the order parameter changes periodically, demonstrating the realization of the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov phase. The minority spin atoms contribute to the quasi-condensate up to at least P≃0.8P \simeq 0.8. Possible experimental situations to test our predictions are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; added references; accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    A Comparative Study of Some Pseudorandom Number Generators

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    We present results of an extensive test program of a group of pseudorandom number generators which are commonly used in the applications of physics, in particular in Monte Carlo simulations. The generators include public domain programs, manufacturer installed routines and a random number sequence produced from physical noise. We start by traditional statistical tests, followed by detailed bit level and visual tests. The computational speed of various algorithms is also scrutinized. Our results allow direct comparisons between the properties of different generators, as well as an assessment of the efficiency of the various test methods. This information provides the best available criterion to choose the best possible generator for a given problem. However, in light of recent problems reported with some of these generators, we also discuss the importance of developing more refined physical tests to find possible correlations not revealed by the present test methods.Comment: University of Helsinki preprint HU-TFT-93-22 (minor changes in Tables 2 and 7, and in the text, correspondingly

    Chern classes and extraspecial groups

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    The mod-p cohomology ring of the extraspecial p-group of exponent p is studied for odd p. We investigate the subquotient ch(G) generated by Chern classes modulo the nilradical. The subring of ch(G) generated by Chern classes of one-dimensional representations was studied by Tezuka and Yagita. The subring generated by the Chern classes of the faithful irreducible representations is a polynomial algebra. We study the interplay between these two families of generators, and obtain some relations between them

    Bogoliubov-de Gennes study of trapped spin-imbalanced unitary Fermi gases

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    It is quite common that several different phases exist simultaneously in a system of trapped quantum gases of ultra-cold atoms. One such example is the strongly-interacting Fermi gas with two imbalanced spin species, which has received a great amount of attention due to the possible presence of exotic superfluid phases. By employing novel numerical techniques and algorithms, we self-consistently solve the Bogoliubov de-Gennes equations, which describe Fermi superfluids in the mean-field framework. From this study, we investigate the novel phases of spin-imbalanced Fermi gases and examine the validity of the local density approximation (LDA), which is often invoked in the extraction of bulk properties from experimental measurements within trapped systems. We show how the validity of the LDA is affected by the trapping geometry, number of atoms and spin imbalance.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, to be published in New J. Phys. (focus issue on "Strongly Correlated Quantum Fluids: From Ultracold Quantum Gases to QCD Plasmas"

    In situ neutron diffraction study on the effect of aluminium fluoride on phase transformation of mullite from alumina/clay

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    The effect of aluminium fluoride (AIF3) on the phase transformation sequence of mullite (3AI2032Si02) from two different types of kaolin (kaolinite and halloysite) (AI2Si20s(OH)4-2H20) within an alumina (A1203) matrix for a temperature range of 20 - 1500 C was investigated using in situ neutron diffraction. Samples containing a mixture of A1F3 (0 - 5 wt%), AI203 and kaolin were heated up to 1500 C and then furnace cooled. During the heating procedure, one hour neutron diffraction scans were conducted at 600, 900, 1100, 1200, 1300 and 1400 C, followed by six consecutive one hour scans at 1500 C and finally a one hour scan at room temperature upon cooling. The diffraction patterns collected between 1100 and 1500 C were analyzed by Rietveld analysis. The observed phase transformations exhibited a typical sequence found inclay/alumina ceramics. Corundum, mullite and cristobalite were observed. A common feature among the specimens containing different amounts of AIF3 and kaolin was that the content of corundum decreased as the amount of mullite increased, whilst the cristobalite content tended to peak near the temperature where the amounts of corundum and mullite were approximately equal. The mullitization temperature was reduced as the AIF3 content increased for both kaolinite and halloysite. The presence of AIF3 appeared to reduce the onset temperature for mullite nucleation, which is at a much lower temperature compared to that of grain growth. However, AIF3 also seemed to lower densification. Likewise mechanical properties of the resulting specimens were determined

    An Effective Reduction of Critical Current for Current-Induced Magnetization Switching by a Ru Layer Insertion in an Exchange-Biased Spin-Valve

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    Recently it has been predicted that a spin-polarized electrical current perpendicular-to-plane (CPP) directly flowing through a magnetic element can induce magnetization switching through spin-momentum transfer. In this letter, the first observation of current-induced magnetization switching (CIMS) in exchange-biased spin-valves (ESPVs) at room temperature is reported. The ESPVs show the CIMS behavior under a sweeping dc current with a very high critical current density. It is demonstrated that a thin Ruthenium (Ru) layer inserted between a free layer and a top electrode effectively reduces the critical current densities for the CIMS. An "inverse" CIMS behavior is also observed when the thickness of the free layer increases.Comment: 15 pages with figure

    An Improved Initialization Procedure for the Density-Matrix Renormalization Group

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    We propose an initialization procedure for the density-matrix renormalization group (DMRG): {\it the recursive sweep method}. In a conventional DMRG calculation, the infinite-algorithm, where two new sites are added to the system at each step, has been used to reach the target system size. We then need to obtain the ground state for a different system size for every site addition, so 1) it is difficult to supply a good initial vector for the numerical diagonalization for the ground state, and 2) when the system reduced to a 1D system consists of an array of nonequivalent sites as in ladders or Hubbard-Holstein model, special care has to be taken. Our procedure, which we call the {\it recursive sweep method}, provides a solution to these problems and in fact provides a faster algorithm for the Hubbard model as well as more complicated ones such as the Hubbard-Holstein model.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to JPS

    Ground states and dynamics of population-imbalanced Fermi condensates in one dimension

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    By using the numerically exact density-matrix renormalization group (DMRG) approach, we investigate the ground states of harmonically trapped one-dimensional (1D) fermions with population imbalance and find that the Larkin-Ovchinnikov (LO) state, which is a condensed state of fermion pairs with nonzero center-of-mass momentum, is realized for a wide range of parameters. The phase diagram comprising the two phases of i) an LO state at the trap center and a balanced condensate at the periphery and ii) an LO state at the trap center and a pure majority component at the periphery, is obtained. The reduced two-body density matrix indicates that most of the minority atoms contribute to the LO-type quasi-condensate. With the time-dependent DMRG, we also investigate the real-time dynamics of a system of 1D fermions in response to a spin-flip excitation.Comment: 20 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in New Journal of Physic
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