99 research outputs found

    The Chuvash’s in perm region: establishment of ethnolocal group and features of ethnic history in 1920-1950s.

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    Статья посвящена становлению и развитию чувашской этнолокальной группы на территории Прикамья в 1920–1950-е гг. Автор рассматривает причины, этапы, нормативно-правовую базу миграций чувашей. Особое внимание в статье уделяется анализу численности чувашей на территории Пермского края в обозначенный период.This article is devoted to establishment and development of ethno local group in Prikamye in 1920-1950s. The author reviews reasons, stages, legal base of Chuvash migration. The author pays special attention to number of Chuvash analysis in Perm region in the specified period

    About the productivity of shaft air heater located along the perimeter of pithead

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    In the existing shaft air heaters that heat the air for air suppliers in the cold season heater channel is used. Part of the air from heater goes to the channel, another one is sucked through pithead by general shaft pressure drawdown formed by main ventilation installation. Wherein, mix of two air flow leads to shaft heat regime violation that could break the pressurization of intertubular sealers. Moreover, heater channel design is associated with additional expenditures. Paper describes the air heater, located in the pithead. The location of a heater in one line along pithead perimeter is the key feature. In this case there is no need to design heater channel, thus, there is no problem with mix of cold and heated air flows. Air processing it the heater located on the perimeter of pithead and mix of cold and heated air flows in the supplier from the channel was modeled in the software Soldworks flow simulation. The comparative analysis of both types of heater proved efficiency of proposed design of installation, smooth propagation of heat field along the all cross-section of air supplier, decrease of consumption of electric power for air processing and installation operation by transformation negative natural common excavation traction to positive

    Эталоны-копии единицы массы: калибровка 2020 года с применением вакуумного компаратора CCL 1007

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    The article discusses the calibration results of reference standards-copies according to the State Primary Standard of the Mass Unit using the new CCL 1007 vacuum comparator and buoyancy artifacts. The authors provided historical data on the calibrations of copies of the International Prototype of the Kilogram (IPK) starting from 1892, including the Russian prototype № 12. The instability of the prototype of the kilogram No. 12 corresponds to international values and is assessed at 5 · 10–11 kg per year. Changes in the mass of copies are assessed in relation to the mass of the IPK, but it is impossible to determine to what extent it has changed. This was the reason for the adoption of a new value of the kilogram. Following the adoption at the 26th meeting of the General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM) held in Paris in November 2018, Planck constant was numerically established with absolute accuracy, and total uncer tainty of 1 · 10–8 kg was assigned to the mass of the IPK. Thus, the authors set the aim to preserve the numerical value of the total uncertainty of the reference standards-copies by reducing the transfer error of the State Primary Standard by 10 times. The article presents the calibration results of six reference standards-copies in relation to prototype No. 12 with the primary data processing using the method of least squares, and the uncertainty budget is provided. The calibration results of the reference standards-copies confirmed the accuracy increase of the transfer unit by 10 times in the range from 6 · 10–9 kg to 6 · 10–10 kg by the use of a vacuum comparator graduated 0.1 μg and buoyancy and sorption artifacts in direct measurements of air density. This has made it possible to compensate for the additional uncertainty attributed to the IPK based on the determination of the Planck constant value and to ensure the mass calibration of all accuracy grades preserving the entire hierarchical system of transferring the mass unit in the country.В статье рассматриваются результаты калибровки эталонов-копий по Государственному первичному эталону единицы массы – килограмм ГЭТ 3–2020 с применением нового вакуумного компаратора CCL 1007 и артефактов плавучести. Авторы привели исторические данные калибровок копий Международного прототипа килограмма начиная с 1892 г., в т. ч. российский прототип № 12. Значения нестабильности прототипа килограмма № 12 соответствуют международным значениям и оценивается как 5 · 10–11 кг за год. Изменения массы копий оцениваются относительно массы Международного прототипа килограмма, а насколько изменился он сам – сказать принципиально невозможно, что стало причиной перехода на новое определение килограмма. После принятия на 26-м заседании Генеральной конференции по мерам и весам, состоявшейся в Париже в ноябре 2018 г., постоянная Планка была численно зафиксирована с абсолютной точностью, а массе Международного прототипа килограмма приписана суммарная неопределенность 1 · 10–8 кг. Отсюда авторами поставлена задача сохранить численное значение суммарной неопределенности эталонов-копий за счет снижения в 10 раз погрешности передачи от ГЭТ 3–2020. В статье приведены результаты калибровки шести эталонов-копий по отношению к прототипу № 12 с обработкой первичных данных по методу наименьших квадратов и представлен бюджет неопределенности измерений. Результаты калибровки эталонов-копий подтвердили повышение точности передачи единицы в 10 раз – с 6 · 10–9 кг до 6 · 10–10 кг – за счет применения вакуумного компаратора с ценой деления 0,1 мкг и артефактов плавучести и сорбции при прямых измерениях плотности воздуха. Это позволило скомпенсировать дополнительную неопределенность, приписанную МПК на основе фиксации числового значения постоянной Планка, и тем самым обеспечить поверку гирь всех классов точности с сохранением всей сложившейся иерархической системы передачи единицы массы в стране

    Results of modelling of mine ventilation with air curtain installed into downcast and upcast shafts

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    Existing mine air heaters (MAH) that heat the air supplied into downcast shafts during the cold period are equipped with a heat channel. A part of the air from a MAH goes through a heat channel. Another part is sucked through a pit head by general depression created by a shaft main fan. That raises a problem of mixing of two air streams, which disturbs thermal regime in the shafts and could lead to violation of safety rules, in particular, create a breach of sealing of intertubular seals. Besides, there is a concern of energy saving during ventilation at underground mining enterprises. One of the reasons for energy efficiency reduce during air supply to a mine are external leaks appeared during ventilation by a suck method. The article presents proposed solution for both problems using air curtain. During air preparation in the cold period, it is proposed to place air curtain in an air downcast shafts above the junction of a heat channel and a shaft. That is done in order to prevent air infiltration (sucking) through a pit head. According to the paper air curtain should be used in the ventilation shaft to decrease outside air leakage in order to increase energy efficiency of a main fan performance. It is determined during mathematical modelling (in SolidWorks Flow Simulation software) of ventilation and air preparation that air curtain can increase efficiency of MAH and decrease energy consumption on ventilation

    Towards effective indirect radioisotope energy converters with bright and radiation hard scintillators of (Gd,Y)3Al2Ga3O12 family

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    Ceramics of quaternary garnets (Gd,Y)3Al2Ga3O12 doped with Ce, Tb have been fabricated and evaluated as prospective materials for indirect energy converters of α-and β-voltaic. Samples were characterized at excitation with an X-ray source and an intense 150 keV electron beam and showed good temperature stability of their emission and tolerance to irradiation. The role of X-rays accompanied the α-particle emitting in the increase of the conversion efficiency is clarified. The garnet-type structure of the matrix in the developed materials allows the production of quality crystalline mass with a light yield exceeding that of the commonly used YAG: Ce scintillator by a factor of two times. © 2022 Korean Nuclear SocietyMinistry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Minobrnauka: 075-15-2021-1353, FEUZ-2020-0060; Ministerstwo Edukacji i Nauki, MNiSW: 075-11-2021-070; Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian FederationAuthors with affiliations b, d, e and f acknowledge support from Russian Ministry of Science and Education grant No. 075-15-2021-1353 . The scientific equipment provided by shared research facilities “Scientific Research Analytical Center of National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute” – IREA” was used, with financial support of Russian Federation, represented by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, agreement No. 075-11-2021-070 dated August 19, 2021. The work was partially supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (through the basic part of the government mandate, project No. FEUZ-2020-0060 ) (authors with affiliation “c”).Authors with affiliations b, d, e and f acknowledge support from Russian Ministry of Science and Education grant No. 075-15-2021-1353. The scientific equipment provided by shared research facilities “Scientific Research Analytical Center of National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute” – IREA” was used, with financial support of Russian Federation, represented by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, agreement No. 075-11-2021-070 dated August 19, 2021. The work was partially supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (through the basic part of the government mandate, project No. FEUZ-2020-0060) (authors with affiliation “c”)

    Влияние различных консервантов на состояние роговицы при инстилляции аналогов простагландинов

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    PURPOSE: Study of the state of the corneal structural components in primary open-angle glaucoma patients on travoprost with the preservative benzalkonium chloride who later switch to the instillation travoprost with preservative polyquad. METHODS: The study included 32 patients (48 eyes) aged 55 to 72 years with primary open-angle glaucoma stage I or II, receiving the drug travoprost containing belzalkonium chloride. This drug has been replaced by travoprost with polyquad, in the same mode of instillation. Along with the standard ophthalmologic examination, patients underwent laser scanning confocal imaging of the cornea. As a result of layer-by-layer confocal laser scanning, we received a series of scans of the cornea with the possibility of observation of each individual layer. Morphology and density of the epithelial and endothelial cells were evaluated, as well as the morphology of the corneal stroma. RESULTS: 8 of the 19 patients presented fewer complaints against foreign body sensation under the eyelids, visual discomfort and idiopathic eye redness after 3 months of instillation travoprost with polyquad, while 11 presented no such complaints at all. After 3 months of using travoprost with polyquad the total number of cells of the corneal epithelium increased from 4723+310 to 6231+415 cells/mm2, in 9 cases corneal epithelial edema decreased, while in 39 of 48 eyes no signs of edema were revealed. The switch to travoprost with polyquad helped reduce the number of keratocytes with bright nuclei and visualized cytoplasmic processes in the surface layers. A statistically non-significant increase in the density of keratocytes in the anterior stroma was observed due to changes in antihypertensive therapy with an average of 634+133 to 987+208 cells/mm2. After applying travoprost with polyquad endothelial cells were well visualized due to epithelium edema reduction and had a hexagonal shape. CONCLUSION: Obtained data showed histomorphological changes in the corneal tissue appearance, associated with long term medicinal therapy with prostaglandin analogue (travoprost with benzalkonium chloride), and the improvement in the state of epithelial front layers and corneal stroma in primary open angle glaucoma patients with a less toxic replacement preservative (travoprost with polyquad).ЦЕЛЬ. Исследовать состояние структурных компонентов роговицы у больных первичной открытоугольной глаукомой на фоне инстилляций травопроста с хлоридом бензалкония и после перевода на травопрост с поликвадом. МЕТОДЫ. Обследованы 32 пациента (48 глаз) в возрасте от 55 до 72 лет с первичной открытоугольной глаукомой I или II стадии, получавших травопрост с хлоридом бензалкония. Этот препарат был заменен на травопрост с поликвадом в том же режиме инстилляций. Наряду со стандартным офтальмологическим обследованием, пациентам проводили исследование роговицы методом лазерной сканирующей конфокальной томографии. В результате послойного конфокального лазерного сканирования мы получали серию сканов роговицы с возможностью наблюдения каждого отдельного слоя. Оценивали морфологию и плотность эпителиальных и эндотелиальных клеток, а также морфологию стромы роговицы. РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ. У 8 из 19 пациентов выявлено уменьшение жалоб на ощущение инородного тела за веками, дискомфорт при зрительной нагрузке и покраснение глаз без видимой причины после 3 мес. травопроста с поликвадом, у 11 указанные жалобы отсутствовали. После 3 мес. применения травопроста с поликвадом общее количество клеток эпителия роговицы увеличилось с 4723+310 до 6231+415 кл/мм2, в 9 случаях отек эпителия роговицы уменьшился, в 39 из 48 глаз признаков отека не выявляли. Перевод на терапию травопроста с поликвадом способствовал уменьшению количества кератоцитов с яркими ядрами и визуализируемыми цитоплазматическими отростками в поверхностных слоях стромы, наблюдалось статистически незначимое повышение плотности кератоцитов передней стромы в результате изменения гипотензивной терапии в среднем с 634+133 до 987+208 кл/мм2. После применения травопроста с поликвадом клетки эндотелия хорошо визуализировались за счет уменьшения отека эпителия роговицы, имели гексагональную форму. ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ. Полученные данные выявили гистоморфологические изменения ткани роговицы, происходящие на фоне длительной медикаментозной терапии аналогом простагландинов (травопрост с хлоридом бензалкония), и улучшение состояния эпителия и передних слоев стромы роговицы больных первичной открытоугольной глаукомой при замене консерванта на менее токсичный (травопрост с поликвадом)

    The Saturation of the Response to an Electron Beam of Ce- and Tb-Doped GYAGG Phosphors for Indirect β-Voltaics

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    GYAGG:Tb (Ce) scintillators have been confirmed to be promising sources of light emission when excited by an intense 150 keV electron beam. The saturation of the scintillation yield under such excitation conditions has been studied. To explain the results obtained, a model that considers the Auger quenching mechanism was used. The Ce-doped material did not show saturation, whereas a moderate 30% drop of the yield was measured in the Tb-doped sample at the highest excitation beam intensity ~1 A/cm2. This put forward a way to exploit the Tb-doped scintillator for indirect β-voltaic batteries. © 2023 by the authors.National Research Council Canada, NRC; Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Minobrnauka: 075-15-2021-1353, FEUZ 2023-0013The authors at NRC “Kurchatov Institute” and Moscow State University acknowledge support from the Russian Ministry of Science and Education, Agreement No. 075-15-2021-1353. Analytical studies have been carried out using the scientific equipment of NRC Kurchatov Institute IREA. The research at Ural Federal University was partially supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Project FEUZ 2023-0013)

    Тонометрическое внутриглазное давление у взрослого населения: популяционное исследование

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    PURPOSE: To study the distribution of intraocular pressure (IOP) obtained by Maklakov tonometry in different age groups.METHODS: The study evaluated Caucasians without glaucoma aged 45-75. The participants underwent Maklakov tonometry with a 10 g tonometer at 09:00-12:00 with subsequent imprint evaluation by means of NesterovEgorov scale, measurements of central corneal thickness (CCT) and visual acuity. All the participants were divided into 3 groups by age: Group 1 consisted of participants aged 45-55, Group 2 comprised the ones aged 56-65, Group 3 included patients aged 66-75.RESULTS: In total 791 person were enrolled; 1 429 of 1 499 eyes (95.3%) were accepted into the study. IOP in Group I was 16.1±3.3 mmHg in Group 1; 16.3±3.3 in Group 2; 16.2±3.5 mmHg in Group 3. CCT in Group 1 was 545.7±14.6 μm; 545.3±15.4 μm in Group 2; 544.7±14.6 μm in Group 3. Visual acuity was 0.93±0.13 in Group 1; 0.89±0.15 in Group 2; 0.81±0.18 in Group 3. Average IOP in men was 16.4±3.3 mmHg, in women 16.5±3.3 mmHg. Age, vision acuity, CCT and IOP were within the normal distribution; IOP and CCT had no significant differences between the age groups. The measured parameters showed no significant intercorrelation. We found no significant difference between IOP in men and women.CONCLUSION: In a healthy population CCT and IOP values fall within a normal distribution and do not change significantly with age. IOP does not depend on sex. Average IOP in the studied population is 16.2±3.4 mmHg, average CCT is 545.3±15.1 μm.ЦЕЛЬ. Исследовать возрастные нормы внутриглазного давления (ВГД) при использовании тонометрии по Маклакову.МЕТОДЫ. Обследовали лиц европеоидной расы без глаукомы в возрасте 45-75 лет. Исследуемым измеряли ВГД тонометром Маклакова весом 10 грамм в период с 9:00 до 12:00 с последующей оценкой отпечатка по линейке Нестерова - Егорова, измеряли центральную толщину роговицы (ЦТР) и проверяли остроту зрения. Всех исследуемых разделили на три группы по возрасту: группа 1 — 45-55 лет, группа 2 — 56-65 лет, группа 3 — 66-75 лет.РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ. Обследован 791 человек; из 1 499 глаз приняты 1 429 (95,3%). ВГД составило в группе 1 — 16,1±3,3 мм рт.ст.; в группе 2 — 16,3±3,3 мм рт.ст.; в группе 3 — 16,2±3,5 мм рт.ст. ЦТР составило в группе 1 — 545,7±14,6 мкм; в группе 2 — 545,3±15,4 мкм; в группе 3 — 544,7±14,6 мкм. Острота зрения составила в группе 1 — 0,93±0,13; в группе 2 — 0,89±0,15; в группе 3 — 0,81±0,18. Среднее ВГД у мужчин — 16,4±3,3 мм рт.ст., у женщин — 16,5±3,3 мм рт.ст. Возраст, острота зрения, ЦТР и ВГД имеют нормальное распределение; ВГД и ЦТР в разных группах достоверно не различаются. Наблюдаемые параметры ни в одном случае значимо не коррелируют друг с другом. Не выявлено разницы в ВГД у мужчин и женщин.ВЫВОДЫ. В здоровой взрослой популяции ЦТР и ВГД имеют нормальное распределение и не претерпевают значимых изменений с возрастом. ВГД не зависит от пола. Среднее ВГД в исследуемой популяции составляет 16,2±3,4 мм рт.ст., средняя ЦТР — 545,3±15,1 мкм


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    Background: Therapeutic action of physical therapy aims at the recovery of conductibility of optic tracts, improvement of microcirculation and hemodynamics, stimulation of regulatory brain structures and improvement of psycho-neurological status of patients. Aim: To assess efficacy of transcranial magnetic therapy, contemporary transcranial magnetic therapy/electrostimulation and magnetic sympathocorrection in the treatment of primary open-angle glaucoma. Materials and methods: 397 patients (634 eyes), aged 58–76 years, with verified diagnosis of stage I, II or III primary open-angle glaucoma, received transcranial magnetic therapy (group 1, 182 eyes), contemporary transcranial magnetic  herapy/electrostimulation (group 2, 258 eyes) and magnetic sympathocorrection (group 3, 194 eyes). All patients underwent routine ophthalmological examination, visual evoked potential recording and assessment of ocular circulation. Results: In patients with initial stage of glaucoma, most prominent changes of electrophysiological parameters was demonstrated in the group 2: visual evoked potential amplitude increased from 8.4 ± 0.4 to 11.3 ± 0.2 mcV, latency decreased from 77.6 ± 1.3 to 70.4 ± 2.1 ms. Maximal improvement of ocular circulation (decrease of resistance index of posterior short ciliary arteries from 0.69 ± 0.02 to 0.51 ± 0.03) was registered in the group 3. In patients with evolved glaucoma (stage II), significant increase of P100 amplitude of visual evoked potentials (from 7.5 ± 0.2 to 9.8 ± 0.3 mcV) was found in the group 2; latency period decreased from 84.6 ± 1.5 to 74.8 ± 2.1 ms. In stage II glaucoma patients, prominent increase of systolic blood velocity was demonstrated in groups 3 and 2: from 11.26 ± 0.8 to 13.64 ± 0.63 cm/s and from 10.5 ± 0.2 to 13.9 ± 0.7 cm/s, respectively. Resistance index decreased from 0.76 ± 0.05 to 0.52 ± 0.02 and from 0.75 ± 0.02 to 0.65 ± 0.02 in groups 3 and 2, respectively. In advanced glaucoma (stage III), most prominent increase of P100 amplitude of visual evoked potentials was demonstrated in group 2: amplitude of visual evoked potentials increased from 6.5 ± 0.2 to 8.1 ± 0.2 mcV, latency decreased from 87.5 ± 2.3 to 80.1 ± 2.1 ms. Maximal improvement of ocular circulation (increase of systolic blood velocity from 9.2 ± 0.72 to 11.2 ± 0.6 cm/s) and decrease of resistance index (from 0.84 ± 0.04 to 0.66 ± 0.03) was found in patients with stage III glaucoma in the group 3. Conclusion: Use of different methods of magnetic therapy especially in combination with electrostimulation activates ocular hemodynamics and stimulates bioelectric activity of visual cortex and may prevent visual functions impairment in glaucoma